
Feeling You

Elizabeth Fay loved ordinary stories. Clear and linear. She was used to them, she felt safe knowing what could have happened next. She thought she was happy indeed. Little did she know, that to her the meaning of happiness was still a mystery. Nothing could have prepared her for him. For the feeling that his presence brought to her. Is felling too much really better than feeling just enough to be alive?

Xalea · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 1 – The Plot Always Twists

Elizabeth's POV

I have always loved ordinary stories. The ones with a clear start, a smooth development and possibly a happy ending.

I was content with them. I found nothing to complain about.

And I was more than happy to say that my life was one of them. Maybe except for the first part.

I was only four months old when my parents adopted me. I was no easy child. The caregiver tried to dissuade them since I was suffering from some heart disease and without the proper care I would have died, and the medicine was really expensive.

<gwofw> But they fell in love with me and decided against it, taking me home and loving me since then.

Now my heart was better, years had passed since I last went to the doctor, and I can't even recall those visits. My disease meant no roller coaster for me, no big adrenaline rush of some sort, but it was not a big deal. I only had to take one pill before bed, and I was good.

And I never forgot it. At least not since the first and last time I did. I was around twelve and I had been pestering my parents to go to my best friend's sleepover party. When I succeeded, I forgot my pills at home. I remember I had the best time of my life there; everything is vivid in my memories. I laughed so hard that I had cramps. When I noticed that I forgot my pill I couldn't care less. It was only for one night, what could happen? But the night was the worst nightmare ever. My body ached all over, I had this huge fever and I kept crying for hours. When my parents rushed to my friend's house and gave me the pill, I was so exhausted I collapsed on the spot.

Since that night I have known better.

But what I didn't know was that I knew nothing at all. That lies and privations were piling up in my life.

Everything had to collapse and crush me before I could live for real. Before I could feel.

But still, at the time my story starts, at the very beginning of my downfall, I was happy. I was loved. I was still in one piece.

I woke up as always, ready for a new day to start, fresh like a rose.

My foggy mirror in the bathroom showed the same, old me, humming the song playing on the radio.

Cleaned and dressed, I went downstairs to meet my parents, before going to school, as always.

"How was your night, sweety?"

My mother was filling a glass with orange juice, while dad was on his tablet probably watching the news.

"It was good. I slept like a baby, as always."

My mom nodded, giving me a cupcake and some berries. My diet was mostly vegetarian since my condition, but I never complained, mom was an excellent cook.

"Can you believe she's going to be eighteen just tomorrow?"

"Mom! Don't make it a big deal!"

"But it is darling, it's a milestone in your life."

My dad winked at me, letting me know that he was mocking my mother, who clearly understood and hit him with a cloth.

We all laughed and spent the rest of the breakfast talking about my plans for the big day. I couldn't keep up with their enthusiasm. I was not a huge fan of parties. I always found it extremely tiring to force myself to enjoy a party which I felt obliged to throw just because everyone else did it. But mom had it planned for months, and I couldn't manage to say no to her.

"I'll be going now, you elders!"

I ate the last blackberry and moved for the door.

"You sure you don't want to take my car? The weather is still chilly."

"No, mom, I'll be fine!"

I was out in a second. I always enjoyed the walk to school during this period of the year. The sun was shining bright, but it didn't burn the skin, the wind was not too much, and it kept my body temperature low enough so that I didn't sweat at all. And the nature which surrounded the not-so-little city of Falton was blooming uncontrollably and colours adorned the usually almost only green forest along the road to school.

I was not allowed to explore it, but at least I could enjoy the view.

When I arrived at school Margaret and Nicholas were already at our spot near the entrance.

"Look who's coming! I thought you left us to die here waiting for you!"

Maggie grinned widely, while Nick was hugging her from behind. I was the third wheel of a solid couple, but I never felt too much like an outsider with them. They always made me feel included and accepted.

"I came by foot, you jerks!"

"As always as she does from the very first Sun of the season shine on us."

"Cut it, Nick! At least she's fit."

"Ouch. That hurt, honey."

I giggled watching them bickering like two kids. I hoped I could find something like this one day, but I never even felt attracted to one single guy.

"By the way, Lizzie, we thought about your birthday. We know how much time your mum spent organizing your party, but we thought that maybe the day after it we could go hiking? You always wanted to sleep under the stars, roast marshmallows on a fire, and things like that."

I smiled at Maggie. She knows me. And I felt something warm starting to rise in my stomach, but it easily dissipated as soon as it started.

"I don't know if I would be allowed, Maggie. You know my parents, they don't like me sleeping out."

"Oh, come on! You're almost a grown-up now! They can't say no!"

"Don't be rude, Nick! Just ask them, okay?"

I nodded and before we could say something else the bell rang, and the lessons started.

I was good in school. My grades were high and I liked studying. I loved literature, I read all the books given, wondering when and if I would ever feel emotions as strong as they were in those.

I longed for something more, but I didn't know what it was. Or how to achieve it.

It all started during lunch. We were sitting at our table, talking about my birthday when it happened. A voice, soft but firm, echoed in my head, I could hear it so clearly that I jumped and lost the grip on the fork, which fell with a loud noise.

"I am coming."