
Fearlessly Authentic

She rose from the ashes and danced in the fire. ....................... She, Eira (Eye-Ra) May Wilson, was a an innocent girl, trapped in a family of wolves, who wanted her wealth and power. She gave them all to her 'family', when she had given everything, and was left with nothing, they left her to die, in the darkness. They say blood is thicker than water. She laughed at herself. What a naive girl she was, but now she will not be. She ran away from everyone, to make herself stronger. Her setback was a blessing, she survived what was meant to destroy her. She came back like a boss....... fabulous, wiser, stronger than ever. ......................... SHE WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING WHICH HAD DESTROYED HER ............................. *** The cover pic is not mine, I took it from Pinterest***

princess_birdy98 · Urban
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27 Chs

You are Eagle

Nancy walked in the deserted small 3 storied building. It was well maintained and could grab anyone's attention, who walked on the streets of the busiest street of the city Raan. Yes, the people looked at the building but not with admiration but disgust.

Liam nudged James as he pointed at a young girl wearing hoodie and pants walked in the building. She paid the fees and walked to her designated seat, and started playing game. Ben was surprised to see a costumer and that too a girl, as because of a scandal with a girl, the girls had always thrown rotten tomatoes on them or trash on them.

Liam and James joined Ben at the counter and looked at the girl playing the game, they were masters of. They were more shocked to see the girl defeating each and every monster in the game and attacking the opposite team. She won the game.

Nancy turned to look at them and threw her card on them. James caught the card and the three of them read the card.

She got up and placed a contract on the table and left to play another game.

The trio read the contract, their eyes widened their mouth hung open, almost on the ground, their head in mess.

"You want to purchase the house?" asked Ben.

"Yes, as stated in the contract, you will get control over the house and if you agree my boss wants to expand the house to multiple places" Nancy explained without turning back.

"She also promised to clear you scandal and bring you back to gaming" she added.

"But you will be an employee under her with monthly salary and if you get any endorsements, you can take 70% of it and 30% will be taken by the company, you won't get any shares" she warned.

Liam was happy and wanted to agree to the contract, James was a bit hesitant and Ben wanted some shares but knew he couldn't as the 'Boss' had believed them and had promised them.

"Come to the address and sign the contract" she pointed at the card she had thrown at them before.

She left the boys and went to the office.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Nancy yelled.

Eira jumped from her chair and ran to the sound of her friend's scream.

"Long time no sees, bud" the man said, he wore a white t-shirt, black jeans, his silver hair was long, his red eyes stared at the two girls, who were stunned.

Eira jumped in his arms and gave him a bear hug.

"Eagle" she gasped.

Nancy was shocked to hear Eira calling Martin, Eagle, was he the one who helped her in the Wilsons?

Eagle hit Nancy forehead,

"What?" he asked.

"You are eagle" Nancy murmured.


"I am here to protect you" Martin declared.

Eira ran her fingers in her blonde hair.

She glared at Martin.

"No, you can't attend the party" she proclaimed.

"You need an escort, uh, come on, bud, I am the perfect escort, the Wilsons will get scared because of your connections and they might do something stupid in haste, you don't have to play with brain with those brainless fools" Martin urged.

Eira tapped her fingers on the table as her brain heeds Martin's words.

"Alright" she agreed.

"What about the Web spider house?" Eira asked turning to look at Nancy who was combing Martin's long silver hair.

"I did what you asked to, they might come in the evening, they looked convinced" said Nancy without looking at Eira, as she was busy in braiding the silver hair.

"Where are you staying, Martin?" Nancy asked.

"At Eira's place" he replied sipping the tea.

"Grandma already agreed" he added as he saw Eira glaring at him.


The contacts were signed and now both the companies were under Authentic.

Nancy was busy investigating about the scandal of the trio.

Noah and Dash were doing the formalities which were needed to be done.

Café Walter was now called Authentic café and the Web spider house was the same.

Alexa a member of Eira's gang was busy with the PR as they were going to make the companies public in few days.


The island was their home, it connected them to someone whom they missed in every second of their life. They breath the fresh air and look at the sea which reflects the orange light of the setting sun.

Albert watches the sun with a pleasant smile on his face, his eyes steady to the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays before twilight beckons the stars.

Aliyah watches her younger brother, Albert and elder brother, Austin, a huge grin plastered on her face, as she sneakily leaves their side and collects a bucket full of water and splashes on them.

Both the brothers glare at her as she giggles holding her stomach.

Albert stands up and carries her and throws her in to the water.

He smirks at her unfruitful attempt to drag him into with the water with her.

"Enough playing, let's go" Austin stands up and walks away to the mansion in the center of the island.

The twins follow behind him as they prank each other on the way.


The kitchen was in mess, flour all over the floor, ketchup on the walls, vegetables spread everywhere, utensils on the floor and the counter of the kitchen. The modern and luxurious kitchen was turned into a trash bin.

The foul smell of smashed tomatoes and other fruits was in the air.

The room's temperature was as cold as Antarctica, the two figures hung their head low, the twins were covered in flour and ketchup and tomatoes and bananas.

Austin stared at his younger siblings.

He had just asked them to make salad, he had already made the other items for dinner, yet the twins could not make a salad without messing with each other.

He controlled his anger and calmed himself by counting 1 to 100.

My favorite siblings.

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