


Whenever we see people devoid of any body parts, we take pity on them and feel sympathetic towards them. We think that their life is a curse. We cannot realise their true pain and struggle. We feel bad for them only for some time and forget them. But if we develop the same problem like them, we begin to realise their feelings closely and more in reality. We then understand better needs and emotion of such people and we desire to be with them as long as we can. We start feeling mentally and emotionally attached to them and start enjoying their company. All such things happen just because of the fellow feeling developed between us.


There was a farmer. He had a very big farmyard. He toiled tirelessly his farmyard so that he could crops and vegetables to feed his family members and himself. The farmer had some very fine lovely puppies, which seemed like dolls to everyone. The puppies used to stay with him along with their mother Dolly. As the puppies grew in number, the farmer decided to sell them. For this, the farmer prepared an advertisement on board, painted some lovely puppies as attractively as he could. Then, he set about to nail the board onto a post at the edge of ward.

As the farmer was driving the last nail, he felt a tug on his shirt from back. He at once turned about and found a little boy. He was a bit surprised to see the boy. Then, he asked him what he wanted. The little boy expressed his desire to purchase one of his puppies. The tired farmer nodded his head, willingly wiping the sweat with a handkerchief. But he warned the boy that the puppy would be rather expensive as they were a fine breed. The little boy first thought a bit then put his hand inside the right pocket and pulled a handful of coins. Then he asked the farmer, "I have got only 39 cents. Is it enough to buy a puppy?" The farmer replied, "It will suffice", and blew a whistle and called, "Here dolly!"

Mother Dolly ran out of the kennel and came to the other side of the fence along with four puppies, who were looking like four little dolls with fur. After them, came another little puppy. This one is noticeably smaller than the others. It could not walk properly, instead, began to hobble in an awkward manner, in order to catch the others. The boy pointed to runt and said, "I want this one".

The farmer tried to abstain the boy from purchasing the puppy. He knelt down affectionately at the boy's side and said' "my dear son, please do not want that puppy, because it is handicapped and therefore, it will not be able to run and play with you, like the other puppies."

Hearing this, the little boy said nothing, but stepped back from fence, reached down and began to roll up one leg of his trousers. To his utter astonishment, the farmer found a steel brace running down both sides of boy's legs attaching itself to a specially made shoe. The boy looked at the farmer and said, "Dear Sir, I also can't walk or run properly. So, I think, the poor puppy will need someone who will understand it. Therefore, please let me purchase this puppy."