
Female lead's Path Towards The Supremacy

Anna was a woman dissatisfied with her mundane life, finding solace in her passion for reading. But upon her untimely death, she is unexpectedly transmigrated into the world of the worst novel she has ever read. Forced to assume the role of the female lead, Kathleen Black Dragon, heir to the Black Dragon Duchy, Anna is determined to live a fulfilling life free from the constraints of becoming a mere harem member to the arrogant and hypocritical MC. With her sights set on reaching the pinnacle of power as the Supreme Magus, Anna sets out to exploit the plot and the MC, cleverly stealing everything from him while building a new family of her own. Follow Anna's journey as she defies the odds, forging her own path to become the ruler of the world and live a life without regrets ================= Additional Tags : [Romance] [Dragons][Harem]

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53 Chs

Final Exams - [An Enchantress]

The pink-haired girl lunged at Kathleen, her daggers ready for an attack. But Kathleen's reflexes were lightning fast. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a swirling vortex of darkness, shielding herself from girl's onslaught.

Unleashing her fiery magic, Kathleen retaliated. Flames burst forth from her hands, engulfing the daggers in a torrent of scorching heat. The pink-haired girl stumbled backward, her eyes widening in disbelief.

As the girl attempted to regain her composure, Kathleen seized the opportunity. She closed the distance between them in an instant, her sword gleaming with dark energy. With a single swift strike, she disarmed the girl, sending her daggers clattering to the ground.

The pink-haired girl's confidence shattered, realizing she was utterly outmatched. She was a peak 2-Star mage, According to the analysis she made before taking the exams, most of the students didn't even reach the high level 2-Star, but now she definitely know the person infront of her is a 3-Star mage.

"You underestimated me." Kathleen remarked, her voice laced with a mix of amusement.

Unfazed by Kathleen's words, the pink-haired girl remained silent, offering no retort. Kathleen gaze unintentionally locked with the eyes of her enemy, causing her to abruptly drift into a bewildering trance of unknown thoughts.

Her once focused thoughts on the battle and strategic plans were instantly usurped by visions of an alluring enchantress. She was only able to see and think about the beauty of the pink-haired girl's and nothing else. She became so entranced in the moment that the chaos of combat slipped from her mind entirely.

[Fairy Steps - Feint Flashs]

In a swift and mesmerizing display of agility, the girl with pink hair vanished from her sight, only to reappear in mid-air behind Kathleen.

This abrupt manifestation jolted Kathleen out of her enchanting reverie, returning her focus to the imminent danger at hand.

'Damn it! It's happened again, just like before. Why do I feel this intense draw towards her? Could it be... she's using charm magic against me?' As Kathleen's magical perception sharpened, she detected the attacking movements of her enemy.

'Well, looks like it's time to use that. Just hope I don't overuse my mana this time.' Kathleen muttered under her breath. Her gaze momentarily transformed into a deep abyss of darkness before returning to its usual state.

However, in that fleeting moment, the girl in the air lost her momentum abruptly, causing her to clumsily plop down onto the ground on butt.

"What in the world did I just witness? Was that a dragon?" She blurted out, her eyes still wide with astonishment. While suspended in the air, she had felt the piercing gaze of a colossal dragon, as if it were warning her that attacking Kathleen would inevitably lead to her own demise.

With swift agility, Kathleen turned around, her sword held firmly against the pink-haired girl's neck. With no chance to dodge that attack, she used the newly acquired bloodline ability.

This ability have a resemblance to charm magic techniques, yet with a twist. While charm magic drew enemies towards the caster, the dragon aura radiating from Kathleen when used the technique, will instilled a bone-chilling fear within her foes.

"Initially, I thought you were just another ordinary student trying to play it cool," Kathleen remarked, her tone laced with a hint of seriousness.

"But now, you've piqued my curiosity. What's your name? It seems you've used charm magic on me, haven't you?" After being affected twice by the mysterious enchantment, Kathleen remained cautious this time. Her grip tightened on the sword, ready to swiftly strike if the girl tried to make any suspicious moves.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down." The girl spoke, her voice laced with urgency.

"My name's Iris. Don't eliminate me, we can have a peaceful conversation." Kathleen reluctantly acquiesced, realizing that eliminating Iris wouldn't provide any further answers.

Nonetheless, she maintained her firm grip on the sword, its sharp edge resting against Iris's neck as a cautionary measure.

"Well, I'll admit, what you said is true." Iris confessed, her voice containing sincerity.

"I didn't attack you with the intention of eliminating a rival or anything of the sort. In truth, I was searching for an ally, and you happened to be the first person I encountered. I wanted to test your strength, to see if you could keep up with me."

"However, I never thought the tables would be turning like this. It seems the heiress of the Black Dragon Duchy is indeed a formidable force." Iris chuckled, offering her explanation in an attempt to clarify her actions.

Upon hearing Iris's words, Kathleen cautiously withdrew her sword.

"Don't even think about pulling any tricks. You haven't witnessed my true power yet." She warned. Iris, now standing, proceeded to adjust her attire.

"So, what's the deal with you searching for allies?" Kathleen inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Based on my assessment, it seemed impossible for me to reach the 100th floor, so I was searching for allies." Iris confessed.

"Why did you come to that conclusion?" Kathleen probed further, her curiosity increased.

"Hmm, remember when Instructor Elina mentioned that the dungeon's difficulty would be adjusted based on the students' abilities?" Iris started speaking, her thoughts slowly unfolding.

"Many students are currently at the 2-Star rank, but she also mentioned that conquering the dungeon wasn't a requirement for passing the exam. Doesn't that imply that even a peak level of a 2-Star mage like myself, it wouldn't be enough to overcome the dungeon's challenges?"

"However, since there are no rules against forming alliances, I believe that teaming up with someone strong might help me in reaching my goals." Iris explained her theory, her gaze shifting towards Kathleen.

"So, you're suggesting that we become a team?" Kathleen inquired.

"Absolutely." Iris confirmed with a nod as she stood with her hands folded.

"But, I'm clearly stronger than you. What's in it for me if I team up with you?" Kathleen questioned, her concern evident. She couldn't afford to be held back by someone else.

While settling for a lower ranking in the exams might have been acceptable if there were no rewards involved, knowing that rewards were at stake, she didn't want to risk losing out. The rewards might have changed due to the altered exams, but they were likely to remain at a similar level.

"I've already pinpointed the whereabouts of the dungeon boss, and scouting happens to be one of my specialties. I possess the talent for swiftly locating boss rooms and uncovering hidden chambers. Doesn't that demonstrate my value?" Iris confidently presented her abilities with a grin on her face, causing Kathleen to pause and contemplate her decision.

After some consideration, Kathleen ultimately agreed to the deal. However, she made a mental note to thoroughly assess Iris's abilities before placing complete trust in her. With Iris's charm magic and other skills, Kathleen knew she would have a capable ally in this exams.

She was curious to verify Iris's claim about the boss room, Kathleen decided to accompany her, following Iris's lead as they made their way towards the location.