
Fear the rage of the old man

This is the story about an old man that fought wars, killed people, seeked revenge and obtained it but after that he was alone. Will that change now that he is in Orario? Stay and find out Danmachi AU, i dont own anything except my OCs and this was made out of boredom. English is not my first language so please bear with me book moved from the novels to fanfic

DanielArz · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

6 days until Denatus

The night passed, and a new day arrived. To some, it seemed beautiful, to others, not so much. Some were happy to be alive. Some wished to change their life. But to our old man Clarion, it was a not-so-beautiful day because of the problems that it brings.

Clarion got up from bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face, brush his teeth, and take a shower, the normal occurrences of the morning. But while he was inside the shower the thought 'It seems may mark the end of a familia. I only wish it isn't mine, I came to like them very much'. After getting out of the shower he went to his wardrobe and looked for a change of clothes.

Once fresh and changed he went to the kitchen to prepare a coffee, something he enjoys doing in the morning. As he was making it he hears someone enter the kitchen so he turned around and saw Bast, so he said "Good morning Bast. Slept well?" with a smile and proceeded to sip his coffee.

"Yes. The only downside is that today I have the meeting at the tower of Babel with Thor to declare the war game officially...sigh" replied Bast with a worried face and tone while nearing the stove to prepare something to drink.

Clarion furrowed his brow a little and looked at her a little worried, but then relaxed and said "There's nothing to be worried about. I will take care of them. I promise". Then went to wash his cup and heard Bast reply "Of course, there's a lot to be worried about, you are all my children and I love you all... I only wish everything goes well for our little familia. Take care of them Clarion".

Hearing that made Clarion smile because of her care and worries. "Try to not make a mess Bast. Hahahahaha". After he said that he just left and went to the office to read a book.

/Bast POV/

As she heard that she smiled a little. Feeling a little better. "haaaaa... What will I do with you Clarion? Hahaha". She said to no one but herself and then drank her cup of tea.

Once she washed her cup she left the house and went to the tower of babel. The tower was made by the gods and its said to be infinite. But she as all gods knew that it wasn't infinite as that would require a connection to the plane of gods and having protection against the chaotical energy in the void between the different planes.

Once she was at the entrance of the guild, as they were on the first 10 floors, she went directly to an elevator that conducted her to her destiny. The 60th floor. As she entered she noticed Thor and a lot of gods and goddesses inside. She saw Hermes, Loki, and surprisingly Freya.

How did a lot of gods and goddesses know about the recent war game? Well, that is something that she didn't know but could guess that they came to hear about it because of the onlookers that were present at the time of the confrontation between Clarion and the members of the familia of Thor.

After looking around quickly she sighed and went forward to where Thor was seated and said "Let's get this finished before I use your hammer to nail you to the ground, Thor" with a low tone and her eyes glowing because of her divinities.

"I couldn't agree more with you on that. Bast". Replied Thor with furrowed brows and a matching low tone.

Once they were seated, the discussion began. The topic of their discussion, the incoming War Game. She didn't want to agree to it but she was left with no choice when Thor had the support of the majority of the present gods in the meeting, with the few in her favor being Loki, Hermes, Goibniu, and Ganesha.

"As I am the one who declared the War game, I propose a type of battle compatible for both familias. We both don't possess a lot of children. You have 8 and I have 10. To that, I propose an exciting theme for the War game... A deathmatch!!". Announced Thor as he spread his arms in the air after he shouted the final part.

A lot of gods were excited to hear that. As they enjoy a good battle and knew that the mortals had the cycle of reincarnation so they wouldn't die permanently, but some gods, and mainly the goddesses, weren't thrilled to hear that as that would be unnecessary deaths.

Bast furrowed her brows deeply and stood from her chair as she glared deeply at Thor and wanted to say a lot of things but calmed herself in the end and said down once again. "Only you would propose something like that, you damn brute. I will agree only with one condition".

Thor was joyous, to say the least when he heard what Bast replied so he asked "And what is that condition?" with a big smirk and placed his hands on the table.

"There is no obligation to kill the opponent. That is my condition, I hope that with what little honor you have left you will approve of this condition and won't force your children to do the opposite". Answered Bast with a serious tone and furrowed brows as she watched very attentively at Thor to see some sign of disagreement, but surprisingly found none after he replied "I agree to that. It is only fair as you have 8 and I have 10 children".

As they both agreed on the theme of the war game, they proceeded to discuss the location of their battle. In this part, they included the other gods and goddesses as a good location is needed for a battle between familias. So they started by saying they could do it in the ruins of a castle that was located not far away from Orario. It would take 1 day to go and come back to Orario but it got discarded as everyone agreed that it would be too big for so few people fighting and that it could be used in a siege in another war game.

Their second idea was in the rocky terrain between the Rakia kingdom and Orario. But it was once again discarded as they said that it is a place that would need the consent of the actual governor of the Rakia kingdom. Something that they could easily achieve but were too lazy to do.

The third and final idea. The coliseum of Ganesha where he does his monster feria festival. They consulted with Ganesha now that he was here and he accepted after a little of convincing, he finally gave in and agreed to the request of having the war game made in his coliseum.

Once they had the place, they continued with the date. Something that everyone agreed to make it sooner rather than later as in 6 days it was the Denatus. Everyone agreed to make it tomorrow at noon.

And that marked the end of the meeting. The different gods and goddesses went on their way except for Loki who approached Bast and asked her "You sure it will end in your favor, Bast? Thor's familia is known for its strength even if they are few in number". As Bast heard that she stopped to think about it. But remember that Clarion was strong enough to defeat the Udaeus Alone and that Adrian even if he became recently a level 3, is already at F rank in all basic abilities except for endurance as it was G rank.

"I'm sure everything will play fine. I hope so". Said Bast in a very worried the as she left the room and went to the elevator. On the ground floor of the guild she went towards the exit and from then on walked slowly to her house after 2 surprisingly long hours of meeting.

When she arrived at the door of her house, she stopped there and looked at her house with a lot of feelings present in her eyes. As she was outside looking at her house, from the door came Violet who saw her and said with a smile "What are you doing outside goddess Bast? Come inside and tell us about the meeting with Thor". Bast heard what Violet said and smiled fondly at her and went along with her to the living room to tell everyone about the meeting and the war game.

In the living room were everyone seated having some kind of reunion. She looked around at them and laughed a little as she was worried they would be too nervous but instead, they were talking about possible strategies for every possible theme for the war game.

After she composed herself she started talking about the meeting and how it went. She told them about everyone present, her emotions during the discussion, and how difficult it was to be there.

Just like that, they stayed for hours. Talked about the meeting, about themselves, and once again about strategies for the now-known theme of the war game. The deathmatch.

Something they all agreed on was to knock their opponents if they could instead of killing them. Something that Bast greatly appreciated. When dinner time approached, they cooked all together, enjoying their time together before the war game.

And just like that Night once again came and marked the end of a long day. But this only meant the calm before the storm as tomorrow at noon was the start of the war game.


That is all for today and tell me if you enjoyed this chapter. Have a good night/day. ADIOOOOOS