
i went to Switzerland

Luc born in america is a very good looking man.He was fond of partying, clubing everyday. In easy way he was a sopiled kid. One day his parent thought of discipling him so they cut all his money and took his card.He was devasted and decide to leave the house.

He stayed with his friend mark. His mom who loved him very much cared a lot about him. She talked with her husband to forgive him once. But his dad was fed off with all those excuse. He wanted luc to stop being a brat and know about his duty. So he wanted to send him to his grandmother house which was in switzerland. Luc was missing his granny so he agreed.

He took his friend mark together with him. But as he imagined his grandmother wasnot rich. She lives in a remote village where a beautiful waterfall and cultivative landscape was presnet. His granny works in field to grow crops.

Near to granny house there leaves a boy name drake. He was a young, handsome and rich men. He had many lands, he was also the head of the village. He gave employment to the villagers. He runs a business of alcohol. All the villagers used to look high on him. He knew that granny was alone so he used most of his time to spend with her.

Granny misses her son and grandson . She used to tell drake how his grandson was so cute when he was small and wanted to meet him again. Drake told her to stop thinking about her grandson because he has never came to meet her eversince he left the village.

Suddenly they heard a sound of car. Granny got excited and ran outside screaming "my grandson has came." She ran outside and saw two unknown person. They were mark and luc but granny couldnot reconize them properly. Luc ran to his granny and huged her. After the hug Granny knew that was her grandson. Without further delay she took him inside her house. Drake was present in the hall.