
FTWD: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

This is a story that focuses on a teenager named Dominic, who starts out as a simple teenager, much more insightful than the rest. But as the story unfolds, more secrets about him that were unknown will be revealed. Just when he thought he had a peaceful life, a message from his father forever changed his perception of reality. Discovering that a terrorist attack could turn everyone into the walking dead, he did everything he could to prepare. However, just when he least expected it, chaos invaded his world. As his adrenaline-filled story unfolds, he will discover that these undead, better known as walkers, are much more familiar than he believes. The entire course of history changed once again when he discovered that he was in a world that he had much knowledge about. Can Dominic survive this apocalypse? What will his position be in this world? Do the Bearers look familiar to you in any way?

SrCuervo · TV
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177 Chs

The Only Reason We Were Defeated, Part 3

The helicopters took most of the walkers to a specific point and found no better place than the Washington quarry. All the walkers are very slow and clumsy, so some were left behind on the way.

The next step, once all the walkers from the initial zones to be cleared were taken away, was to eliminate the remaining walkers in the streets, houses, and buildings. This task took a few hours. With thousands of soldiers and armored vehicles, everything was done better and faster each time.

Many soldiers had experience clearing zones, making the process quick. The next step was to clear the buildings from their base to the upper floors.

Only now did everyone realize that the only reason the walkers had overrun everything was that the military hadn't focused on the necessary strategic points.


"Zz... Moving."

The special forces team of the New Dawn Unification advanced cautiously towards the building designated for the cleaning operation. They had received reports that mutations had been detected inside the building, making the mission even more dangerous. The soldiers, equipped with protective suits, breathing masks, and gloves, moved carefully, avoiding any direct contact with contaminated surfaces.

Armed with silenced weapons and equipped with night vision, the team advanced in formation, following the precise orders of the squad leader. The atmosphere was tense due to the nature of the mission; every step was calculated, and the soldiers communicated in whispers to avoid alerting nearby walkers.

As they entered the building, the soldiers maintained constant vigilance, looking for any signs of walker activity. The night vision allowed them to detect subtle movements in the darkness, while the silenced weapons ensured no unnecessary noise would attract more walkers.

As they moved forward, they could see some type of particle floating in the air, illuminated by the infrared beams of their goggles. This constantly reminded them of the importance of keeping their protective gear on and following proper procedures to avoid exposure to any unknown virus.

Upon reaching the entrance to the stairs, the squad leader signaled a halt. All the soldiers stopped and gathered near the door. The stairs extended upwards, submerged in darkness, and uncertainty took hold of the team.

The squad leader spoke in a low but firm tone: "Maintain formation and proceed with caution. Remember, absolute silence. Check each floor before continuing, and be especially careful where you step."

One by one, the soldiers began to climb the stairs, moving stealthily and using their night vision goggles to detect any threats.

As they progressed through the upper floors, they encountered several solitary walkers. Ideally, they would eliminate them with knives, but they didn't want to take too many risks, so they used their weapons.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shots were precise, all hitting the walkers' foreheads, quickly eliminating them to move on to the next area.

"Zz... Zone B cleared, advancing."

The tension increased as they approached the final objective. The orders were clear: secure each room and eliminate any threats before proceeding.

But everyone stopped when they saw a silent door that seemed cleaner than any other. Cautiously, the soldiers approached and opened the door. To their surprise, they found a group of frightened civilians cornered in a corner. The soldiers quickly reassured them and provided gas masks to protect them from the airborne virus particles.

One of the children in the group pointed shakily to a corner of the room and warned in a trembling voice, "There's a monster! It moves on the walls."

The soldiers exchanged worried looks. They knew that there were more dangerous and evolved walker variants, but a walker that moved on the walls was something unusual and alarming.

At that moment, the tension in the room became palpable. The soldiers took defensive positions, aiming their weapons at the corner mentioned by the child. Adrenaline rushed through their veins as they awaited the inevitable confrontation with the special walker.


Suddenly, the monster emerged from the shadows with a grotesque and disfigured appearance. Its limbs were twisted, and its skin was torn. It was more agile and faster than common walkers, and its predatory instinct was evident in its eyes.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The soldiers did not wait for orders and opened fire on the special walker. Shots rang out in the room, but the monster moved with astonishing agility, dodging the projectiles. Within seconds, the walker attacked several soldiers, breaking through their defenses and causing havoc in their ranks.


The situation became chaotic. The soldiers fought desperately to contain the special walker, using all their skills and combat strategies. Meanwhile, the civilians sought refuge behind the soldiers, terrified but grateful for their presence.

"Don't retreat; don't retreat for anything!"

The confrontation was fierce. The soldiers worked as a team, firing bursts and trying to find the walker's weaknesses. As the fight intensified, it became clear that the special walker was a formidable threat, capable of inflicting severe damage and evading attacks in a surprising manner.

Bang! Bang! Bang!



Sergeant Castro, who was leading this mission, threw a grenade that blew off half the body of that infected creature, and only after emptying their magazines were they able to kill that thing.

"Secure the objective, check, and eliminate the walkers approaching."


"Zz... This is Sergeant Castro in the designated zone with code 2-AF0; repeat, this is Sergeant Castro; we encountered a special infected variant; send the inspection team and alert all other squads."

"Zz... Understood, any casualties?"

When Castro heard this, he looked at the bodies of some of his soldiers and said in a cold tone, "We have five soldiers dead; the creature is extremely lethal!"

"Understood, the inspection team is heading your way!"

Thank you for reading. If you want to support me, read original novels and read 30 extra chapters of this story, you can visit my Patreon: SrCuervo

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