
Fell for dark heart

This is a story about Yatra, beautiful fashion designer and Veera ,handsome heartbroken millionaire.They are supposed to be gather even if they never wanted to be.How their hatred turns into love.Whether they fall for each other ,will the royal family accept this middle class woman as their legacy,whether he accept her love or he just take a revenge ,how she make his dark heart fell for her love.

Sri_yatra · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 2 Royal party

I lost my parents since I was 16 , I grown up in my uncle aunt home , my cousin didn't like me , she always saw me as her enemy , i completed my degree by doing many part time jobs , but the money isn't enough , sometimes I supposed to ask them for my college fees , they saw me as a burden .

I was there only because of my granny , she loved me very much , the only person I feel like belong to , but I can't be a burden to someone, so after completing my degree , I do a lot of jobs as much as I can , even as a waitress , food delivery girl , soon I get a job from my dream company JK fashion designing , i started my career as a assistant designer , now I am the leading designer in the company , the salary is not enough to compensate my uncle aunt , I have to give my whole salary to them as a debt I have to return , i have no savings either , but I love my job .

Today is my working day , there is a little girl trailing her dresses for her birthday party with her granny , i suggested her a beautiful dress to wear , suddenly her granny had a attack, she is fainted , the girl cries by saying granny granny , a huge crowd surrounds them , but no one is helping .

I reached them , i do CPR to her , she isn't wake up , i didn't give up , i continuously giving her CPR .

yesssss ! yessss !

Granny ...Granny.....

The crowd claps her hands...

yes , she came to concious , she is saved , the ambulance bring her , but the child is the only one with her , so I went with them to the hospital .

The doctors are getting her into the emergency room , they are doing their jobs , I was sitting with the child outside who is crying, I try to console her .

" Doctor, is she fine ? " I asked to the doctor .

" she had a severe chest pain , because of the instant CPR she is alive now , i should appreciate you , I have prescribed some medicine, give them regularly, it's because of her age , she has to be more careful and conscious , she is sleeping now , after she wake up , you can get her home ."

" Thank you so much doctor " i thanked him.

" your granny is completely fine , shall we go to see her " I asked the child with a smiling face .she shook her head with teary eyes .

we opened the door , she is lying on the bed , slowly opened her eyes , " Idhalya " ...she called her granddaughter.

"Granny " she ran fast and hold her tightly. They are hugging each other .

" Are you scared ? " she asked .

" yes granny , please don't do this again " child says with crying node .

" look I am perfectly alright now , we can go to the park and play with your friends too " she said .

" No granny, I just want to go to home with you" the child replied .

" ok , we can go home " she replied and then her eyes fall on me , she called me to come closer .

" Are you feeling better now mam ? " I asked .

" Yes , I am fine my daughter, thank you so much for saving my life , people like you are soo rare in this generation, you are so kind and loving , I won't forget you and you help , thank you . " she thanked me from her heart .

" Please mam , you are like my granny, you don't need to thank me for this , if she might be face the situation like this , I should been act instantly, so .." I says to her .

" Then you can call me as granny , you said that I way like your granny , soo .... call me granny ....right now " she told me .

I was surprised, I Don't even know her who she is , but she gave me the rights on her , I replied with a hesitation " granny ,I don't know whether I worth it or not , but it's my pleasure."

They are smiling at me . suddenly I have a call from home , they said it's emergency, immediately i have to come , i scared .

" sorry mam , i have to leave , there is an emergency from my home " I told her .

" It's ok my child , i will call my family , they will come and pick me up , you can go but surely I owe you a lunch , you have to come and visit me " she asked me politely .

" it's my pleasure mam " i said and left the place immediately.


" Granny , granny.....what happen , are you alright , I was scared ....." his grandson holds her hand with teary eyes. " I am perfectly alright now , please don't worry" she replied. She explained him everything what happened to her , how she was saved . " If she is not there , what will happen to you " he asked .

" I died " she teased him .

" Please don't use that word , you are so careless about your health " he shouted .

" please calm down, I will take care of myself , Don't worry " she replied.

They hugged each other .

" don't touch her , she is my granny " the child protested .

" No , she is my granny " he replied and hold her tightly.

" please don't fight , you are my grandson and you are my great granddaughter , ok " they are hugging each other with love .


" Aunt , what happen? why are you called as an emergency? where is granny ? " I asked fearly , but I failed to notice the family of people are sitting in the living room.

My aunt grabbed my hand tightly and get me inside a room , she told me to wear a saree , and also she said they came for a proposal , for me . I was shocked . I am not ready for the marriage , I have many things to achieve in my life . I pleased her but she won't listened me , i gave a cup of tea tray to them , they almost done an engagement for me without asking my wish .

I searched for granny, but she is unwell , i couldn't disturb her again and again to save me. my hope is destroyed, my uncle aunt planned everything to throw me from away the house . No one can save me . May be this is my fate .

only A week is there for my marriage , I lost my hope , i couldn't focus on my work .

The security gave me a cover in the company. I opened it , it's an invitation with a royal tag ." dear child , it's me who you saved from death, there is a small party going to conduct tomorrow night in my house , i would like to invite you for the party , I will be very happy if you come , give me a chance to introduce you to my family, please come , with greetings..... Devaki ." The address is also enclosed inside . I feel so happy and relaxed after reading the letter , I don't know why , that relieves me from all of my pain , I think I need this to distract myself , so i decided to go to the party .

Finally I got a permission to go for the party , but with my cousin, that's my big headache now , i love her , but she can't tolerate me , she always bully me , she shows attitude to me, but I can't do anything, she is like my sister .


We reached their house , no it's a palace , it's bigger than I imagine , a royal palace with high class arrangements , people are there are so rich .

I wear a dazzling red saree , this is my first time to meet her family , i should be perfect , my cousin wear a too short dress , i couldn't say anything to not to wear that . she left me alone after seeing the palace , I am sure she is roaming every corner and flirting with boys , the big problem is she drunk more , i should be careful with her , there shouldn't be any problem arise because of her .

Granny greeted me inside with a warm hug , she introduce me as her loving child to everyone, she showed lots of love , I asked about her health, the child give me a huge hug and we kissed each other , her family is so kind to me .I enjoying the party , they are dancing singing.....


Cousin Neha is drinking and flirting with the classy boys , her eyes fall on Yatra . She Don't like that everyone behaves nice with Yatra , she want to ruin her image infront of the family, she spiked her cool drinks, as per her plan , Yatra drunk the spiked drink , she start loosing her control, eyes eyes start blur , she is standing alone watching the dance .

Some waiter gave Yatra a note " come to my room " and he showed her a way and left . She is confused who send the note . she goes to the room in order to know who send the note , she is not in whole conscious because of the drunk .she slowly walked near the room.

She knocked the door , it opened, suddenly a hand pulled her inside with high force . The door was locked , the party is going on outside with huge sound of speakers . but inside the room .....

Who is he ? What will happen ?