

Though she felt the woman before her was familiar, Fenrir didn't particularly care to get caught up with her. It was more important to kill the people attacking the city so, just as Gong Xinyue was coming to her senses, she had already disappeared using [Shundo].

With her mind struggling to catch up with what had happened, Gong Xinyue was left with her mouth agape for several seconds after her benefactor's disappearance. There was a lot she had wanted to say but, with the temperature around her steadily dropping, she couldn't help but shiver a bit as she collected herself and fled the area...


Only stopping to kill more enemies, Fenrir made her way toward where the strongest flames were burning. The sky above had turned grey and this point and, though she wasn't as prolific when it came to using water elemental magic, Fenrir had sent more than seventy percent of her reserves into the atmosphere to cause a torrential downpour to slowly wash over the city.

Fortunately, with her Devouring Laws, Fenrir had been able to recuperate her reserves by drawing in energy from her victim's bodies. This wasn't the most efficient process but, as there were some who had much stronger foundations than the others, it was enough to keep her going without her having to slow down.

After reaching an ornate wooden structure that, from above, looked like a giant oval, Fenrir landed on the ground like a meteorite right in the center of the now-destroyed arena. Her arrival brought a momentary pause to the ongoing battle while, just a few meters away, Wen Xiulan breathed a sigh of relief as she muttered in a gratified voice, "Guardian Mistress..."

With their enhanced senses, almost everyone still present in the ruined building easily picked up on Wen Xiulan's words, including a young man still seated in the viewing stands. There was an old man seated to his left that gave off an intimidating aura that easily kept others at bay but, now that Fenrir had arrived, the old man finally rose to his feet alongside the youth.

The moment she sensed movement, Fenrir's eyes had locked onto a man that looked younger than twenty. He was another girlish individual and, as if to emphasize this point, he even had what looked like red eyeshadow at the edges of his eyes. He even wore a silken robe and, though it had a dragon coiling around it and appeared masculine in structure, she couldn't help but compare him to a dainty woman.

Seeing Fenrir looking toward him, the youth showed a radiant smile but, just as he was about to speak, his view was obscured by pure white. In the next moment, his Grandfather appeared in front of him, producing a wall of red flames that did absolutely nothing to stop the avalanche of ice and snow that Fenrir had spontaneously released. The last thing he heard before all thoughts ceased was an icy voice shouting, 'Nivis Casus~!"

Following the icy outcry, the entire arena, which could have easily seated upwards of ten-thousand people, had been completely buried in a dense layer of snow, sparing only Wen Xiulan as the heavy rain above turned into frigid hail...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'I hate, hate, hate this world...! You can all get buried...!')