
Felix's Classroom of the Elite

Just some random Fan-fic about Classroom of the Elite with a few fantasy-like features for the future plot. *English isn't my native language* so if you can't stand grammar errors while reading something you better not read this. This is my first fan-fic ever so you can definitely expect plot holes. Characters might have slightly different personalities. Events don't have to happen the same way they did in the Classroom of the Elite. I am writing this only for fun so don't expect much. I don't own Classroom of the Elite, neither I own any of its characters and etc...

Felix9713 · Others
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112 Chs

#58 Asao's memories 2

-----(Asao's fragments of memories)-----

"What..is..it?" Asao looked towards the colorful bag full of candies with a slightly curious expression, however, his voice still sounded dull.

He never saw such a colorful thing ever since he had been living here.

"These are candies, you will surely like them. Most of the kids tend to like them even adults are no exceptions!" Kazuki enthusiastically explained and even took one candy and ate it right in front of Asao to show him there is nothing wrong with them.

Kazuki hold out his hand holding the bag of candies to Asao.

? Asao tilted his head to the side with a questioning expression but he still took one candy and ate it without any hesitation. He was in unknown territory with unfamiliar people around him yet he felt no fear, no, he had no idea what fear is.

When Asao started chewing the gelatin candy in his mouth, his expression changed a bit and his eyes slightly widened. He was slightly confused by the taste, all those drugs must have messed up with his taste buds.

"How is it? Do you like it?" Kazuki sat down on the ground next to Asao and asked him with a smile of a father.

"Hmm...Probably. Can Kazuki-sama fully explain the concept of 'like', please?" Asao looked at Kazuki with his usual dull expression.

"That..." Kazuki looked at him slightly surprised.

'I almost forgot that he had close to zero common sense even when he was first brought here, not to mention the drugs that surely messed up with his brain a bit...' Kazuki clenched his fist with a pitying look on his face.

'But how should I explain it to him? He is still a kid, even though he has a lot of knowledge inside his head, he can't use his brain properly yet. This also shows why he can't understand something as simple as the verb like'

"Kazuki-sama?" Kazuki woke up from his thoughts when he heard Asao call him out with a tilted head and confused expression.

"Sorry about that and you can stop with -sama. Just call me Kazuki." Asao simply nodded without any change in his expression.

'If it was a normal kid then he would definitely feel strange calling a stranger and adult at that, just casually with his name.' Kazuki sighed when he looked at Asao.

"It's something like...when it feels comfortable then it usually means you like it. But there are many more definitions for each topic. In your case, if you like the food you just ate, it means that it tastes good and you would most likely want more of it." Kazuki tried to explain it so Asao could understand it a bit.

"I see...I think - I understand" Asao said slowly with a blank expression.

"So, do you like it? Do you want more of these candies?" Kazuki asked with a gentle smile and offered him the bag of candies once again.

Asao looked at the bag and then he looked in front of him with a thoughtful expression and after a while, he lightly and hesitantly nodded his head.

"Anyway, I never asked but what is your name?" Kazuki just realized that he didn't even know Asao's name even after taking care of him for numerous months.

"...I don't know" Asao answered disinterestedly and instead focused his attention to candies.


"Shiro, do you really need to do this? He is just a kid, there won't be any reaction!"

"This is an experiment! We have no idea what kind of side effects those drugs have on him." Shiro casually explained with a naked beauty right next to him.

"Don't you think this is ridiculous? He is just a kid, even if those drugs have some side effects it definitely won't make him sex-hungry beast!" Kazuki was already on edge when it came to Shiro's ideas. But the truth was that even he was slightly afraid of what might happen when Asao sees that woman.

"Stop the nonsense, if he won't react then he won't, if he will then we can simply knock him out and we will know one more result of the experiment. Let's go" Shiro reprimanded and then turned at the naked beauty and gestured her to follow him.

When they entered the Asao's room, they saw Asao sitting on the ground, his back leaning on the wall. This was his regular sitting position.

Asao raised his head when he heard the door open and when he spotted the two guys he already met numerous times his expression didn't change at all, however when he saw the naked beauty standing next to them he gave her curious look. This was the 3rd person he has met here.

"Go" Shiro gestured for the woman to take an action.

"Hi, little one, how are you?" The woman came close to Asao with a gentle and seductive smile and crouched down to make her eyes on the same level as Asao's eyes. Performing this action made her lower part completely open for Asao to see and she didn't even cover her fairly big breasts.

Asao looked at her lower part and then at her breasts with his usual dull expression. It was apparent that he had knowledge of what these things are for but there was absolutely no reaction on his end.

"Hello" Asao just greeted her but he didn't even reply to her question because he already lost interest in this woman.

"Hmm, it seems like nothing happened. Let's hope he will keep this kind of mentality even when he matures. Well, that is if he will survive until then, haha" Shiro laughed and casually spoke those words right in front of Asao but Asao wasn't bothered by his words, he didn't even look at him.

"Shiro!" However, Kazuki couldn't stand this and tried to stop him from saying anything more.

"Yeah, yeah...whatever. We are going back, have fun here, kid" Shiro just waved his hand and disregarded Kazuki's comment. He looked towards Asao and sarcastically wished him fun in the 2x2 meters room with absolutely nothing around.

Kazuki was the last one to leave the room but before he left he took out something from his pocket and threw it towards Asao.

Asao caught it and started observing the thing Kazuki threw at him.

It consisted of a pair of discs joined together with a deep groove between them in which string was attached.

Asao was doing his best to figure out what he should do with this thing but just trying to figure this out made the time pass by much faster than usual.

Still ill but I am doing my best to write while recovering so here is a short chapter.

Felix9713creators' thoughts