
Felicia Awake

Felicia woke up slowly at first, not opening her eyes.


A voice called softly, eerily familiar. Felicia shifted a little, feeling the bed she was lying on with her stomach. She became conscious of a light behind her eyelids. Disoriented, Felicia opened her eye's slightly and squinted. The light receded a little.

"Felicia." The voice called again, and Felicia recognized the cauce now. It was her brothers. What did he want?

Felicia looked up, and spotted him standing beside her bed, with a torch in his hands, though she wasn't sure if it was a torchlight or his phone. Felicia blinked her sleepy eyes. Feeling them want to close of their own accord, Felicia forced them open.

Pushing herself into a sitting position, and adjusting the blanket around her lap, she glanced towards the window - her gaze skimming over the sleeping figure beside her - and saw that it was still dark outside. Felicia didn't know what time it was probably five-ish, but honestly, she didn't give a fuck, she just wanted to go back to sleep.

Felicia focused her gaze back at him, and she noticed his clothes. He was wearing a white turtleneck, with somewhat dark brown pants underneath.

That means he's leaving. At last. It's not like she despised his presence or anything, it was just, she wasn't comfortable whenever he was home.

"I want to show you something" Her brother said, turning and making his way out of the room, passing by her sisters bed. Felicia watched him go, wandering what what it was that he wanted to show her. Probably something important, that he's waking me up in the middle of the night. Even though I can't begin to guess what it'll be.

Those were the thoughts that ran through Felicia's head during the short time before her brother came back. With a box in his hands, a black box, THE BOX. The box he always protected like his child, or rather the contents in the box he always protected like a child. And doing a horribly bad job at it. I pity the box and it's contents, they should go find a more reliable parent.

Staring at the box in his hands now as he approaches my bed, I know exactly what he woke me up for - a fucking nylon full of low libido love letters.


"Do you know where the things inside this box are?"

It takes a moment for my sleepy brain to register his words, and when they finally do, all I can think to say is

"Which box?"

My brother shifts the box in his hands and shines the light at it.

"This box. You sa remember. Do you know where the things inside are? Because I remember you were the one using it before."

"I…I don't know where the things are, because when I started using it, you complained, so I put it back the way It was."

"I know, so where are the contents now?"

"I don't know. I mean…I…we move our things a lot so…"



I don't know what to say again, I mean, it's not like I know where the yellow nylon full of low libido love letters are. I wouldn't even know where to begin my search for it.

"Felicia, I need to find it, because they're important to me. I can't afford to lose them."

I almost scoff then. If he knew they were so important to him, why didn't he take them with him the last time he came home. He could've easily stuffed it in his bags. I mean they're just a bunch of papers.

What am I supposed to say, "oh, I remember now, I kept it for you even though you never told me to. It's in between two boxes in my wardrobe, you're welcome." That's what he wants to hear, but that is not what happened, so I can't give him that answer.

"I need those things. I can't lose them. I need to know where they are." He's staring at me like it's my fault his things are lost.

Well, fuck you, cause I don't actually give a fuck about your letters, and even if I did, I don't even know where to start my search for them. And seriously, don't look at me like that, I'm not the one to blame, it's all your fault, you're the one that didn't take care of your things, not me.

"I don't know where it is…cause, after then, we moved our things, even my own things got lost…"

"So you don't know where it is?"

I hate how he says it, like he's in the right here, and I'm the one who did something wrong. Like I'm supposed to stand up now and go looking for his precious letters. Well, I'm not, so dream on motherfucker, cause I ain't going nowhere.

He sighs in a frustration way, turns and leaves the room. I stare as he goes. Can I go back to sleep now? Hell yeah.

I lie down back on my stomach. As my head sinks back into my stiff pillow, I sigh. I turn my head to the left, and my gaze lands on the figure sleeping on the bed beside mine. I turn my head back to the right, and I stare at the figure beside me, asleep? I do not know.

I close my eyes and sigh again. The motherfucker actually woke me up because of those letters. Why didn't he tell me yesterday that he was looking for them. Why wake me up in the middle of the night. At least he's gone now.

I'm surprised that I'm not angry at him. I guess I'm just used to his kind of behavior - acting like a child, blaming others for his mistakes. I mean, man up, you're a grown man now. I relax my body into the hard foam of my mattress.

Now, I'm going back to sleep. Sleep!, I'm coming for you! Here I come…here I am…here am I