
#15 Class D's trouble

The next morning when I came to class I noticed some people arguing.

"What happened?" I put my bag beside my seat and asked Ayanokoji who was sitting behind me.

"Apparently Sudo got into trouble with other class." He answered me briefly.

When I heard Sudo and trouble with the other class, all I could think of was that day when he almost started a fight. If it wasn't for me or Ichinose then he would definitely start a fight. Even though Sudo looks and behaves like a delinquent, I don't think he would beat up just anyone without any reason. It must be work of that Ryuen guy since he already knows about Sudo's temper.




"Basketball club members from class C made a complaint against a Sudo. They claim that after practice, Sudo attacked them and injured them without a reason." Chabashira-sensei informed everyone about the situation.

"What?! That was self-defense! They started a fight, not me!" Sudo got angry and slammed his desk with his fist.

"There is no evidence, it would be different if there was any witness, however, the thing is that they are injured and you aren't" Chabashira-sensei coldly said to Sudo.

Sometimes I don't even understand her, she wants our class to advance higher yet she is cold towards us. As for the reason why she wants our class to advance... I thought about it a bit. It could be a higher salary but I don't think that's all. Maybe the thing that applies to classes, applies to teachers too. She is probably at the lowest place in the hierarchy since she is a class D homeroom teacher.

"Did anyone happen to see Sudo-kun's fight?" Kushida got up and asked everyone in class which gave me the opportunity to observe everyone's expression and actions. Everyone started looking at each other with questioning expression.

I didn't notice anyone act unusually except for one girl. Her name is Sakura Airi, she is usually quiet and doesn't involve herself in any class activity, however this time she was looking at the floor with a bit of guilt in her eyes. She was afraid to look at anyone, of course, I knew that she was shy and she wouldn't want to look at anyone anyway but she was fidgeting with her hands. But if she knows something why not say it aloud? Is this just because she is shy? I highly doubt that she would risk expulsion of a classmate because of her shyness.

"Perhaps, it would be better for you if you got expelled. Your presence is not beautiful at all" Koenji said aloud while looking into his hand mirror. I am starting to feel nauseous.

"What did yo-" Sudo got up and tried to say something but was interrupted.

"In 1 week's time, there will be a discussion with class C , with a student council present to oversee the process. Depending on results, class D might lose class points and there will be heavy punishment for Sudo. I hope you can find any witnesses in the meantime." Chabashira-sensei said right before the bell rang indicating the end of class.

Hmm, so if worse comes to worst I can always use Horikita Manabu's favor, however, I would like to avoid such a situation. I took my phone out of my pocket and started typing a message.

'Do you have time to spare after school?' I sent the message to Matsushita-san

'Sure, what's the matter? Want me to look for witnesses?' After a few seconds, I got a reply.

'I have a favor to ask of you. Do you think you could investigate and follow Sakura-san after school?'

'I don't see any problem with it but why? Do you suspect her that she knows something?' (Matsushita)

'I am not sure but it's better to be safe than sorry. Can you do it for me?'

'~OK~ but I expect you to take me out for lunch or something after this matter ;)' (Matsushita)

'Will do' After sending my last message someone came to me.

"Walker-kun and Ayanokoji-kun, would you come with me after school to hunt for witnesses, please?" It was Kushida who came to our seats.

I don't have anything particular to do after school so I guess I could help out for the appearance's sake. I don't really expect to find any witness, after all, who would just offer to help us if he wasn't from our class but I could try if Ichinose is willing to help. I could see in that Chihiro girl's eyes respect she had for Ichinose. She must be quite popular among the 1st-year students so with her help we might be able to find a clue.

"Sure, I don't mind helping out" I said and looked behind me at Ayanokoji. He looked at me for a while and then he sighed out.

"Guess I can come too..." He gave his answer to Kushida.

"Really?! Thanks! Let's meet up after school" Kushida said and run away.

"Do you really want to help?" I asked Ayanokoji who seemed totally disinterested in this matter.

"...And you?" Instead of answering he asked me a question.

"I see...well, see you after school" He was able to see that I wasn't really interested either that's the reason why he asked me this question instead of answering. I got up and left the classroom.




'Hi Ichinose-san, can you help me with something? You should already know about the incident we had with class C. I would like to borrow your help with finding clues and I would appreciate it if you could find and send me a few videos of those involved playing basketball.'

I sent a message to Ichinose while I was waiting for others to arrive.

'Hi Walker-kun, It's no problem, give me a few hours. Can you also message me the location where can I find you later?' The reply came almost immediately.

You don't really need to come here personally, you just need to send it in the message but whatever.

'Ok, I will send you location right after you will find the videos' I sent the message and put my phone in my pocket.

After a few minutes, everyone came to the meeting place. We set out to ask around the school about any clues or witnesses, however, even after a few hours we didn't find anything.

"We couldn't find anything...*sigh*" Kushida's spirit was extremely low.

"Hey! Everyone!" Ichinose was running towards us while waving at us.

"Ichinose-san?" Kushida was a bit surprised by her presence.

"I came to help you all, Kushida-san. Ah, I tried to send you the videos you requested but their size was too big so I can only show you them on my phone, Walker-kun" Ichinose said and everyone looked at me with a strange expression.

"Thank you and sorry for making you come here because of it" I didn't think of video's size so I apologized for the trouble.

"No need to apologize, I owe you after all" Ichinose said with a bright smile and everyone looked at me with even stranger expression than before.

We watched the videos Ichinose got.

"Why did you want these videos, Walker-kun?" Kushida asked me filled with curiosity.

"Hmm, so it is scheme after all..." I ignored her and said aloud with a thoughtful expression.

"Why do you think so?" Ayanokoji unexpectedly asked me this question.

You should already know...are you perhaps trying to join in the conversation?

"Just by looking at their posture, speed, reflexes, the way they are holding the ball it is more than apparent that they are experienced fighters plus I and Ichinose also saw 1 of them provoking Sudo some time ago. There is no way for Sudo-kun to beat all 3 of them without sustaining any injuries." I explained to them.

"Have you ever practiced any martial arts, Walker-kun?" Kushida seemed surprised by my deduction that came just from watching a video.

"No, I used to live in a dangerous district so I have a somewhat good eye for this kind of thing" When I said this, Ayanokoji gave me a look but I returned it right at him. We both knew each other physical ability but we both are trying to hide it so there is no chance that we would betray each other in this matter.

"But even if we know that it is a scheme to damage class D, how can you prove your innocence, after all, Sudo-kun wasn't injured" Ichinose's words made everyone present lose hope once again.

We decided to pause the investigating for today.

"How about we hang out in Ayanokoji-kun's room once again?" Ike suggested like it was his own room which made Ayanokoji's lips to twitch a bit.

"If it's ok with Ayanokoji-kun. Would you like to come with us, Walker-kun?" Kushida invited me even though it wasn't her room, well at least she made it sound more softly than Ike.

"Sorry Kushida-san but I already have plans" I quickly gave Ayanokoji pitying look and separated from their group and not long after that I received a message.

'I did what you wanted from me and I didn't find anything suspicious except her being sometimes absent-minded plus she was looking quite a lot at her camera. I didn't even know that she owns the camera. Also when I was trying to find something about her I found some photos of a girl that looks almost like Sakura-san.' It was from a Matsushita-san and she even sent me a few photos

I looked at the photos she sent me and I became speechless because it wasn't just some girl similar to Sakura. It was Sakura herself, however, in those photos she was making very daring poses, it was nothing you would expect from a shy girl. No wonder she believes that that's not Sakura.

'Good job, thank you and sorry for wasting your entire day with such a selfish request. Good night.' I didn't mention that the girl on the photos is actually Sakura.

'Don't mention it, I will be awaiting your invitation to lunch. Good night ;)'

...What's up with those emoticons.

Sakura is probably hiding this side of hers for very good reason. I guess I found her weakness, now the question is if I should go try to talk to Sakura or if I should take some drastic action...

Hehe, class C huh? Trying to use the scheme combined with violence not a bad idea. How about I do the same thing to you lot? I was unknowingly smiling while thinking about what to do to class C.