
Fell In Love with A Young Maniac

A young girl, who's the best student in a famous medical university in D city, gets the opportunity to treat the young master of the most wealthiest and powerful family in D city, who's suffering from a mental illness. Going through his reports, she decides to follow a different method to heal him.Does it work as she wishes? When she takes a look at the photo of this breathtakingly handsome young master, she instantly falls for him.Does he love her back just the way she does or does he show her his usual cold and expressionless side? After being together with young master, the young girl finds out that he's keeping many secrets with him without telling her. She is waiting for him to reveal them one day when he's ready. Can she keep waiting like that or is she going to leave this young man who's not opening up to her and hiding his secrets which seem to be involved in darkness?... Let's find out by joining with Evelyn during her journey which is filled with adventure, mystery and ehem... ofcaurse most importantly romance too. Hee hee!

LonelyQueen · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Blossoming Love

Edward was so busy with his family business. As the heir of the Rosebush company, he had to take over the CEO position from his father. All these years Mr.Rosebush had trained his son and made him learn every single thing that any businessman should know. Edward didn't shatter his father's dream and learned about economy,business,accounting and management and got many degrees and certificates. He was the perfect son that any business minded father could think of. Without any doubts, Mr.Rosebush adored his son and secretly thought that if one day he asked for a favor from him, he would fulfill it no matter what as a reward for being his best son and made him proud.

Finally Edward became the CEO of the Rosebush company. How many times he had wished for his sister Eve to stay by his side and encourage him. He missed her so much although they fought all the time.Obviously he missed their fights. Evelyn had left him for four years and she again left him mercilessly. Initially he was happy because he could visit her anytime he wanted as the Rolando family welcomed him warmly. But who would have thought that she would escape the Rolando mansion with the young master! Again he lost his baby sister. However he was happy and relieved to hear from elder Rolando that they were doing well. He wondered why his sister had decided to keep their tour a secret. He knew that his sister was a smart girl. So whatever the reason was, he respected her decision and vowed to support her unconditionally. Eventhough he felt a little upset about her not contacting him ever since their dissapearance he didn't get mad at her. As her beloved brother he couldn't get angry with her for too long. He loved her alot and he was waiting for her to come back to their little family again. This time he decided a firm decision inside his mind.It was to postpone her career atleast for several months. They were rich so it wasn't a big deal for him to take care of her even for the rest of her life. He needed his parents' approval though.To his surprise, they actually agreed with him. Maybe they also must be feeling lonely without their cute,little daughter.

Speaking of which, Edward didn't tell his parents that his sister had run away overseas with the young master Rolando. He didn't want to make his parents worry for no reasons. She had done that just to heal the young master, right? He believed that she had no ulterior motives. So he told them that she'd decided to go overseas to treat the young master using her own special method. He didn't feel that he was lying to them,wasn't he? Her real reason was that as he said. The only thing he hid from them that she had done it secretly. Never in his wildest dreams he thought that his sister fell in love with the young master. She used to call him, 'psychopath!' Therefore he naturally believed that this girl would not fall in love with her psychopath,would she? Anyways he could easilly deal with their parents as they trusted their 'best son in the world' wholeheartedly. Evelyn must thank him properly as he was the one who smoothed things over with the parents.All she knew was arguing with him and yelling at him.-Sigh- Why couldn't she understand the value of her dearest big brother? Nevermind, he didn't care about her misdeeds at all.He foolishly loved her and forgave her.Yep,love was surely blind no matter what kind of love it was.

Edward's new secretary,Mr.Tenison wiped off his sweaty forehead using a tisue for the second time."What's that?" Edward questioned coldly. Naturally he was a cheerful,easygoing person.Nonetheless he appeared to be a cold and unapproachable person infront of his employees because he had to be strict in order to maintain his company successfully.Only his family and friends knew his trueself. "Boss...The fli...flight will be within fifteen minutes.We...we were notified just now. In order to reach there in time...you...you have to l...leave now." He stammered like a scaredy cat. Edward shot him a cold gaze. Then he let out a short sigh showing his dissapointment. "You fools,nevermind it's useless to scold you. It's not your fault after all. Get the car then." He commanded. "S...sir what about the driver?Should I call him?" Tenison asked very carefully afraid of making him mad at him again. "You can be the driver to save time. Now leave!" Tenison nodded his head vigorously and quickly left. Edward sighed again. He was a newcomer so the businessmen took advantage of him and disrespected him just like that! He thought inside his mind to teach them a good lesson for being irresponsible and disrespectful.

The evening darkness started spreading everywhere if like it was waiting to welcome the upcoming night.The time was half past six. A girl who was wearing short pants which length was inch above her knees and a loose fitting t-shirt quickened her footsteps in order to reach her house before the darkness conquer the streets completely. Though there were street lights, her parents easily got worried if she was late even for a half an hour. When she was trying to cross the road,an expensive looking car crashed towards her making her flying and falling to the ground two meters away. The unlucky girl's head injured and soon it started bleeding.

"Shit!" The driver cursed instantly. "Boss,we have only ten minutes to reach the airport. The plane will be gone within fifteen minutes. Now this damn thing happened.What do we do now?" He helplessly looked at the young man who was sitting in the backseat. Contrary to driver's nervousness,he kelp his calmness. "Put her inside" He simply said.Tenison's forehead drenched in sweat once again.He widened his eyes in shock. He was a smart person thus he could understand what his boss meant."B...boss,should we bring her with us too? Won't there be a problem? Who will treat her wounds? They look kind of dangerous.There are no hospitals near here or next to the airport. Do we have to apply medicine on her inside the plan? Boss it's so troublesome." He said non-stop.

Edward took a deep breath. He had no time to explain things to his secretary as they were running out of time. "Idiot, do as I say." He roared. What else they could do? Edward wasn't a heartless or merciless person to leave an injured person alone in the middle of the road.It was illegal too as they were at fault. It was all thanks to his clumsy secretary's driving skills. If he had known that his driving skills were this bad,he would have never asked him to be his driver even for a second. It was useless to cry over the spilt milk.Tenison carried the girl in his arms and put her inside the car next to Edward. "Boss,do you want to sit in the passenger seat?" He asked looking at the unconcious girl who was covered in blood all over her upper body.

Edward glanced at the girl. It was her! But why? Gosh! Why did she have to bother him always? She pestered him alot by asking about Evelyn's whereabouts atleast twice a week. Despite of his busy life dealing with the company matters, he had to report everything to her about Evelyn. He wondered why she was so faithful and loving towards his sister!? She was more like a sister than a friend. Sometimes he felt envious towards his sister. Even he didn't have such a good friend like Maria.

He sighed. Evelyn must be treating her the same way Maria treated her.If she knew what he'd done to her beloved best friend, she would screw her brother alive into pieces."No need, start driving. Be careful otherwise we'll get into more toubles." Edward said expressionlessly. "Okay boss." Tenison firmly stated with a nod. Edward put Maria's injured head on his lap in order to examine her wounds.Tenison glanced at the couple through the front mirror. He was speechless. Did his boss not know how much his suit costed? Probably hundreds of thousands of dollars! Besides he had to attend a meeting right after the plane landed. How would he deal with his co-workers? How would he face them? With bloody clothes? He had no words to describe what he was feeling at that moment.He kept driving with a poker face as he didn't want to interfere his boss's matters further.It was his carelessness after all. Better to let him deal with it all by himself.