
Fearless Benders

Alexa is a fire bender trying to learn more on how to use her bending and she meets Sakka and he later vanishes! She tries to find him but gets herself kidnapped and meets Jet!! He finds liking in her and forces her to marry him!! Find out what happens next. Posting every day

ATLA_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I looked around the house when I noticed Sakka wasnt here at all. "Sakka?" I kept calling out. Out of nowhere I heard the front door handle jiggling. I didnt hear any keys though. I peaked through the window to see who was there, I had looked but saw no one. I was scared so I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there. I heard the door bust down. I got so fearful I turned off the bathroom light, so no one would see that I was in there. When I heard loud footsteps, I began to cry softly, while covering my mouth not to make a sound. I had slowly moved behind the shower curtain just in case. I heard the doors being opened, it kept getting closer and closer to me. When they finally came to my door, I had held my breath. They tried to get in but the lock kept them from doing so. I heard loud banging and kicking on the door. I began to cry more. They finally beat the door down and rushed in, knowing I was there. Thankfully Sakka had a big bathroom so I crawled my way passed them and got the courage to run out the door. But when I did get past the door someone grabbed my arm. I tried to get away but they had grabbed both my arms. I began shouting "Please let me go ill give you money just pl-" they had put their hand over my mouth and shushed me. I began to sob. "mMMmmMm" I tried to speak. One hit me over the head so I would pass out. When I woke up I saw nothing but darkness. I tried to light up the area with my bending but I had then realized my hands were tied behind my back and gloves over it so i couldnt bend. My feet were under me so if I did bend it would burn me. I sat there for hours waiting for a light to come and finally a light turned on, not the one I had been hoping for though. I couldnt say anything though I tried to. Nothing was covering my mouth yet I just couldnt speak. I tried to move but he stopped grabbed my shoulder so I wouldnt tip over. His look was intimidating to look at. He had grabbed my chin and examined my face, then turned and asked. "Whats so special about this one?" I was a little hurt by it. "Shes a fire bender, a powerful one at that." another had answered. "So?" he groaned. "Just give her time sir you'll see." they answered again. he turned and stared for a minute. "Fine, as soon as I leave this room untie her" he commanded. I was a bit confused on what they wanted me to do. He walked out and locked them in, as soon as he did they began to untie me. When they were finished I stood up looking confused. I looked around for a second before they started attacking me. They were earth benders!! I got scared but came to my senses and began attacking back at them until the last one fell. I ran to the door hoping they wouldnt get back up. One of them made a big rock in front of the door. I then used what I had left in me to burn them one last time then not shortly after, I fell to the ground.