
Feeling You

Elizabeth Fay loved ordinary stories. Clear and linear. She was used to them, she felt safe knowing what could have happened next. She thought she was happy indeed. Little did she know, that to her the meaning of happiness was still a mystery. Nothing could have prepared her for him. For the feeling that his presence brought to her. Is felling too much really better than feeling just enough to be alive?

Xalea · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 4 – Died and Born Again

Elizabeth's POV

So here I was, standing in all my glory in the middle of our garden, looking around and smiling at strangers. Maggie was at my side. her hand gently squeezing mine. There were some people from my school, but most of the guests were my parents' friends. And some of them were watching me as if I could explode at any moment. Lots of them complimented my parents for their well-behaved and quiet daughter. I was at least happy I could make them proud. I own them my life.

I smiled at my dad, while my mother watched me nervously. When I told her about my headache she almost fainted. For a moment I thought that she would tell me right there, in the bathroom, that I was going to die, that my disease got worse. I was fairly sure by now. She was pale, she coaxed me for the entire evening, I could not move a finger, while she did all the work for the party. She kept saying that this was my night and that I had to enjoy it. She was on the edge of crying so many times I lost count. I decided not to tell her I heard them speaking earlier. I wanted some time to prepare myself, to ponder my reaction.

"Dean seems like a good guy, don't you think?"

Maggie's voice freed me from my own thoughts, and I followed her gaze. Dean was my parents' dearest friend's son. He was cute indeed. His brown hair was perfectly trimmed, he was tall, handsome, and well-mannered. I could totally see us together, even if he was one year younger than me. He was peaceful, and a bit pompous, but a good match for me, maybe in a few years though.

"Yeah, I quite agree with my mother, we could be a great couple."

"Mmm...but why do you agree with her? I mean, yeah, he's good, but I would like to know what makes you feel drawn toward him. Is it his mesmerizing grey eyes? His passion for Shakespeare? What makes your blood boil when you watch him?"

I was speechless for a second. I guess I didn't really know what Maggie meant. I thought we could be good together because we were similar.

"We are similar, I think he can comprehend me."

"Whoa, girl, you make me shiver when you talk to me with all that passion!"

Her voice was dripping with sarcasm, but I just shrugged.

"I'll go grab some water, would you like something?"

"That's a nice way to avoid the argument, but no, thanks. I'm going to check on Nick. Remember the pill, it's almost time."

I nodded while I glanced at my clock. In less than five minutes I will be eighteen. Everyone seemed so thrilled about it, but I honestly couldn't care less. I went to my room to take my pill quickly so that I could be downstairs before midnight. While I took the pillbox, I thought about the crazy encounter with Lora in my room. Probably I just imagined it, like the voice I heard at school. But there still was this voice in my head that told me everything was real. I shook my head to break free of my own thoughts, and I took one pill. I was ready to swallow it when a strong hand clasped my mouth. I gulped just air and tried to free myself in every possible way. Not a simple task with a long dress and heels.

"You shouldn't take this pill. It has already hurt in more ways than you can imagine."

There was a freaking boy in my room! What was with the people nowadays? It was no longer considered civilized to knock on the main door, introduce oneself and then, maybe, go into somebody's room.

I punched the air behind me a few times before I could manage to elbow his stomach. Which only made his grip tighten.

"Damn, girl, stop squirming, I want to help you."

As if I could believe some stranger like that. I tried to bite his hand, to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, I struggled with all my force, without any results. At some point I caught a wonderful sandal scent that made me feel dizzy, it was so strong and so good that I suddenly stilled. In a daze, I glanced at the clock above my desk only to see the second hand get closer to hitting midnight. I was going to be rescued in a few moments. I knew it, but I couldn't feel entirely happy about it. What was happening to me?

"Lizzie? Elizabeth? Is everything good? It's almost midnight, you should come down, we are all waiting for you, honey!"

I heard my mother's voice and hope filled me, clearing my mind. I fight harder, jumping in between his arms.

"Fuck, Eliza, stop. Stop, or you're going to hurt yourself."

He was whispering loudly in my ear, struggling to keep me from escaping his hold.

I don't want you to be found...

I was scared shitless by my own thoughts. Was I really scared for him to be found in our house? When the second-hand touched midnight he growled victoriously in my ear, the sound sending shivers down my spine.

"I've waited so long for you, I almost gave up..."

His voice was softer and quieter than before, almost covered by the people downstairs cheering and calling my name.

"Beth, I'm coming! Are you all right?"

The voice of my father boomed up the stairs, soon followed by his heavy footsteps.

"Shit. I'm sorry, love, I really am. You're going to understand everything in a few hours. I have to do it."

Those were the last word I heard, before he lowered his head on my shoulder, which caused another trail of shivers, and gently bite me. I was in some maniac's hands. I heard the door being pulled with force and just when it seemed to open, I felt a fire erupting in my shoulder, so powerfully that I lost my senses almost immediately.

Not before seeing the most beautiful blue eyes I ever saw. Like clouds in the sky before a storm, they were piercing my very soul.

I can't lose them just like this. I want to watch them again.