
fell in Fallout

**Introduction:** Victor von Wolfric, a retired Russian military veteran with a PhD in IT, Computer Science, and Bioscience, found solace in the simple pleasures of life after years of service. One of these pleasures was spending time with his grandson, bonding over a shared love for video games. Today, the screen flickered with the familiar sights and sounds of *Fallout*, a game set in a post-apocalyptic world—a grim reminder of the very tragedy humanity strives to avoid in reality. Yet, for Victor, it was a source of enjoyment, a way to connect with his grandson and escape into a world of adventure. As they played together, laughter filling the room, Victor's instincts suddenly kicked in. A noise—too close, too threatening—jolted him out of the game’s fantasy. Without hesitation, he leaped to shield his grandson. A sharp pain seared through his back, but he pushed it aside, focusing only on getting his grandson to safety. He hurried the boy into the panic room, his voice steady despite the chaos. "I'll be back quick," he promised, sealing the reinforced doors from the outside. The seasoned soldier in him took over. Victor retrieved his weapon from its hidden spot under the table, then took cover behind the kitchen counter, his senses alert for any sign of the intruders. In the brief lull, he made a quick call to his son—"We've been attacked," he reported, before cutting the line and bracing for what was to come. A brutal firefight ensued, the quiet home transforming into a battlefield. Despite his age, Victor's skills had not dulled. His movements were precise, his aim true. One by one, he eliminated the enemies, his training and experience guiding him through the harrowing ordeal. Finally, the house fell silent, the danger seemingly passed. Exhausted, Victor collapsed onto the sofa, his breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. As the adrenaline faded, so did his strength. The last thing he heard before everything went black was a voice from the game, eerily fitting: "WAR... WAR NEVER CHANGES." With those words echoing in his mind, Victor slowly slipped into unconsciousness, the world around him fading into darkness.

a_zaya222 · Video Games
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59 Chs

Chapter 44: The Calm Before the Storm

The past few days had been quiet for Victor after his successful raid on the Super-Duper Mart. The lack of bodies and vehicles left behind had sparked curiosity among factions nearby, especially in Megaton. The town's sheriff, Lucas Simms, increased security and patrols, while raiders from other groups holed up in their strongholds, trying to figure out what had happened.

Victor had decided it was best to lay low for a while, keeping his activities under the radar. He resumed his work in the medical department, assisting Jonas and showing steady progress in his studies. His life seemed normal to everyone in Vault 101, but behind the scenes, his operations were advancing rapidly.

After a day of routine work, Victor had dinner with his friends before heading to his room to review the latest reports. The experiments in the biolab were progressing as planned:

- The Dog Mutation: Only one of the dogs had successfully adapted to the giant ant genes. Its memory and command capabilities had been significantly enhanced, making it more intelligent and responsive to complex commands.


- The Raiders: The first batch of raiders and Silver were almost fully rehabilitated and had begun group training. The second batch of raiders, made up mostly of rogues, was undergoing memory-overwriting, except for two new female recruits who were still being evaluated. Some were now ready for deployment as mercenaries in the wasteland.


- Stimpak Research: The improved Stimpaks were a success, with help from the second batch of raiders who had been used as test subjects. Other medical experiments, including enhanced versions of RadX and RadAway, were also making progress.

Victor smiled as he went over the reports. Everything was falling into place.


NIM: "Alpha Team has returned from their reconnaissance mission to Megaton. Would you like to review their findings now?"

Victor stood up from his desk and walked over to the main terminal, his mind focused on the next phase of his plan. He activated the terminal, and NIM began displaying the detailed reports from Alpha Team.

- Alpha Team Report on Megaton:

 - Leaders: Lucas Simms, the self-appointed sheriff, and Colin Moriarty, the saloon owner with deep connections to many in the town, run Megaton's affairs. While Simms enforces order, Moriarty controls the town's underbelly, including illegal trades and information.


 - Factions: The Church of the Children of Atom is a key player in town, worshiping the undetonated atomic bomb at the center of the settlement. Although many residents see them as eccentric, they have influence in the town's day-to-day activities.

 - Defenses: The town is fortified by a large scrap metal wall and defended by Sheriff Simms, Deputy Weld, and Deputy Steel, two Mister Gutsy robots. However, the security force is small, and the town relies heavily on trade caravans for supplies.

 - Merchants: The town's primary merchants include Moira Brown, who runs Craterside Supply, and Leo Stahl, who deals in chems. There is also a doctor, Doc Church, who provides medical services to the residents.

Victor scanned the report, nodding as he considered his next steps. The information was detailed, giving him a clear picture of the town's power dynamics and the people who could either help or hinder his future plans.


Victor (thinking): "It's time to deploy the next phase."

Victor closed the report and issued a new set of orders throughNIM.

- Raiders' Deployment: Alpha Team, consisting of four raiders who had undergone extensive training and memory modification, were ready to infiltrate the wasteland as mercenaries. Their mission was to gather intelligence on various factions, starting with Megaton. They were to plant surveillance equipment and blend in as hired guns. Each raider would be accompanied by a heavily armed Assault Bot to ensure their safety in hostile environments.


After setting everything in motion, Victor leaned back in his chair. His enhanced raiders, now loyal only to him through neural implants, would be his eyes and ears in the wasteland. They would silently gather intel, plant surveillance devices, and monitor the movements of key factions like the Children of Atom and Moriarty's underground dealings.

In the meantime, Victor continued his experiments in the biolab. NIM was working on extracting giant genes from the mutated ants to see if they could be integrated into other creatures, like the dogs. If successful, these enhanced creatures would provide even greater support in combat and scouting missions.


That night, after checking in on the biolab and the raiders' progress, Victor lay in bed, feeling a sense of satisfaction. His plans were coming together. Alpha Team was already en route to Megaton, ready to begin their covert operations.

Before falling asleep, he issued one last command to NIM.

Victor: "Keep me updated on all movements in and around Megaton. Make sure the surveillance systems are fully operational."

NIM: "Understood. All systems are active. Alpha Team is in position."

Victor closed his eyes, knowing that the next few weeks would be crucial.