
Female landlord

xia is a Chinese landlord disguised as a man. Xia fell in love with a peerless beauty by chance. They began to love and hate. It's an interesting story. The time background is China in the 19th century.

shuyuan_ren · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 Xia is ill.

I'm sick and can't eat. I used to eat three bowls of rice less than five minutes, but now I eat one by one, one bowl for two hours. The tofu mixed with green onions tasted bad, just like chewing wax. Damn it! Am I going to die!

"Master, master!"


"Master, what are you thinking about?" The Cui asked curiously.

What am I thinking about? My mind is full of the girl of that day. She is so beautiful, even more beautiful than the girls I have seen! Her eyes were like crescent moons, her eyebrows were like willow leaves, her mouth was like cherry, and her face seemed to be as big as my palm. Hee hee... I stretched out my hand to make a gesture and pressed it on my face.



"Are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't seem to be in trouble." My heart was filled with sweetness. What a beautiful embroidery!

"Uncle Zhong, come here quickly! Our master is sick! He is smiling foolishly!"

"Sick? I'm sick. I'm really sick. Uncle Zhong, I miss that girl!" I said anxiously.

"Master, please have some food first. I've sent someone to look for it. Maybe we'll have a letter soon!"

"Really? Uncle Zhong, you are so kind!" I was so happy that my heart itched like a cat scratching.

"Uncle Zhong, I can't find that girl!" The Cui replied.

"Shh! Don't let our master hear you. Behave yourself."

"Then what should we do?"

"You go to find your master's cousin. How about this?"

"Got it."

I wonder why the Cui hasn't come back yet. "cui!"

"xia!xia!" My cousin's voice came from the door.

"Master, your cousin is here!"

Why is he here? I'm waiting for the news of that girl.

I reluctantly looked at my smiling cousin Bingyan. "What are you doing here?"

"Ah! Xia, you don't welcome me! I'm here to take you to a good place today."

"I won't go anywhere!" I tugged at my collar and said, "I want to wait for my beautiful flower girl!"

"Master, you can go out and have a look. Maybe you can find some clues. It's better than waiting at home." Cui said to me.

I think you're right. In the novel written in the west wing, the protagonist, Zhang and Ying, met each other. Maybe I met that beautiful flower girl!

I was pulled out by Bingyan. I insist on not taking my little donkey cart. I'm afraid I can't see it if I walk too fast.

But the winter in the North didn't rain. It was so cold that it turned into ice. It turned into snowflakes.

Bingyan has brought two waiters with him. I don't think I should bring two waiters with me, because I have no more than twelve taels of silver with me. I seldom use money. The twelve I have now was given to me by Uncle Zhong last year. Before leaving, uncle Zhong gave me a bank note and asked me to take it with me. I saw a bank note with a very large value.

"Why should I take so much money?" I am confused

"You have to bring some money with you when you go out for fun." Zhong replied.

"I have!" I took out twelve pastries from my sleeve. "Which place is so expensive? I don't want to go."

"It's time for self-defense." I was pushed out of the door by Uncle Zhong without demur.

"Bingyan, where are we going?"

"Stop asking. You'll know when we get there."

I didn't ask any more questions. I looked around on the way. But unfortunately, I didn't even notice anyone. My mood fell to the bottom. All of a sudden, she lost her temper and let Bingyan pull her forward.

"Ouch! Master Bingyan! The girls miss you so much these days!" A well-dressed middle-aged woman waved at us.

"I miss them too!" Bingyan replied with a smile.

The noisy voice of the middle-aged woman startled me. I subconsciously moved behind Bingyan.

Was this a monster? The thick white powder on her face fell with the shaking of her face, and her bright red lips looked like she had just eaten someone. My body is trembling.

"Bingyan, let's go home. I want to go home." I was sobbing. "I haven't found my flower girl yet. I don't want to be eaten by the monsters.

"Who is this?" The monster asked. Did the monster find me!

"My cousin, the master of the cha clan!" Bingyan winked at the monster!

The corners of the monster's mouth immediately moved to his eyes. "This is the legendary master of the cha!"

"Help! Bingyan, I want to go home!" I cried out in a trembling voice.

"No, Xia, I promise to Uncle Zhong that you will be an adult today!"

I'm an adult?? I'm nineteen years old! Did I remember it wrong? I counted again two times.

Bingyan whispered in the monster's ear? The monster left with an obscene smile. Bingyan took me through the noisy hall and went upstairs to the two floors. I was led into a flower hall, which was decorated elegantly.

"Does Bingyan often come here?"

"I'm fine. I usually come here to have fun when I'm tired!"

"Where am I? I haven't been here before!" I asked in confusion.

"Xia, you've never been to so many places! Why do you save so much money? Enjoy yourself while you're young. Are you going to take it to the coffin?"

"What money? How can I have money?" I'll hold my purse tightly!

"Okay, okay. You don't have money, okay? It's my treat today. I'm convinced. But I've promised you, listen to me today! Otherwise, I won't go home with you!" Bingyan said proudly.

"Oh!" I agreed obediently.

Four fruits and four desserts were served soon. Bean paste cake? I took a sip and put it in my mouth. It tasted better than the cakes in the bakery.

"Yummy!" I ate it one by one!

"Well, Xia, could you please save some dignity for me? Don't act as if you have never seen the world, okay?" Bingyan knocked the eaves of the table with his fan.

"Yummy! It's amazing!" I answered while eating.

"I also think this cake is good. The new cook is really good at cooking." A woman's voice came to my ears

"Yes!" With half a piece of cake in my mouth, I realized that the voice wasn't Bingyan's. When I looked up, I found a woman sitting at the table.

"Master, you have a good appetite!" There was no mockery in the woman's tone. She was drinking a cup of tea with a faint expression, a faint tone, and a faint eyebrows and eyes.

The half piece of cake beside my mouth passed through my palm and fell on the table. It's the first time that I feel ashamed. My face is burning red, and I don't know where to put my hands under the table!

"Xia, don't be nervous. This is Yanyu." Bingyan introduced.

"Hi, Yanyu!" I lowered my head and didn't know what to say.

"Xia, don't keep silent. Be casual. There will be something beautiful later." Bingyan blinked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll know in a minute!" Bingyan said with a smile.

Yanyu didn't answer. She was just smiling, but I could feel the helplessness in her smile.

The applause downstairs was supposed to come at the light. The servant opened the window.

I was standing with my back to the window and turned my head to look down. I was so scared that I covered my eyes immediately.

"Xia, what are you doing? Get your hands off your eyes. It's a rare scene!" Bingyan said next to me.

"But, but!" I spread two fingers and looked at it secretly. "No, those girls are not dressed."

"That's good-looking! I want this one today. It has a good view. Don't waste it!" Bingyan said and pulled my hand. I hurriedly hid, and my body naturally retreated. I quickly shouted, "look, there's Yanyu girl here."

"It doesn't matter! Today I brought you to find a girl to cook meat. You haven't been a virgin since today." Cried Bingyan.

"Bingyan, what do you mean! We can't see those girls because they don't have clothes. The teacher taught us!" I replied angrily.

"Where's your sex!" Cried Bingyan.

"I'm going home!"

"You can't go!"

"Don't stop me!"

"Hold him down!" Bingyan and the boy chased me together.

The window of this flower hall is too low! I watched my head fall down. "Help!!!" I shouted for help! The whole audience stood still and heard only the sound of me falling into the water.

A quarter of an hour ago

The hall was crowded with shoppers, holding their breath and staring at the porch leading to the atrium. With the gradual rise and fall of repressed breathing, a huge wooden bucket floating hot gas is slowly carried into the hall from the atrium and placed on the central square table to ensure a good vision for everyone. Especially from upstairs.

Surrounded by the mist, a woman slowly stood up. Her white and tender skin and curvaceous figure were partly hidden and partly visible. Drops of water slid along people's eyes through her delicate lips and her curvaceous collarbone. It aroused infinite lust.

The monster's harsh voice woke up the people who were still indulging in it!

This is the girl today! The one with the highest price would get her! She will be carried directly to your room!

Back to the moment of falling into the water

My heart is in my throat! Bingyan was shouting at the window! I heard the sound of falling into the water. I didn't fall to death! Drops of water on my face couldn't show the joy of my rebirth, but Bingyan's shout made me faint again.

"Master Xia, add 100 silver!" Bryson began to buy that girl for me.


I want to climb up in a hurry! The water has choked my ears and eyes. I'm so sad. I touched the bucket wall with one hand, but my other hand was extremely soft. I struggled to stand up, and my heart had not yet returned to its original state. I looked up and found my hand grabbing the woman's soft breast in front of me.

"I didn't mean it." My tongue was knotted rapidly, but the woman in front of me blushed and lowered her head without saying anything.

"Xia, I didn't expect you to be more anxious than me. But don't worry. You are the best tonight. This girl is yours. Good taste!" Bingyan said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" I turned my neck mechanically.

"Master, you can have this girl today! Hahaha, Congratulations! Master, tonight, you and that girl..." The female monster squeezed over excitedly.

"What? I just touched her chest. You want one hundred taels of silver. I'll let her get it back!" I said angrily.

"Xia, calm down. It's only one hundred taels of silver. You are the richest person in the village." Bingyan began to persuade me not to be angry.

"Who said that? I can buy several bulls! Just touch them. I want to go back. I want to sue her for blackmailing!" I'm still very angry.

"Please, my little master, why are you so awkward? She is a virgin! How beautiful it is to think about it! You will be so happy tonight!" The female monster still didn't give up.

"Why should I be happy? I don't want it!" I pushed the door open angrily. I'm looking for the way back. "I won't give you the money anyway." I held the purse tightly.

"Xia, why did you change your clothes first?" Bingyan shouted behind me.

"No!" I ran away from Bingyan and bumped into something. The sound of porcelain breaking was heard. I bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean to do that," I kept bowing with my head down.

"You can be irresponsible if you don't do it on purpose. You have eyes above your head." A crisp young woman's voice rang in my ears.

The voice sounded so familiar. I looked up and found that half of her face was covered by thick cloth and orchid headscarf. I couldn't see clearly who she was.

"Li! The dessert is ready!" Someone asked in the distance.

"Miss, I fell to the ground by accident!" No, the voice was different from before. It was a girl's clear voice just now, but now it suddenly aged like a middle-aged woman.

"I'll redo it right now!" Li seemed to have noticed my confusion. She picked up the cake on the ground and was about to leave.

"Master Xia's favorite cake is made by Li!" Miss Yanyu said.

"Really?" When I mentioned the cake just now, my depression was swept away. "This cook is good at cooking! I praise her!"

Li seemed to be happy to hear that!

"Thank you for your praise, master!" Li replied.

"Xia! Why are you here? Why don't you go back with me? The girl you bought is waiting for you!" Bingyan came over and said, "Yanyu, you're here too. Help me persuade him. He's just stupid!"

"I won't go!" I replied,

"You must go!" Bingyan insisted.

"I don't want that girl," I said, pointing at Li. "I want her!"