
#6 Arisu Sakayanagi

Too many people in here... These were my first thoughts when I arrived at the entrance ceremony.

A lot of students scattered all around the large hall but strangely it was relatively quiet. I guess it was because students didn't know which class others belong to. Introducing yourself to someone here is meaningless since they might become your enemies for the next 3 years.

I went to the most remote place in the hall, at least I tried to. When I arrived, there was still standing a short petite girl with lilac colored hair not far away from me. I noticed that she also had a cane in her hands.

She must have some health problems. I thought while looking at the cane in her hands but she probably noticed me looking and asked


Not really, It's just a habit to check out my surroundings and that includes people but I probably shouldn't say this aloud.

"Sorry if my staring made you uncomfortable" I said politely and redirected my gaze at the podium before me.

However, instead of dropping the conversation, the girl looked at me more closely and asked me with a light laugh

"Fufufu, not Japanese are we?"

Why do you even care?

"I am not, isn't it simple enough to see?" I found this girl quite interesting and by her playful, calm and confident demeanor, I would guess she is from class B or A.

"Of course it is, you will probably attract a lot of attention just based on that. fufufu"

I talked with the girl for a while until the entrance ceremony officially started.

The speech was delivered by the principal and the last words of the speech were delivered by the student council president, Manabu Horikita. After that, we were ordered to go to our respective classrooms and wait there for 30 minutes before the teacher would arrive.

Of course, I had no intention to go immediately to my classroom, after all, these 30 minutes are probably to let students introduce to each other. I walked around the school and found classrooms of other classes. When I walked past the classroom that belonged to class A, the door got abruptly opened and I bumped into someone small, it was the girl from the entrance ceremony. Fortunately, my reflexes were fast enough to catch her before she fell on the ground.

"Sorry about that" I gave her some time to regain balance then I bent down to pick up her cane from the ground and gave it to her.

"Fufufu, you have quite good reflexes and nothing happened so it's ok. Thank you for the cane" She just laughed off that incident.

"Are perhaps lost? Why aren't you in your classroom?" She asked me playfully after adjusting her uniform

She really is playful but that doesn't mean I can drop my guard down around her. And if you want to question why I am not in my classroom then why did you go out of your own classroom?

"I had it in the plan, to go there before this incident happened..." I explained myself even though I had no obligation to do so.

Anyway, it seems that she is really from Class A.

"This is already our 2nd meeting today so I guess the introduction is in order. Sakayanagi Arisu" She said and playfully bowed down while using her hands to hold her skirt out from her body.

This girl is really funny but I guess it won't hurt to play along.

"Walker Felix" I said while keeping my right hand to my heart and bowed down. I didn't know how to perform it in right way but I still played along.

"Fufufu, Walker as to always tread forward? Nice to meet you, Walker-kun. But I think you should already go to your classroom or you might get into trouble." She said so and I fully agreed, I spent too much time here already.

"See you later, Sakayanagi-san" I said my goodbye and went towards my classroom.

----(Arisu's POV)----

What an interesting boy, I couldn't see through him at all. I guess I might even drop that incident after seeing how he played along with me, fufufu.

I hope you will entertain me even more in the future, Felix Walker.

----(Arisu's POV end)----

Sign 1 - D

Found it, I opened the door and walked in. It seemed that everyone stopped talking and looked in my direction. I scanned the entire classroom and I was surprised to see my old acquaintance. I looked into Karuizawa's eyes but she averted her gaze.

It seems that she doesn't want others to know that we are old acquaintances. I went to my seat that was located in the 2nd row from behind near the window. On my way, I could hear some whispers but I couldn't care any less about it.

----(Kei's POV)----

I was talking with a few girls, trying to fit in a group. We couldn't introduce ourselves formally since one of us was still missing and it would be rude if we started without him. Suddenly the door to the classroom got open and everyone stopped talking and looked towards the person that just came in. I couldn't believe my own eyes. It was my old friend who abandoned me. I had complicated feelings since I didn't know the reason for his betrayal, I couldn't just bring myself to fully hate him.

He also noticed me and looked at me but I was afraid of his gaze, of what others would think if they knew we used to be friends. It seemed like he noticed my discomfort and didn't call my name out and just casually sit down on his seat.

All the girls around me started to whisper among themselves.

"*He doesn't look like a Japanese*"

"*Is his hair dyed or do you think it's natural?*"

"*Have you seen his eyes? They were glowing!*"

"*He could be considered the most handsome guy in our classroom but he has that dangerous vibe around him*"

"*What do you think about him Karuizawa-san? You were oddly quiet since he came in.*"

One of the girls asked me a question and I finally woke up from my trance.

"*Well appearance isn't everything maybe he is socially awkward or like someone already mentioned, he could be a dangerous person.*"

I joined in the conversation not to stand out. I never want to go through the same thing I did in middle school. I thought while rubbing my torso with my right hand.

----(Kei's POV end)----

I noticed that behind me sat down the student I saw on the bus, one with emotionless eyes.

On his right, I noticed a girl who looked like an arrogant prima-donna with long black hair.

Oh no, please kill me... I thought when I noticed that annoying girl and the blonde-haired guy from the bus.

"Ehm, since everyone is already here, how about we start with introductions?" One student suggested with a friendly smile and everyone else agreed since they already lost around 15 minutes of waiting for me.

"Since I suggested it, I will start first. My name is Hirata Yousuke. In my middle school, I was often called by my first name, so feel free to use my first name too. I like to play all kinds of sports but I plan to join soccer club. Please take care of me." He finished his self-introduction with a friendly smile.

Definitely leader type, he is overly friendly with everyone but I guess girls like guys who are nice, friendly and athletic.

Soon after his introduction, another person stood up, girl to be more precise.

"...My name is Inogashira Kokoro..." She continued with her hobbies and like that everyone introduced themselves until it was my turn. Everyone looked at me expectantly, probably because I haven't talked yet since coming here.

Hello, my name is Walker Felix and I like to live on the edge, live in the wildness, I like to train and kill wild beasts. How can I say something like that to teenagers? Now that I think about it, I have no other hobbies.

I released a sigh and stood up. I saw how everyone's eyes were on me, some of them even looked at me with expectations. What do you expect me to do? Do you expect me to take out a white rabbit from my uniform?

"My name is Walker Felix, as some of you might have noticed I am not native. As for what I like... jogging early in the morning. Please take care of me."

"Nice to meet you Walker-kun, I hope we will become good friends" Hirata said to me and I just nodded.

Then it was the turn for the guy behind me to introduce himself.

".....Um, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. ...er, there aren't many interesting things about me. I will do my best to get along with everyone....., nice to meet you."

Heh, that was even plainer than my introduction, however, he is probably the last guy who will annoy me in this classroom.

When it was someone's else turn door got opened and a woman wearing a suit walked into the classroom.

She looks around 30 years old, my real age should be quite close to hers. Her long brown hair is tied in a ponytail.

"Good morning new students. My name is Chabashira Sae and I am in charge of class D. We will be seeing each other for the next 3 years so let's get along. For now, I will hand out a list of special rules of this school, be sure to thoughtfully read it. After I will get you familiar with rules and the school system you are free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day.

I received the list of rules and I already read most of them when I was gathering information about this school.

"I will also hand out student ID cards which will work exactly like a credit card. You will be using points instead of money. Be careful of the way you spend your points. There is nothing you can't buy at school, as long as it is on school grounds, it's purchasable." She emphasized the last sentence.

Does it also include you? ...Oops, that definitely sounded bad. It sounds like a joke told by a teenager.

"The points will be automatically allocated on the first day of the month. Everyone should already have 100.000 points on their card, you can check it out on your phone. Also, 1 point equals 1 yen.

Of course, hearing such a sum of money, the class got loud, filled with surprised voices of students.

However, I wasn't surprised but more suspicious, after all, at least 100.000 yen for all students each month is too much, even if it is financed by the government. There must be something hidden in the system. I highly doubt that school will give you monthly 100.000 points + points for your merits

"Of course, you should use those points and not save them since they can't be exchanged for cash after graduation. Use them on what you like or need" Chabashira-sensei explained.

I am getting even more suspicious due to her baiting us to use our points. Shouldn't you as a teacher not care how your students spend money/points? Yet you are telling us to use them? I will get my answer after going to a convenience store.

After a few minutes, she was done with the explanation and we were finally allowed to leave.

Most of the students went to the dorms and some of them formed groups and went explore school grounds.

As I planned I went to a convenience store and after looking around for a bit I smiled.

As I thought, there are expensive items, items with average price and also items for FREE.

Why would the store had items for free if students get at least 100.000 points monthly? That doesn't make sense.

I decided to take a few items for free and a few necessary items for an average price. When I was planning to go pay I noticed 2 students from my class. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, was it? As for the other person, it was the arrogant prima-donna. They were talking about something, I would have never imagined Ayanokoji-kun being a friend with that girl.

It seemed that Ayanokoji-kun noticed my presence and looked at me. I too looked at him and simply nodded, in response, he nodded too. I can imagine myself getting along with that guy.

After paying for items I went back to the dorms, I took an elevator to the 4th floor and I stopped before the door to my room. Room number 402.

I swiped my ID card and the door got unlocked. I entered and looked around the plain and small room.

"Well, this is much better than my old camp." I said aloud with a wide smile.

Private points: 98.500