
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Italian guys are so attractive

"Where did you go last night?" Evelyn glared at Liam while putting her hands on both sides of her waist. Liam pulled her closer and kissed her cheeks in a possesive manner. "Good morning, soon-to-be wifey..." He whispered to her ears. Evelyn's heart melted immediately.But she pretended to be still mad at him."Hmph! Don't you dare to trick me with these sugar coated words. Better to tell me the truth orelse..." "Orelse what?" Liam asked mischievously."Liaaam...!!!" Evelyn hit him lightly on the shoulder. He chuckled. "Sorry,I woke you up." He mumbled apologitically. "No,it's not like that..." She hesitated and blushed looking so adorable. Liam wanted to pinch her rosy cheeks but he controlled his desire and asked;"Then what is it?" Evelyn lowered her gaze. Without looking at him,she blurted out, "I woke up because i felt an emptiness beside me. I'm used to sleep in your embrace."

Sometimes she herself wondered why. She used to sleep alone for twenty four years. She was with Liam only for a few months but she even couldn't sleep for atleast an hour peacefully without him hugging her in his embrace. Habbits were truly dangerous. Without his warmth,she couldn't sleep. Last night was like a torture. She tossed and turned for several times still she didn't fall a sleep again. That's why she woke up early and happened to see her boyfriend sneakily entering the room, tiptoeing like a theif. He caught off guard. He didn't expect to see her woke up at 6 o'clock. Usually she slept untill 8 p.m.

Liam was more than happy to hear that. He smiled ear to ear."Then, then we have to get married soon after finishing this tour otherwise how can you bear to sleep soundly without me?" Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Narcissistic!... But I'm sorry to dissapoint you, Mr. My parents and brother won't let you take me away that fast. I didn't stay with them for four years already.And even now I'm with you. They will oppose to that idea by bringing up that fact." Liam shruggled his shoulders in a casual manner. "It's okay, no problems.I still have my own ways to sleep with you." "How?" She asked frowning her eyebrows."I can sneakily enter your room through your window or maybe balcony and stay with you every night."He said in a firm manner. Evelyn hit him again. "You pervert,rogue!" She scolded but her smile betrayed her words.

"Why are you insulting me like that? You are the one who told me that you can't sleep without me and now you are calling me a pervert when I only hoped to do that purely for your own good without any ulterior motives. This is not fair at all, Evelyn. You have to compensate for insulting me with no reasons." Evelyn's corners of mouth twitched.

Evelyn: "..." She was clearly at a loss for words.

She narrowed her eyes fiercely.

Evelyn: "Don't change the topic and tell me where did you go last night in a rush?"

Liam: "..." Now it was his turn to become speechless.

Liam scratched his head nervously. "Oh,I just got a phone call from one of my friends and he said he came to France for a business and he had to go back immediately last night so I had no choice but to rush there to bid farewell."

Evelyn: "Is it Jacob or...Helena?"

Liam: "..." "Do you think I only have them as my friends?"

Evelyn: "Ofcaurse with your ice cold personality, no one dares to befriend with you."

Liam: "..."

Evelyn: "Anyways,always be careful when you go out. Especially during the night."

Liam raised his eyebrows. "Why's that?" Evelyn glanced at him with her mouth opened. "Are you serious? You are the one who told me that you have enemies ever since you were born. We got an attack although we are not even in our mother country.Now you want to act carelessly and give up your life easily?" Liam shook his head. "I won't give up my life to my enemies because I want to be with you and have a beautiful family with you. So don't worry. Besides, I'm a brave fighter and I've practised fighting since I was three years old. No one with ordinary skills can beat me up." Evelyn sighed. "You are so narcissistic. Even I can fight with you and give you a real challenge.So...Mister, wanna fight with me? Don't underestimate me. Because I have a black belt." She proudly lifted up her chin. "You don't have to fight with me. I admit my defeat." Liam said right away, nonchantically.

Evelyn: "..."

She pouted her lips. "Why's that? You think I'm not worthy of fighting with you?" Her eyes blinked innocently. Anyone who saw her at that moment would probably do anything to please her even they would bring the moon to her. Liam was no exception. He lovingly caressed her soft hair as if he was consoling her. "It's not that you're not worthy. But I'm afraid of hurting you.Even If I accidentally do that,still I won't be able to forgive myself.So please drop that idea for my sake." Evelyn hummed softly. "Okay, but on one condition." She looked into his amber eyes with a serious expression.Liam stared back at her attentively. "You have to promise me that you will always take care of yourself. After that incident happened in the night club, my heart is not at ease thinking about your safety." She softly whispered. Liam felt an indescribable warmth inside his heart when he heard that. He hugged her. "I promise you." Evelyn raised her little finger. "Pinky promise?" She asked cutely with her large blue eyes. She appeared just like a cute,little girl who was only seven or eight years old. Liam laughed and nodded;placing his finger on hers.

"There's one more thing." Evelyn nervously bit her lower lip while lowering her gaze to the floor.

Liam reached out his hand and held her chin,lifting it up to make her look at him. "Look Eve,you don't have to hesitate to tell me anything. I'm all ears and if possible, I will fulfill your need at any cost." It seemed like Liam's EQ was improving day by day. He could understand her feelings and he made her feel comfortable and gave her the courage to open up to him.

"I know it's your dream to take me here. So asking you to leave France with me so soon is not reasonable. But still...there are enemies here who are eyeing on you. So...so can we go somewhere else?" She asked using her best puppy eyes. Liam knew that his enemies would definitely find him no matter where he went. So it was really useless to run away like a coward. And he never got bothered by those enemies instead he liked to face them and play the game together untill he gained his victory. But his heart ached when he saw her worries.He didn't want her to be unhappy. If she doesn't feel safe and happy in France anymore, he will not force her to stay any longer. Hence he uttered, "Yah, I was thinking the same thing. Moreover, I only wanted to take you to visit Paris and I fulfilled that task.So it's naturally the suitable time for us to go to another country. Where do we go and visit next? You can decide."

"Italy!" Evelyn blurted out without hesitation as if she had decided the next country beforehanded. "Why Italy?" Liam asked curiously. 'Is it because of Italian food? Is she a foodie?' He wondered.He didn't notice that before.However her answer left him speechless and exploded with jealousyness and a bit of anger.

"I heard that Italian guys are so attractive. I wanna see it for myself."

Liam: "..." (Face turned green instantly.) "E...V...E...L...Y...N...!!!"

Deep inside his mind Liam firmly decided not to take her to Italy...Never ever in the future! Now his most unpleasant country was Italy. How can he let an Italian guy to snatch away his fiancée from him and do nothing about it? Better to make her stay away from that dangerous country as much as possible.

Later that day Evelyn got busy arranging their luggages. After argueing with Liam for a while she reluctantly agreed with him to go to Spain,instead of Italy. Actually she really liked to go to Italy because it was her dream to visit the Colosseum, one of the best historical landmarks, despite of her dislike towards that subject.*(*History) She knew that Liam liked history so she decided to use it as a fact. But her efforts went in vain making her admit her defeat.

( During the battle...

Evelyn: "When we met eachother for the first time I saw that you were reading about a book that mentioned the historical importance of the 'Great Wall of China'.It means you love history."

Liam: "Yeah,I love learning about the Great Wall of China.But it doesn't mean I love history.How could you come up with such a conclusion?Furthermore let's consider about you...You hate history. But you love to visit the Colosseum.In fact you can think that same goes for me."

Evelyn: "..." "You rascal, you are lying to me. And...you are not a man with his words. You promised to me that you will fulfill every possible desires of mine.But now you are breaking your promises!"

Liam: "Yep, I said 'Possible', right? Your request isn't a possible one. You think I can possibly let an Italian guy to snatch you away from me? So my desicion is firm and steady."

Evelyn: "..." She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She was just teasing him earlier. She never expected him to take it to his heart to the point of never stamping foot on that country. )

Liam took this opportunity to leave the hotel once again by making an excuse. This time he wanted to meet his grandpa's bodyguards. He had to be quick. Because if his grandfather gets to know about his enemy's sudden attack, he will be worried and try his best to bring Liam back to the Rolando mansion by hook or by crook. He didn't want that. He was really enjoying his time with his girlfriend. He didn't want to go back to his usual life. If they went to Canada, Evelyn would also go back to her family...even if it's for a short period of time. (How can you think like that Liam? How do you know it's for a short period of time? Imagine if she took a whole year to agree to marry you...what would you do then? Nevermind, it's none of my business. You can take care of that problem all by yourself.)

Liam couldn't bear to leave Evelyn's side even if it's for a second. Therefore he decided to convince the bodyguards not to tell anything to his annoying grandpa.

When he entered the lonely looking old building, a few men were standing by the entrance to welcome him. "Where's the couple...Charlie and Sarah?" He asked as soon as he saw them. His all men were very faithful and loyal to him. They could even die for him. However he was much closer to that duo despite of the uncomfortable feelings.Speeching of which, there's something to be clarified. The uncomfortable feelings he felt...they aroused when someone tried to touch him or get close to him or show him care, love or kindness. None of his men showed him those feelings(They were only loyal, polite and respectful towards him as their boss) or had physical contacts with him. Thus naturally he didn't feel that much uneasiness around them. However none of these mattered with his relationship with Evelyn. She was immuned to his condition. He didn't know why but he didn't seem to care about it either. She could touch him,kiss him,show her love,care,support,cuteness to him and he could also show his feelings for her unlike the way he dealed with others by showing his cold aura and strict, unapproachable attitude. Evelyn was the only person who got to know about his true persona after his granny.

"They didn't return to France with us by saying that they have to investigate the new enemy thoroughly." One of his men with a complete black suit and a snake tattoo around his neck replied. Liam's corners of mouth curled up to a warm smile with admiration.As expected from them!