
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Will you marry me?

The next day when Evelyn opened her eyes she was surprised to see a note on the pillow which Liam used to sleep last night. She took it and glanced at the note. She was extermly happy. So that was his surprise. She was more than ready to see what it was. She was literally excited!


Please get dressed after you ate your breakfast.Don't skip it.Ehem...your clothes are ready you can find them from the couch.I'm waiting for you outside the hotel. No need to hurry. You can take your time as much as you want. I love you !


So he was going to take her to a fansy restaurant or something. Then she had to look better. Evelyn quickly finished her breakfast and rushed towards the couch with her make-up set. But as soon as she saw the clothes her jaw dropped due to her shock. Black jeans and a cream colour top! Who are going to wear these kind of clothes for those places? So it meant he didn't plan for taking her out to a restaurent or a fansy hotel. She wasn't dissapointed she was rather curious to know his plans.

After getting dressed, Evelyn took the elevator to go downstairs. Liam was waiting outside,wearing casuel clothes,leaning against a Lamborghini! Wait! A Lamborghini? What was that for? Evelyn was amazed to see that majestic vehicle infront of her.

Evelyn: "Why did you rent this? We can simply catch a cab."

Liam: "I didn't. I like it so I bought it for us."

Evelyn: "..." 'Oh boss,we are only staying in this country for a couple of days,okay? Seriously? You guys spend money like...I have no words.'

Liam looked at her thunderstuck expression and laughed. "Still it's your grandpa's money,not yours.So it's unfair to spend like this..." Evelyn mumbled under her breath. Liam wanted to tell her that he spent his money not his grandpa's. But he couldn't. He couldn't tell her that what kind of person he was. He was afraid of losing her.What if...if she doesn't love him anymore and leave him for good once she finds out the truth. He won't be able to take that risk. Never ever. Maybe...just maybe...he would hide his true self from her -forever-.

"Don't worry. He has lots of money." He simply said. Then he led her to the passage seat. "Where are we going?" Evelyn asked like a little girl. Liam struggled his shoulders. "I told ya! It's a surprise." After three hours, they finally reached their destination. Evelyn was once again shocked. Her eyes blurred with tears.It was her dreamland of her childhood dreams. It's the Disneyland.The place she was craving to go. Due to her studies,she never had the chance or time to go to Disneyland. She begged her father a few times but he strictly refused her pleas.

Evelyn had told about her childhood dream to Liam when she was eating her lunch with him.At that time he acted like he didn't care to hear her babblings but actually he did listen to her and remembered them very well. He was determined to take her to Disneyland! Evelyn hugged him tightly and whispered,"Thank you!"

Liam,as expected from him,rented the whole place for her. Evelyn enjoyed every minute like a little girl. She was more than happy to see the majestic castle. She remembered how many times she wished to be a princess and wait for her prince charming to arrive. Finally he came...He's now standing beside her supporting her to achieve her dreams even the tiniest one. She loved him and she won't leave him...never...If oneday he desides to leave her, she will be heartbroken,she won't be able to find anymore purposes to live. Because to her...he was her everything,he was her biggest dream,her biggest hope that she wanted to fulfill.

After enjoying the beautiful surroundings,eating snacks and playing kids' games (How childish,right? Ha ha haaa) they desided to return to the hotel. It was almost night as the darkness captivated them." Wait a minute." Liam stated out of nowhere. Evelyn had to ready for her next amusement.

She looked at him suspiciously.Unexpectedly, Liam knelt down infront of her on one knee with a box that placed a beautiful diamond ring.He looked into her eyes saying,"Will you marry me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, fireworks appeared in the sky mesmorisingly. Evelyn fell to a daze. Everything was just too surreal to believe. Fireworks ended showing, 'Say yes.' At that moment Evelyn snapped to reality. Suddenly the entire place lit up with various colours of lights. She could see the heart shaped flower petals decorated everywhere on the ground including candles and she could smell the aroma of roses and orchids.

"Actually, I don't know how to tell those romantic statements like actors do during the movies. But I want you to know what I feel,what my heart feels about you,Evelyn. I simply know one thing that I can't live without you...Even for a second. I want you by my side for this life time and the next and the next...heh hee..."Liam nervously laughed a little. He was so anxious eventhough he appeared to be calm. "Please don't leave me. If you are ready to be with me for this life journey,please accept my proposal.If you are not ready yet,still you have to accept me,okay?"

Evelyn was so sooo speechless. She never thought that he arranged everything for the proposal. She didn't expect him to do that...so quickly. But onething was sure. She was more than ready. She loved him so why should she reject him...the person,the prince charming of her beautiful fairytale...Evelyn couldn't find her voice to speak as emotions captured hef whole mind and soul. So she slowly nodded her head with tears flowing down on her soft cheeks.

Liam gently smiled. He stood up as he pulled Evelyn closer for a long and deep kiss. After kissing her delicate lips, he started wipping off her tears using his lips. "Thank you for choosing me." Evelyn murmured, her eyes closed.