
Felso : The Witches

A storyline where a child without any magic attribute, where in the world they are currently living in, those people who have no magic at all are considered as zero class or a lowest magic class where they will even be very poor. and many are starving because in this world requires magic at least first class magic to work. Magic of the fifth grade or the highest is a magic that not just anyone can possess, Felso is a seventeen year old boy without magic attributes which is the rarest magic and gets a summoning spell book with a class that exceeds fifth grade, where This magic is a very powerful magic. Can Felso become the top magician in the world, this is the storyline he will go through.

Diana_Yellow · Fantasy
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119 Chs

Make It Understand

"My head hurts so bad" Felso woke up on a big rock in a cave.

"Are you awake?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I dream about my past, it makes me nostalgic and remembers a lot of memories that I should have forgotten a long time ago" explained Felso holding his head.

"Then it's very good for you to remember the past that was quite pleasant" I said trying to calm him down a bit, he fell asleep for two days, during which I compressed his head while he slept, until the fever he was suffering from went down.

"How long have I been asleep for?" Felso asked who was curious about his condition and made him wake up in a quite dark place, because I was carrying him in a semi-conscious state, he was the one who tried to protect me and put out a lot of his strength, draining a lot of energy that made him so exhausted.

"Two days you sleep here" I said smiling at him.