
Fear My Return

"Your majesty,we just spotted her at Forest,she's trying to pass through the mountains Forest to cross board the ship which is sailing through the boarder" The royal guard was on his knees with heads now as he spoke. The man in front of him sat on the pouch,with his night rod lying loosely on his body. Three maidens who were his mistresses surrounded him. One at his foot massaging him and the other two, behind pouring fragrance on his tone chest and rubbing it over him. There was smell of red wine in the room,as the man on the pouch gave a deep and deadly laugh like that of an horror movie but the difference was the villain looked to good and heavenly to merit d title. After some while the man stopped laughing and relaxed as he looked at the guard dagger dawn. "What should we do your majesty" "Kill her" *********** "..... Please... please " the sound of steel piece through her skin and she felt the hurt metal buried with her. Her blood rushed out instantly and her strength as well. Elizabeth collapse to the ground, falling unconscious. How it pain to be used, betrayed,left in the dark and even worst, for a mother to watch her only child taken and slaughter for an offence he never knew or committed. Flashes of the image of her past came flooding in and anger,grieve flowed along,it hurts so bad. Hot tears rushed down her eyes. She felt so powerless,so useless,like a tiny particles who couldn't even make a difference.But she was going to come. As Elizabeth closed her eyes to accept the offer of death,her body Began rolling,until she fell from the cliff and into the river. The guards wanted to go after her but was stopped by Edward,the king's personal guard and knight. "Leave her,let the beast of the sea have a taste of her" he smirked.

blueydew · Fantasy
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16 Chs


The Masquerade Ball~

    The days went by in the palace and turned into weeks and weeks were turning into month. The whole kingdom lived in fear and there were side talks at the palace and even outside the palace walls. Everyone kept talking about the king to be ruthless and wicked for him to kill his son's which were supposed to be his heirs.

   No one knew the reason why,but there was no better explanation than the fact that the king was cruel and heartless.

King Arthur however cared less about the expected rumors around the kingdom,all he cared was the thought that he had eliminated any threat that was posed by the prophecy. He had his guard and council,swore secrecy and anyone who dare talk about it,he had them beheaded. No one must know about his mother prophecy and no one must know what happened 15years ago.

    A letter from one of the six kingdoms was brought to his majesty,king Arthur. It was a letter of invitation to the masquerade Ball. A ball that took place every year to celebrate the establishment of the seven kingdoms of the realm. The king's present was of high essence,or else the Ball would become incomplete and pointless.

  Seven extra letters were also brought for the king's seven wives. Queen Bianca and the other queens didn't accept the letter of invitation as they were still mourning their sons. However queen Anna,queen Victoria and queen Elizabeth who had no children or even a son that they lost to the fate of death,had to attend the masquerade Ball.

   Queen Anna sent a servant to inform the king that she was too weak to attend the masquerade ball because she was still heavy with pregnancy and was advised by the physician to have adequate resting especially during this period when she was constantly stressed and worried about her unborn child.

   The servant came back with news from the king. Queen Anna expect the king to reason with her situation and agree for her not to attach the ball,but instead the king order that she come along to the masquerade Ball and that he already had four useless Queen and that he wasn't going to show up to the Ball having at least Three Queens by his side. What the heck! Queen Anna was finding it had to breathe due to the rush of anger in her mind and body,but her maid managed to calm her down.

   When it was time to leave the palace, queen Elizabeth insisted that she enter the same carriage with queen Anna. The king didn't like that but since he had a special affection towards Elizabeth he allowed it.

  While they journey through the forest, Queen Anna didn't speak a word to Queen Elizabeth and this made Elizabeth feel more shattered. Why wasn't she talking? Elizabeth thought to her self. She reached out her hands to hold that of queen Anna's had and felt her cold as ice. Queen Anna turned from the window to look at Elizabeth and saw  a sweet smile of reassurance in her eyes. Queen Anna felt the tears in her eyes falling down her cheek and tried to wipe it off with her hands but Elizabeth held her back.

   "Let it fall,I can understand how much u are hurt,so you don't have to hide it from me" Elizabeth felt are own voice shaking. Queen Anna turned her body fully to Elizabeth and hugged her while tears kept falling down her eyes. She tried to speak but Elizabeth already knew what she wanted to say.

   "Am scared Elizabeth,am so scared and unfortunate" Queen Anna let out her heart to pour. For months,she had no one to talk to,she had no one other that her personal maid to confide in. She kept to herself all her fears and all her worries,she felt maybe this was how a queen to do and not misbehave or create a scene to create more rumors.

    "Everything would be fine. You and your baby would be fine and nothing is going to happen to the baby,whether it's a boy or girl."

  For the rest of the journey, Elizabeth stayed by queen Anna's side and calmed her down until she stopped crying. Elizabeth called a guard to inform one of the maid who were with them to give queen Anna another light makeup before they arrived at the palace.

    When finally they got to the palace Ball, Queen Elizabeth came down and was followed by Queen Anna who looked as healthy and beautiful as was expected. Queen Victoria also can down from her carriage with a numb face that showed no emotions. They were at the kingdom of LYDIA,the kingdom were Victoria was from and this was her father's palace.

   Queen Victoria father came out of the palace door along with Victoria s mother and twin sister. They came to welcome king Arthur and his wives special. King Darik who was Victoria father paid little or no more attention to his own daughter but went on praising Elizabeth and Anna for Their beauty and appreciating them for coming. Only Victoria's mother acknowledge Victoria.

  "Oh,how my little daughter have grown so well. And were is Rosetta?am sure you couldn't have possible prevent her from coming to see her own grandmama?" Everyone laughed but Victoria still kept her void face. "She doing well ma. She just couldn't possibly come with me because she caught a cold and had a fever,but I suppose she would like if you come visit her soon" Victoria responded to her mother and gave her a cracky smile.

   "Ok,why don't we take our guest inside. Everyone are waiting inside"Victoria's twin sister Christiania said while trying to lead the king towards the door.

    It was said that, Christiania was actual the chosen princess of the kingdom of Lydia to marry the king, king Arthur. But on her one month after the engagement,she felt terrible ill. Everyone thought she would die,and the king,king Darik, being a greedy king, didn't want to loose the opportunity of having his daughter married to the king had to place Christiania twins sister as the king's wife.

     When Christiania finally got healed, she was told that her sister had already become the king's wife and she felt heartbroken. Ever since then, Christiania blamed her twin sister for everything and being the favourite daughter of her father the king,she was always supported.

    Inside the palace was huge and had a big chandelier at the center of the ball room,as well as other sparkling designs and decorations. Everyone was were all wearing mask on their face, because it was a masquerade ball,even king Arthur and his wives wore theirs after arriving at the palace Ball.

   Someone announced the present of the king and Queen and everyone turned around to bow as they walked down the aisle as royals. Everyone began to make way for them until they were down the aisle and others royal family rushed to meet them.

   Queen Elizabeth and Queen Anna were busy talking to some of the other queens from the other kingdom. Queen Anna excused her self to the wash room and Elizabeth insisted on going with her.

    "You don't have to worry, I'll be fine" and off Queen Anna went,in search for the washroom.

    Elizabeth felt unease though but had no other choice. When Queen Anna had left, Elizabeth looked around and saw Queen Victoria standing somewhere a bit distance with her mum, and they seem to be having a conversation.

   Princess Christiania was with the king,king Arthur and her father who were busy discussing with other dutches and royal family. Elizabeth found princess Christiania to be clingy and glued to the king but she didn't care,there was no way the king would have her as a wife,she already missed the chance and it was gone.

    Few minutes,some of the men at the ball started leading the Ladies to the dance floor as the music began.

    A young man wearing a dark leather suit that had a narrow silhouette,deep dark short hair,dark eyes and the most deep dark eyes Elizabeth had ever saw, came up to Elizabeth.Elizabeth wasn't a fan of dark outfits but she could swear that,he was the only man in the ball room who looked too good to be true.

  The man wore a red mask that cover almost every part of his face,leaving just his lower part of his face were his lovable perfect pink lips went on full display to any lady who cared to ogle and trust me, every lady her faced did.

     Before Elizabeth knew it,the young man was standing in front of her and stretched out his hand which was cover by a dark thick glove, why was he putting on gloves?

   The young man gave a 90 degree bow and spoke in a tone that Elizabeth felt her soul left her

    "May I have this dance,my lady?"he asked.

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