
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

I'm your girlfriend

Evelyn wanted to follow every step gradually and successfully.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


No reply.

Evelyn gently pushed open the door. For a moment she fell to a daze.

A handsome young man sat on a rough black sofa wearing his black pajamas. The sofa was placed near the window. Thus sunlight dropped nicely on his thick dark brown hair. He looked like an angel... ehem...like a dark angel came down to earth from heaven. His long slender legs were casually crossed and he was holding a book.

'The historical importance of the great wall of china'

Oh no... she hated history the most. She always slept during history period.

The young man seemed to feel that someone was looking at him.His cold gaze fell to the girl infront of him. His brows furrowed.Evelyn came back to her senses. She rushed to him and dropped his crossing leg to the floor and sat down on his lap. She gently gave him a peck on his cheek. "Good morning,boyfriend." She mumbled sweetly.

'Seriously Evelyn?! You became so shameless just like your brother and bestie!'

Liam's ears turned red. 'Oh no is he blushing?' Evelyn wondered.

"Who are you?" He asked rather nervously.

"I'm your girlfriend." She replied shamelessly.

"You are my girlfriend?" He repeated.

Evelyn nodded her head shyly. This progress improved alot more that she expected. They said he usually didn't talk much. But now he's willing to talk with her.

"What a girlfriend supposes to do?" He asked again.

Evelyn: "I'll be with you for the rest of your life."

Liam: "No need, get out." Here comes the old 'get out' words.

Evelyn: "No way, I'm not going, not going!" She clinged on to his arm.

Liam: "..."

He looked surprised at this girl's stubborn but cute behavior. He wanted to push her away to the floor but somehow he couldn't make up his mind to do that.

"I'll read this book for you."she grabbed the book and started reading it. Unknowingly she fell asleep on his lap while resting her head on his steady shoulder. Liam glanced at her for a long time. He touched her reddish,delicate cheek.Then he pinched her cheek a little harder.

"Aawwwhh!" Evelyn exclaimed in pain.

"Get off." He ordered.

Oh unknowingly she crossed the limit and stayed for too long.Evelyn quickly stood up. "I'm leaving boyfriend. See you tomorrow!"

Then she rushed outside and closed the door behind her.


He spoke with me and had a simple conversation. Oh I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I love you so much my dear psychopath boyfriend!

PS: Oh that history book is so boring! I wonder why he chooses history out of all the subjects!

After writing her report she made another official report...ehem...a fake one to send to Liam's grandpa. She didn't want them to know her real method of healing him. After that she took a warm bath and got ready to have her lunch. She insisted Liam to join with her but he's not the type who follows others' orders. Evelyn was stubborn too. She said to the servants,"It's necessary to keep his company. I'll eat with him."