

After fighting for so long it seems like i might've forgotten what empathy means, compassion, the need for kinship and the worst of them all LOVE. Love is nothing but a fickle joke reality plays on us giving us feelings we aren't meant to feel then taking it back the first chance it gets, a massive figure thinks to himself standing alone in a large empty hallway illuminated by massive torches hung on the walls. His face masked by an unknown darkness, he is well built and dressed in a fine red royal ceremonial robe and adorning a beautiful golden crown. Thousands of shadowy figures fill the hall their eye's crimson red with blood and hate, flooding the hall dragging it into the abyss. It's like hell's gate has been broken, all of them screaming in agony their voices soaked with strife, stretching their droopy arms trying to reach the man...trying to tear him part...trying to capture his soul....trying to consume his heart. He raises his head and his eyes unleashes a bonechilling killing intent, instantly dissipating the abyss forcing the abyss back shrieking in fear.

His vision flashes and he finds himself in a large throne room everything looking alien to him, a massive throne made out of blades sits ideally at the head of the room, I guess that's supposed to be mine. His vision flashes once more and this time he's sitting on it emanating a manecing aura, like a deity gazing down on his worshippers trying to decide whom he shall grant his grace and whom to condemn.

Blood starts flowing from the foot of his throne, instantly flooding the throne room. He closes his eyes and opens it, the room instantly reverting back to it's original state.

His vision flashes again, but this time he is reminiscing about all the battles he has fought in, all the blood he has spilt for his goals both innocent and those whom deserved it.

" SHI NO YAMI!!!! SHI NO YAMI!!!." his unbeatable army of the darkness bow before him each echoing his name in unison, His six generals at the front. they had only tested defeat once and it was against her.

The mountain of corpse he has accumulated stretching so high it almost looks like the devils artwork standing atop bathing in the agonizing thrill, all the people who have cursed him with their dying breath each more dreadful than the last. I guess this is what death feels like, even the grim reaper is just a pawn to it's own power.

His vision getting blurrier and blurrier the light fading from his eyes, this time someone is calling out to him

" Kai, kai would you hurry. " he sees two boys their faces hidden by a weird light. he looks at his hand at sees it has shrunk to the size of a boy.

" You always make us late you know." The other boy says as he scratches his head.

" Wait up, I'm not as fast as you." He hears himself say, as he races foward his voice filled with expectations.

His vision flashes just as he catches up to them

" Big brother lets get that one, i really want it. " He hears a little girls voice. Looking down he see's a little girl dressed in a little white dress her face also hidden by the light, Holding his hands tightly as if she's scared he might disappear and leave her behind.

More flashes pass by until a beautiful lady smiles at him and everything freezes she holds his hands and points at the lake, he looks at his reflection but his face is still obscured by the darkness. Looking back up he's now dressed in dark armor on his knees blades scattered around the battle field as she slowly walks towards him her blade on his neck, she's omitting a light so righteous it could make the world pause, her wings pushing back the darkness bringing hope to everyone's heart it touches.

" It's Her." He says with a raspy voice.

His vision flashes for the last time but this time all he see's is darkness as he plunges into a dark lake, this is really what death feels like he smiles at himself enjoying it's beautiful cold solitude as it starts to embrace him, pulling him down the endless spiral of the deep black abyss. Who would've thought I'd be granted the blessing of dying so peacefully after all the atrocities i caused.

But the lady grabs him now covered by a beautiful blinding light.

" Not now. " she says. pulling him up.

" You still have alot to do, alot to fix. " She adds.

Everything goes silent. Light and darkness fighting for him, She holds his face and kisses him causing a massive spark, light immediately prevails completely enveloping him. It's even hard to think as he feels his mind slowly fading away. Until a burst of light brings him back to reality.

" It's a boy." someone shouts.

All the figures are blurry and a constant ringing fills his ear, only interrupted by a babies cry. someone should please pick up that child he tries to say but only thoughts propagate, he suddenly realises the cries are coming from him. leaving him utterly shocked and he couldn't stop it.

He's placed softly in a womans warm embrace and suddenly feels at peace with the world, a feeling to good to be true. he barely makes out the figure holding him and a beautiful brown haired woman her smile assuring him that nothing could ever harm him.

" Chiki, your name is chiki. " she says.