
Joestar secret technique: Run away

Thanks to some rather heavy drinking on Mereoleona's part, and fooling around, night had already come some time ago.

The forest was quiet, no crickets were singing their lovable tunes, no birds chirping from joy, there was no wind to be noticed, nor were there any frogs to entice someone with their voice, the forest was quiet and still, as if dead.

However, even more so than the forest, the carriage which stood in the middle of it was even quieter, for, except the light breathing of 2 people, nothing more could be heard.

The carriage was dark and solemn, no candle nor magic was enlightening it, only the natural moonlight that peered thru the cracks and the gaps of the wood have any illumination.

A head peered over the edge of the bed, looking down upon the floor where a woman was lying, thankfully his sight was better than most so he could see her fully, like a dog she was curled up in a ball yet her clothes did little to hide her body, it gave the man a desire to stroke her exposed belly, to see her throw her arms and legs up, and happily wag her tail.

Yet he did not do that, for he knew the consequences would be too grave, so he just retreated, lying with his back on the hard bed, over him an itchy blanket, annoyance was evident on his face as he stared up at the roof of the carriage.

Usually, the bed is not this hard, nor are the furs this itchy, nor is breathing so bothersome, but when it rains it pours, currently everything seems to be annoying him, everything seems to have turned against him.

'All right, how the hell am I gonna get myself out of this mess?' He thought to himself as he stared blankly at the ceiling up above, his options are rather limited.

His goal is simple, get rid of the woman sleeping on the floor next to him by any means necessary, except killing her, that's a little overboard, besides, he is not a blood-hungry killer.

By this point he has already realized that convincing or persuading her to move won't work, she is too stubborn and too aggressive for that, so that option is out.

Due to her ridiculous strength and animal-like instincts, he won't be able to hogtie her, nor throw her out, even if he did she would just run after and quickly catch up with the carriage, horses aren't faster than her, especially not in this terrain.

His mind was racing, thoughts swirled around in his head, looking for a solution to the problem at hand, how to move her? Or, rather, how do you move someone without moving them?

Yet as soon as he rephrased the question the answer came up, he grinned at his genius and his stupidity, the answer is simple, don't move her, move everything around her.

If he can't move the ball in the box, why not just move the whole box? This is the same situation, Mereoleona is the ball, and the world in the box, a feat which he will be able to pull off thanks to his alchemy.

Clapping his hands above his head as quietly as possible, more like rubbing them against each other, he lowered them down until they made contact with the wood floor below at which point an exact cut out in Mereoleona's shape appeared.

Transmutating the whole carriage, Adam made it so that the cut out was slowly and gently laid down so that as little force as possible was applied on her as she descended upon the uneven ground below.

However, that was not enough for Adam, he knows very well that the devil is in the details, so he clapped his hands once more and extended his hands to touch the ground.

Thankfully he is a big man, so his whole body is long, allowing him to reach down to the ground with minimal struggle.

To add to the security of her not waking up, he also molded the earth to be completely flat around her, no pebble nor rock shall shake her from her slumber, and no dust shall wake her up, yet he knew that was far from enough.

Additionally, he created a box out of the dirt so that the wind doesn't wake her, luckily the carriage axel was pretty high above the ground, thanks to the wheels being big, so that left only one more issue remaining, getting away.

This is going to be tricky, Mereoleona, while slightly weak from the booze, is still one hell of a dangerous person, if she found out about this he is gonna get beaten, what's more, her senses are sharper than most so that adds another layer of impossibility to the situation.

However, just as he did with Mereoleona only one option is viable here, don't move, move the environment around you.

Clapping once more he controlled the earth, he made it rise the 4 wheels of the carriage, luckily the horses were tied to a tree and asleep, it would be troublesome if he had to transport them as well.

Next, he moved the earth so that it would propel him forward as quietly as possible, he felt like an earth bender in that situation.

However, his paranoia prevented this from being enough, he decided to use a little of the stone's power, whenever he moved he created a vacuum around the area that moved so that no sound could be heard.

It was a slow and tedious process at first, having to readjust every 5 meters, but once he had crossed the one-kilometer mark he began to speed up, by that point he was hopefully outside of Mereoleona's range of detection.

By sunrise he was gone, dozens of kilometers away from that crazy woman Mereoleona, and a good thing too, because a good chunk of the forest got incinerated on that day, poor horses.

But let's stop Adam's journey there for a moment, why don't we instead look at the said crazy woman, her reaction is bound to be beautiful.

It was early in the morning for Mereoleona, the sun from above woke her up, along with the plentiful sounds of the forest, the smell of the forest surrounds her, although there was also the faint scent of alcohol still lingering around, like a cat or a dog upon waking up she immediately stretched her limbs.

Wait, Sun from above? How? Isn't she supposed to be in the carriage with that Adam guy? How can the sun be down on her? Is she still dreaming, or going insane?

Raising her head quickly and in shock, out of the chest-deep dirt "box" around her, she looked around herself with a confused face, not unlike that of Adam when she said that she will travel with him, yet there was nothing.

The trees were there like usual, the fire next to her had gone out some time ago yet she could see no carriage in sight, only the horses were there, tied to a tree by the reins of their bridles.

Looking around herself some more she noticed that the area around her was completely flat and devoid of any imperfections, while in front of her there were 2 tracks of smooth earth, side by side, they went up and down with the terrain, creating steps on which someone could walk thru the forest.

She also noticed that although everything around her was made of smooth earth, the actual piece of the ground beneath her was made of a wooden floor.

She quickly pieced all of the puzzle pieces together, it didn't take a genius to figure it out and she was a genius, her wrath was, summed up in one word, immense.

"Adam Van Hoenheim!" She yelled out his name like some sort of cringy anime edge lord or protagonist after having his friend killed, yet that was accompanied by an immense burst of flames all around her.

Instantly the trees in the immediate vicinity turned to ash, again, poor horses, for they too turned to ash and dust within seconds, not even that remained, however, blown away by the wind.

All around her, in a circle of 2 kilometers, everything was scorched, within 1 kilometer everything was burned, and anything within 500 meters was turned to ash, no life remained in the 250-meter zone, for even the worms in the ground died, not even bacteria remained.

Her discharge of fire was so powerful even Adam from dozens of kilometers away from her felt like something bad had happened, a shiver going up his spine.

Still, the discharge achieved its duty, along with the fire came out some of her wrath, she calmed down, ever so slightly that is, and now she stood alone in a completely charred mess, the fire was so hot even the trail of the carriage has disappeared.

"God damn it, now I've lost his trail." She said in annoyance, releasing a sigh of displeasure she took out her grimoire and activated one of her spells.

A lioness came out of the book and floated in the air, she took out some paper and scribbled something on it with a pencil before giving it to the lioness.

"Go and find my brother, once you do, give him this message." She said, tucking the message into the lion's mouth before it flew off, she looked in the general direction of the tracks for a few moments before grinning.

'Heh, you might have been able to escape me now, but I know where you are going, there's no running away from me.' She thought as her grin widened, once she gets Adam in her grasp it's going to be a hot and fiery day of pain for him.


Notice: No, I'm not back, I'm just stopping by, a comment was made some time ago and I looked at it and was like "This guy seems to like the ff", then I thought about why I stopped, then I decided to at least give it some effort.

So here's the deal, as long as this fanfic gets 2 positive comments in the next week I will continue it, if not, well, too bad. And it must be from 2 different people, no cheating.

Now it has been more than a year since I made this ff, in that time my style has changed, I have changed, for better or for worse, so if you don't like the new style, well, I'm sorry, but, I can't help you with that.

Also, Tyler17, you fucking cunt, I don't like you, stfu, I told you, don't leave nasty comments, just leave. Do you have complaints? Then explain yourself, I don't want complaints, I want constructive criticism.

Some of you may ask why this is here and not in the first chapter? It's cause this is the first chapter before I decided to make another one and I felt too lazy to remove it, and this chapter is short so I will use this to buff it up.

Happy new year.