
Fear the Reaper (Reaper System)

The Reaper System, a system designed to turn its user into the ultimate killer, the epitome of genocide.  Blood, Shadow, and Venom... the three cardinal elements. Such was the system gifted to Lars Grayson after he ended up in another world. His mission? To judge and execute all that is deem evil and navigate around the conspiracies of the new world that he now live in. Follow Lars' journey in this fantasy-filled world, from liberating the oppressed from corrupt organizations, to epic skirmishes involving creatures of every fold.  

Nael_5243 · Games
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Chapter 1: Kitten massacre.

"Fuck, my head."

Lars Grayson could only clutch his head in utter pain as he finally woke up from his slumber.

Upon his vision being fully restored, Lars' eyes widened with shock upon seeing the place that he found himself into.

"What the!? Where the hell am I!?" Lars muttered in utter disbelief when a forest of all places was what greeted his eyesight.

For all he remembered, Lars was still in his office. He was working overtime as the lead programmer when his Boss pressured him to continue working on a project since the deadline was supposed to be tomorrow. Should Lars fail, then the client, quite the important fellow, mind him, would be utterly disappointed and won't be donating their oh so generous funds to the company in the foreseeable future. 

Naturally, Lars and his team would be working to the bone as a result. When the final part of the project was about to be finish, Lars insisted that he can do this alone and ordered his subordinates to go home and take a well deserve rest.

Fortunately, Lars was able to complete the project and he decided to take some short nap before heading home for his well deserve rest too. Then, when he finally woke up, this baffling scenario was what greeted him. 

"Well, this sure is one hell of a strange dream." Lars decided on this conclusion, "Whatever this dream is, I better wake up soon. Can't have the Boss on my throat again."

Seeing no reason to stand idle in one spot, Lars opted to explore the forest. Since this was a dream, then perhaps he could find something interesting. Some say that dreams are the manifestation of an individual's hidden desires, and Lars sure hell would want some of that succulent, kinky desires that were perhaps found around here.

"Hot busty babes with eyeglasses, here I come!" Lars grinned perversely as he thought of the prospect of meeting the lady or ladies of his dreams. 

As he arrived at a nearby clearing, Lars expectations plummeted below when he saw was not the person of his desires.

To be more accurate, it was not a person at all.

It was an animal as a matter of fact.

"A kitten?" Lars wondered as the creature grazed harmlessly like the little animal it was.

It did not take long for the kitten to notice Lars. It then stared blankly and approached him.

"Meow." The kitten let out an adorable sound that no man or woman could ever resist. Naturally, Lars was of no exception and kneeled down to the ground to pet the adorable creature.

"What are you doing here, little fella? Are you lost?" Lars patted the kitten's head and received a purr from it. 

The kitten replied with a series of meows. While this was no busty chick with eyeglasses that Lars hoped to be, he can never complain if he could pet such a cute animal.

But suddenly, without any warning, the unthinkable happen. 

The kitten like a wolf in sheep's clothing, undressed and laid its true predatory nature. It quickly lunged at Lars' right arm with unnatural speed and rip it out with remarkable strength.

"Ahhhh!!!!" Lars screamed in unadulterated pain as he instantly fled from the raging kitten with a rush of adrenaline speed. 

But of course since Lars was now bleeding without an arm, his vision turned blurrier with each passing moment in his seemingly futile escape. 

Fortunately perhaps for him, Lars was in a forest. Thus, he managed to lose the kitten and hid behind one of the many trees. 

Undressing his shirt, Lars used it as a way to alleviate the bleeding and cover his armless part. 

'Shit, shit, shit!!!! Is this really a dream!? The pain… it's fucking all too real to be one!!' Lars understandably was on a state of panic as he tried to contemplate how he's going to survive with one arm remaining. Frankly speaking, he did not like his chances one bit. 

'I don't wanna die!! Hell, there are so many questions, like how the hell did I end up here!? And what the fuck did I do to deserve this shit!?' 


Lars did not like the sound of that.

And boy, was he going to be in a world of pain when things escalated to skyrocketing levels of madness.

Because not one, not two, not three, but at least six of those rabid little monster kittens now surrounded Lars, giving him no room for escape.

"Welp, this is my life, to be torn and mangled to pieces by the animal that I thought I loved." Lars muttered as he faced the hungry red eyes of the kittens that wanted to slaughter him.

The kittens then proceeded to pounce right at Lars and after all that, it was the end, as he saw black shortly after.


"I… I'm alive?"

Lars never would have thought that he would possess a semblance of consciousness right after that brutal kitty ordeal. 

"Perhaps this is the afterlife then?" Lars concluded since no one could have survive being shredded and eaten by those little rascals. 

Darkness was all that surrounded him, an endless void where nothing that has any point of interest whatsoever ever existed here. 

Or so he thought.

"Welcome, young reaper."

Surprise was evident on Lars' face when he heard a majestic female voice greeting him from our of nowhere.

"I'm sure you are puzzled by your current dilemma, young reaper. Fear not, for everything shall be shed to the light." The voice assured him like she was a caring mother to her child.

"Who are you?" Lars questioned the voice's identity.

To answer his question, a woman of otherworldly beauty suddenly appeared in front of him in a flash of light. Lars could not help but admire her angelic facial features, long silver hair, and a petite body covered in a sleeveless elegant white dress. 

"Woah, what in the actual fuck?" Lars was flabbergasted by the woman's appearance.

The woman was amused by the young man's expression and answered his question, "I am known as the Deity of Benevolence, the Goddess of Justice, Duchess of the Fifth Realm, Liberator of Mankind, and Iudex Mortis. But for you young reaper, you may call me, Falka."

"That sure is a lot of titles, Falka." Lars commented on her introduction, "I'm Lars Grayson, by the way."

"Well met, Lars Grayson." Falka acknowledged him with a smile.

"So, what's with you calling me young reaper. Wait, the most important questions to ask are, why am I here? How did I end up in a forest? What… in what freaking universe or fantasy cliché did stumble upon?!"

"Fufufu, so many inquiries. All shall be revealed in due time." Falka chuckled at how panicky the young man was.

"To answer your first question, I have chosen you, Lars Grayson, to be my emissary, the Grimm Reaper himself." 









Hello, and welcome to the first chapter. Any comments would be appreciated and have a great day you all xd.

Nael_5243creators' thoughts