
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Poisoned heart

(Kyle's POV Continued)

I tried my best to keep Mia under my control, but in the end, birds have to fly. If I don't let her go, she'll venture down the dark path. So, when she made her plans, I knew everything. As the night became loyal to her, I understood the consequences, but I let go.

I yearned to escape, but my heart resisted. I was the only child in my family, named Kyle after my cruel grandpa. This name held a power no one could contain. My father had eight siblings just to birth the one with the power of control. It was akin to magic, and individuals had to bear with it.

In all families, the power that made them royal was mind control, and their blood was poison. If anyone touched it, they'd die, and disobedience meant control over them. Only those born with this power possessed it. When I was born, my mother died due to my poisonous nature, and my dad despised me. He named me after my cruel grandpa, responsible for killing millions who disobeyed him.

My life had been black and white since a young age, with red being the only color I could see. No one could illuminate my life until one day when my dad allowed me to attend a noble's death occasion. I saw colors and felt happiness for the first time, especially when I encountered a girl who lit up the sky.

My mind fixated on making her mine. I didn't want her to leave, fearing everything would vanish if she did. In a moment of weakness, an old man revealed a secret about his daughter, offering it in exchange for protecting her. I seized the opportunity, as I already desired her.

The secret was potent; he wasn't her real father. Shocked, I maintained composure, approaching her with a fake smile, saying, "Don't cry, girl. Everyone loses something in life. If you want, we can be friends." The grace in her eyes pierced my heart. Touching her brought brightness, but grief turned everything into dullness.

Despite the emotional turmoil, her father intervened, pushing for her engagement to me. She accepted, obedient to her father's wishes, but I sensed her reluctance. She moved to my castle, and while I didn't want her as a lover, having Ava, one of my spies, her presence added complexity to my life. Over two years of engagement, I avoided interacting with Mia, despite her attempts to help me.

Everything changed when my father secretly decided to attend her 18th birthday. Unaware, I heightened security to prevent her escape, but she managed to enter. Distracted by her dress, hair, smiles, and bravery, I loosened my grip on Ava, focusing on Mia. She didn't give me much attention, which annoyed me, but her proximity intensified my emotions.

Uncertain if she had seduced me or if I'd gone crazy, everything shattered when she revealed her desire to break our engagement. Her departure held the power to deny everything I hadn't accepted. Angered, I observed the entire ceremony, but she left, triggering my return to the room. I instructed a maid to put a drop of my blood, a toxic solution, in her meals, seeking revenge.

To my surprise, she showed immunity to my blood. Confused and intrigued, I wanted to unravel the mystery. I put her through horrors, allowing her to escape the first time. Catching her in the dark, I teased her. Desperate to know the truth about her mother, she believed my lies. The incidence with Ava and the drugs didn't stop her resolve.

Unable to affect her, I questioned her immunity to my power. Racing thoughts stopped when a soft hand touched my cheek. Calmness ensued as I confessed everything to Mia. Drunk and far from her heart, I passed out holding her hand.

Waking up to find her sleeping on a chair brought happiness. I carefully put her on the bed, and she smiled in her sleep like an angel. My feelings for Ava disappeared, and I gazed out the window at the blue sky. I saw the meaning of life – people in our lives are like visitors, bringing gifts or curses. Mia gave me the gift of opening my heart, even if it wouldn't last long.

She helped me, even as I knew Ava continued to aid me. Pointing at Ava, I understood her desire to leave, and I decided to let her go. Even if my love for her persisted, Mia would be the one to claim my heart. I vowed to find her, sign her, and make her mine in every afterlife. Despite my determination, Mia would become the next queen, even if she resisted

Ava's return was unexpected, a twist in the tale as if she knew she had escaped her own foolish plan. Tables turned, and all her attempts to escape, along with the hidden letter, were revealed. The letter, disclosed by the maid I had punctured, didn't deter Mia. The only words that escaped my mouth were, "Don't go." My heart ached, and it seemed to fall apart. Dark thoughts returned, voices and noises echoing as colors faded away. I vowed to find Mia, even if it meant my demise. Mia would be the next queen, whether she desired it or not.

I did my best to maintain control over Mia, understanding that, ultimately, birds must fly. Refusing to let her go would lead her down a dark path. When she made her plans, I knew everything. As night became loyal to her, I comprehended the consequences, yet I released my hold.

Escaping was a desire, but my heart resisted. The only child in my family, named Kyle after my cruel grandpa, I carried a name with an uncontainable power. My father had eight siblings to birth the one with the power of control – a magic one had to bear with.

In royal families, the power defining them was mind control, and their blood was poison. Anyone touching it would perish, and disobedience meant control. Only those born with this power possessed it. My birth led to my mother's death, and my father despised me for being poisonous, naming me after the cruel grandpa responsible for millions of deaths.

My life had been black and white, with red being the only color, until one day my father allowed me to attend a noble's death. I witnessed colors, felt happiness, and saw a girl who lit up the sky. I wanted her to be mine, fearing everything would vanish if she left.

An old man, famous for paintings, revealed a secret about his daughter in exchange for my protection. Seizing the opportunity, I learned he wasn't her real father. Shocked, I concealed my feelings, approached her with a fake smile, and offered friendship. Touching her brought brightness, but grief turned everything into dullness.

Despite emotional turmoil, her father pushed for her engagement to me. She accepted obediently, but I sensed her reluctance. As she moved to my castle, I didn't want her as a lover, having Ava, one of my spies. Over two years of engagement, I avoided interacting with Mia, despite her attempts to help me.

Everything changed when my father secretly decided to attend her 18th birthday. Unaware, I heightened security to prevent her escape, but she managed to enter. Distracted by her dress, hair, smiles, and bravery, I loosened my grip on Ava, focusing on Mia. She didn't give me much attention, which annoyed me, but her proximity intensified my emotions.

Uncertain if she had seduced me or if I'd gone crazy, everything shattered when she revealed her desire to break our engagement. Her departure held the power to deny everything I hadn't accepted. Angered, I observed the entire ceremony, but she left, triggering my return to the room. I instructed a maid to put a drop of my blood, a toxic solution, in her meals, seeking revenge.

To my surprise, she showed immunity to my blood. Confused and intrigued, I wanted to unravel the mystery. I put her through horrors, allowing her to escape the first time. Catching her in the dark, I teased her. Desperate to know the truth about her mother, she believed my lies. The incidence with Ava and the drugs didn't stop her resolve.

Unable to affect her, I questioned her immunity to my power. Racing thoughts stopped when a soft hand touched my cheek. Calmness ensued as I confessed everything to Mia. Drunk and far from her heart, I passed out holding her hand.

Waking up to find her sleeping on a chair brought happiness. I carefully put her on the bed, and she smiled in her sleep like an angel. My feelings for Ava disappeared, and I gazed out the window at the blue sky. I saw the meaning of life – people in our lives are like visitors, bringing gifts or curses. Mia gave me the gift of opening my heart, even if it wouldn't last long.

She helped me, even as I knew Ava continued to aid me. Pointing at Ava, I understood her desire to leave, and I decided to let her go. Even if my love for her persisted, Mia would be the one to claim my heart. I vowed to find her, sign her, and make her mine in every afterlife. Despite my determination, Mia would become the next queen, even if she resisted.