
Feeling You

Elizabeth Fay loved ordinary stories. Clear and linear. She was used to them, she felt safe knowing what could have happened next. She thought she was happy indeed. Little did she know, that to her the meaning of happiness was still a mystery. Nothing could have prepared her for him. For the feeling that his presence brought to her. Is felling too much really better than feeling just enough to be alive?

Xalea · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 11 - Here It Comes

Elizabeth's POV

I was happy I got Diana to talk to. She was really talkative and funny and was probably the main reason why I wasn't going insane. My parents brought me some books, but nothing else, and she was the only company I could rely on, except the doctor who will enter unannounced at least two times a day, always controlling that I was taking my pills and shaking his devilish device right in my face. And the girl who took me to the bathroom was almost creepier than the doctor. The only good thing was that I was becoming better at hiding the discomfort with both of them incredibly fast.

And if all this wasn't quite enough, I had a terrible night. I kept dreaming about the guy and a forest, seeing wolves running around or growling at me. I woke up sweaty and feeling claustrophobic. For some time my one and only thought was to escape and go towards something which I couldn't clearly identify. Even if inside of me I suspected it had everything to do with the blue-eyed boy.

I had never really appreciated windows, but not having one was surely changing my point of you. I was allowed out of the room only to go to the small bathroom right next to my door. Outside my room there was a long hallway, some doors were on both sides of it and the silence was unbearable. Like the tall and thin girl who will always accompany me, even if it was less than three meters.

"I feel like a captive."

"You are, Lizzie. How come this is a real clinic and there are no sounds? No nurses going everywhere, doctors doing their jobs and so on?"

"I know, right? It is simply difficult to accept."

"We should really start working on our plan to escape. Maybe we could knock out that girl and then dress like her and try to find the exit."

"It sounds wonderful D., but we don't have a clue how this building works. Probably they're going to catch us as soon we step outside the last door in the hallway. And then, even our facade about everything being like it was before would become useless. It could put us even more in danger."

"But we have to do something, I can feel that the dream you had tonight was about our mate. Probably he is searching for heaven and Earth for us."

"And we will do something. I am just wondering what we can do."

An hour or so later, taking track of time under there was pretty difficult, we were still stuck at the starting point. I had thought of asking the girl outside for a clinic tour, but she will probably refuse. My only option would be to ask the doctor, but I was still unsure if I could manage to be so close to him and try to escape.

"Maybe you could fake something like a seizure, that could take you somewhere else."

"Or it could end with me being injected with something and you go back to sleep for another decade."

Diana scoffed in my mind, feeling the same frustration as me.

"If only we could be able to start a fire or something...at that point, we should be able to reach outside and then try to run."

"D., I appreciate your faith in me, but you haven't clearly seen me running. Even Doc could probably go faster than me, or furthest, for that matter."

"Okay. I run out of ideas. I could suggest to you to unleash me so that we could be faster and stronger, but being our first time, we have no certainty about how everything's going to come out."

"Maybe we should just wait a little bit longer. I don't think they will actually keep me here for so long if I can show them everything is alright. And then, once we're out...I'd like to try to...transform?"

"Shift, you silly! It's called shift."

Diana was laughing hard in my head, making me blush. I was going to bite her back, but the door opened, letting the doctor come in.

"How's my little angel? I can only imagine how bored you are, but I hope you understand that all of that is for your safety."

"I know, Doc. I just miss the sky a little bit."

I tried to sound chill, but there was a clear note of resentment in my voice that he noticed.

"Now, now. Be a good girl and let me check on you. As soon as I can assure your parents everything is under the right parameters, you will be able to go out."

I nodded understandingly, while all I wanted to do was to scream at him to get me out of there.

But I was his good girl, and I kept pretending.


I was not going to spend another day in that cell. I tried to keep count of the days' passing, but my mind was slowly tracking off.

"It must be more than a week, now".

"I know, D."

"And you don't seem to be wealthy as when you came in this room. And why are they giving you only vegetables to eat?"

"That's because I am vegetarian, D. mostly."

"I have never heard something so stupid. A she-wolf...vegetarian!"

I smiled slightly but she was right. I could perceive myself as weaker day by day. I was staring at the ceiling for some time when suddenly a loud crash shook the walls. I immediately stood up, my senses enhanced by Diana.

"There are voices out of here. We should go, maybe this could be our chance!"

I ran towards the door, but another deafening bang made me curl up on the floor, everything shaking around me.

"Come on, Liz, stand up! We have to go out of here, or we are gonna be crushed in this place!"

I stood again, but before I could open the door it was knocked down, the Doc behind it. I could do nothing but retreat from his sick gaze.

"They came for you after all...I told them. But will they be happy once I will have ruined you forever? You and the disgusting dog inside of you?"

I went behind the bed, trying to distance him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't mock me, you monster! I've seen your face every time I stimulated your senses! Or what you have done with the pills I gave you. I knew you were aware of everything. But it will only make it worse for you. Now you will be able to hear your dog yelling and screaming in your head and you won't be able to do anything about it!"

I was scared shitless and so I decided to risk everything, sprinting towards the door.

But I hadn't seen the gun, and the last thing I heard was a gunshot, then a sharp pain in my leg. I had the time to see blood running on my thigh, before slamming on the floor. Then everything went black, and the last thing I saw was the crazy triumphant smile on Frazier's face.