
Female lead's Path Towards The Supremacy

Anna was a woman dissatisfied with her mundane life, finding solace in her passion for reading. But upon her untimely death, she is unexpectedly transmigrated into the world of the worst novel she has ever read. Forced to assume the role of the female lead, Kathleen Black Dragon, heir to the Black Dragon Duchy, Anna is determined to live a fulfilling life free from the constraints of becoming a mere harem member to the arrogant and hypocritical MC. With her sights set on reaching the pinnacle of power as the Supreme Magus, Anna sets out to exploit the plot and the MC, cleverly stealing everything from him while building a new family of her own. Follow Anna's journey as she defies the odds, forging her own path to become the ruler of the world and live a life without regrets ================= Additional Tags : [Romance] [Dragons][Harem]

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53 Chs

Vice Headmistress, Amber Goldworth

Since he also come to know that one of the cubs where spotted by the academy.

Since, the organisation he was working for didn't lack death soldiers, who are disposable, he sent a death soldier into the forest to deliver a news about the academy kidnapping the tiger Queen's cubs. After that, the death soldier killed himself since his job was completed.

All he had to do is make the tiger Queen angry so she can attack the students who are present here, which in tern makes the academy to officially become enemies with flaming tiger clan. After all, the academy can't just ignore the students deaths and sit back and do nothing. But everything seems to gone in a wrong way.

In the novel, exactly the same thing happened, many students died because of the flaming tiger clan's attack, and Instructor Aaron was demoted from his position of a special instructor, a special instructor was someone who directly work's under the headmaster himself.

Although some characters like Rowena and Sophie or Liliy all survived and the main character also fought a 4-star magical beast and miraculously survived.

On the ground, Kathleen watched the two tigers communicate, in the middle of their conversation the flaming tiger queen looked at her once before shifting her gaze away.

"How much I wish I know what they are talking. Is she going to attack the students again? or will she leave? the suspense is killing me." She commented as Sophie and Rowena nodded at her comment.

Just as she said that, the flaming tiger queen rose from the ground, and the flames which are burning on her body suddenly separated themselves as they wrapped around the tiger cub infront of it.


With that sound, the tiger queen took her child as she rose into air. She stopped and turned towards Arron and also the reinforcement mages who are just arriving to the spot.

"I admit that I am a bit irrational a few minutes ago, but I still suspect the academy until I find my other cub, roar~" With that roar, the tigers which came alongside her also retreated as they made their way towards the core region of the forest.

Arron or the newly arrived reinforcement team didn't stop them and just watched them leaving.

From the reinforcements team, only instructor Elina was a 7-Star great mage and she was also the class teacher of the first year students, while the people behind her are 5-Star mages a few being 6-Star.

"What happened here?" Elina asked, she was urgently dispatched here because of the news delivered by a scouting guard.

"I will explain everything when we go back to the academy, the students safety is our current priority." Arron said as he flew down on to the ground and started instructing the students to move towards the exit.

Instructor Elina narrowed her eyes, but she also started to stop the panic and guide the students.

Kathleen heaved a sigh of relief after the whole thing is over.

'I thought I have to use another plan. However, if they both have been communicating, didn't the tiger cub tell it's mother about the battle. Wait, maybe it understood my words that time and didn't make any commotion here.

Although these were all nothing but my assumptions, there might be some truth in it.' Kathleen thought in her mind as she walked in the formation towards the academy.

The classes were cancelled for the first year students and and an urgent meeting between the instructors was held immediately.


[Academy's Main Meeting Room]

In the room a big conference table could be seen and many instructors where already sitting in their positions around it. All of them are special instructors and they are 7-Star or at least peak 6-Star mages.

In the middle of them, A red haired, beautiful women was sitting while touching her forehead with her right arm. A small board was present on her table showing her name and status.

[Vice Headmistress, Amber Goldworth]

Those were the words written on that small board.

She removed her hand from her forehead and opened her mouth.

"Can anyone of you explain to me as to how did this even happen. An imperial princess, and the heiress of the black dragon duchy and an heir candidate of the Alstrain duchy including many more students are put in danger today.

I don't know which little pipsqueak of a student leaked this information to outside so fast that I already got many messages from the verious noble families asking about their children's safety. Not only that, the third queen even sent an official servent from the imperial palace to ask about her daughter's safety. Do you all even have any idea what I am dealing with currently."

Amber spoke as a vein popped out on her forehead, her gaze perticularly fell on a person who was sitting three seats away from her position.

Arron flinched after seeing the vice Headmistress was looking towards him, since he know she was probably asking him to explain himself, he stood up without even being called-out.

He suddenly bowed till his nose almost touching the table.

"I sincerely apologise for my mistake of taking students into the forest without any extra protection. But I do think this was a coincidence that no one predicted, after all, we didn't know the tiger Queen had two cubs and it will suspect the academy for kidnapping them." Arron said as he lifted his head up and looked at vice Headmistress Amber.

Originally it didn't matter to the academy if the students die, but that only applies when they go out for missions on their own or in other similar cases. but as long as they are in the academy, they have to be protected by the academy.

"I don't care about your apology nor about the coincidence, I heard from the students that you made the tiger cub and a student compete against eachother, you do know it was going to be sent to the core region of the forest as we promised to return it to it's mother, right? Than, what are you even thinking when you're doing that." Amber spoke as she seems to trying her best to control her anger.

Maybe if not for her Vice Headmistress's position, she might've already attacked someone here.