The next morning, Felix opened his eyes to find himself lying in bed at Hogwarts Hospital. He recalled the events of the previous day, which made him realize the inherent dangers of magic and the need for greater caution. As he pondered his mistake, a middle-aged witch with a sturdy and slightly round figure entered the room. She exuded a no-nonsense demeanor and was dressed in a pristine white healer's uniform, complete with a high-collared cloak. The emblem of a crossed bone and wand adorned her uniform, signifying her role as the matron of the hospital wing.
Noticing that Felix was awake, the witch approached him. "You're up already? Did you experience any pain?" she inquired.
"No, I'm fine. Can I leave the hospital?" Felix responded.
"Yes, you were just exhausted and needed some rest, but you're in good health. Professor McGonagall asked me to inform you that you need to go to her office after your classes," Madam Pomfrey informed him.
"Okay, thank you for taking care of me," Felix expressed his gratitude. He left the hospital wing and made his way to the dining hall, feeling hungry and in need of breakfast.
Upon arriving at the dining hall, he found Xeno already seated and enjoying his meal. Felix joined him at the table, and after a few seconds, Xeno noticed him and said, "Oh, Felix, good morning. Yesterday when Professor Flitwick mentioned that you lost consciousness and were going to spend the night in the hospital, I was about to go and check on you. But then I decided to have breakfast first, knowing that nothing bad would happen to someone as selfish as you," Xeno remarked before returning to his meal.
Felix looked at his supposed friend, momentarily speechless. After a few seconds, he realized that what Xeno said held some truth, so he returned his focus to his own meal.
After his classes, Felix headed to McGonagall's office, feeling apprehensive about potential punishment and losing house points due to the events of the previous day. He knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.
"Come in," said McGonagall.
Upon receiving permission, Felix entered the office and greeted the professor. "Good afternoon, Professor. First, I'd like to apologize for losing control yesterday, and I want to thank you for saving me."
McGonagall looked at Felix for a few seconds, sighed, and said, "Have a seat, Mr. Scarletwound. I have something to discuss with you."
Felix took a seat, and McGonagall continued, "First, I'd like to show you something." She retrieved a small furry object from one of her office drawers and showed it to Felix. "What is this, Mr. Scarletwound?"
"It's a mummified squirrel, Professor," Felix replied, his mind filled with a dreadful guess.
"Can you explain what happened to this little animal, Mr. Scarletwound?" asked McGonagall.
"I believe it was the result of my spell yesterday, Professor," Felix answered, head down.
"And I believe the outcome was not what you intended," McGonagall stated.
"It wasn't, Professor. I only targeted the ground, and I didn't think it would affect the animals above it," Felix explained, regret evident in his voice.
"That's what I thought too, Felix. You are the most talented student I have ever seen, but that talent comes with risks. If you lose control over your magic, it might put yourself and everyone around you in danger. That's why I'd like to start control training with you and have you refrain from attempting any magic that could affect a large area, especially the two spells you created. Many people would consider the first one dark magic and label you as a dark wizard," warned McGonagall.
"Thank you for your concern, Professor. How should I train my control?" Felix inquired.
"I have already devised a plan for you." McGonagall pointed her wand at a piece of wood in her office and performed a spell, transforming it into a small puppet dressed in a red suit. The puppet began to move around, mimicking human motion.
"You have three steps. First, you should focus on transforming this piece of wood into a puppet and controlling its movements to make it walk like a human. Additionally, try changing the puppet's colors. Then, proceed to transform the puppet into different materials you know. The final and most challenging part of the training is to combine multiple materials in the puppet's transformation," McGonagall explained. She returned the puppet to its wooden form and placed it in a bag filled with similar pieces, which she handed to Felix.
"I will try my best, Professor," Felix responded gratefully, taking the bag.
"I'm sure you will, Mr. Scarletwound. You may leave now," said McGonagall, returning to her paperwork.
"Goodbye, Professor, and thank you for your help." Relieved that he wasn't facing punishment, Felix left McGonagall's office. As he walked back to his room, he contemplated the training ahead. Upon entering his room, Felix sat on his bed and retrieved a piece of wood from the bag. He focused his attention on the task assigned by McGonagall. Pointing his wand at the piece of wood, he visualized the transformation and initiated the incantation.
"Lignospecto Marionettam."
The piece of wood began to change, taking the form of a puppet dressed in all red. Though Felix didn't attempt to alter the puppet's color, he promptly reverted it back to its original wooden state to try again.
After an hour of practice, Felix successfully created a puppet identical to the one crafted by Professor McGonagall. Feeling ready to progress, he aimed to control the puppet's movements. At first, the puppet's motion was shaky and awkward, but as time passed, Felix's control improved. After another hour, the puppet moved as fluidly as a human.
Curiosity got the better of Felix, and he wondered what would happen if he introduced another material into the puppet's transformation. Though he knew it might be hasty, he couldn't resist the urge to explore. Pointing his wand at the puppet, he attempted to transform it into a mixture of wood and iron. However, as the transformation began, something unexpected occurred. Felix noticed the anomaly but realized it too late. In a state of panic, knowing the puppet was about to explode, he swiftly dove under the bed, covering his ears and thinking, "That was a truly terrible decision."
At that moment, the door swung open, and Xeno entered the room, only to be met with a loud "BOOM!"