
Chapter 4

Once the campers were ready for bed, they all met up in the mess hall and took a vote on the camp's hauntings. Harold said, "Ok, all those convinced the camp the ghosts are real, raise your hand." Luke, Cody, Ben, Sally, Susan, and Duncan raised their hands and voted yes. Harold pointed at each of them and said, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Ok, now those who don't think the ghosts are real, raise your hand." Timmy, Harold, Lindsay, Chris, Tina, and Gwen raised their hands and voted no. Harold pointed at each of them, including himself, and said, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. It's a tie." Susan said, "We'll settle this dispute tomorrow. Right now, let's all try to get some sleep." All the campers returned to their cabins, got in their beds, and slept.

The following day, all the campers sat down for breakfast in the mess hall. While Cody was eating his soup, he looked at it and saw a ghost's face. The ghost face said, "Leave this place." Cody knocked his soup off the table and said, "Leave me alone." Then his soup hit the floor, and all the fire sprinklers turned themselves on and hosed everyone in the mess hall. Then everyone ran out of the mess hall, soaking wet.

Once they got out, the campers all went hiking in the woods. While they were walking, they found a gate hidden behind a few trees and saw it had a sign above it that said, "Cemetery." Luke said, "Ok, now we know where the ghosts are coming from; let's just leave this place alone." Ben and Gwen grabbed Luke's arms and carried him into the cemetery. Luke said, "You can't be serious; we're not going to a cemetery." Duncan said, "It's not night, so what's the worst?" Then the kids heard Harold screaming and ran into the cemetery to see why he was yelling. Once they found Harold, they saw a bunch of skeletons surrounding him. Harold shouted, "Guys, help me!" Harold kicked one of the skeletons away and punched another skeleton's head. Timmy shouted, "Harold, look out behind you." Harold looked behind him and saw more bone structures heading his way, and they grabbed him. Harold shouted, "Help, help me!" Then, all the skeletons left, and they took Harold with them. Luke said, "That can happen if you come to a cemetery, Duncan." Susan said, "We'll return tonight and look for Harold." Luke said, "At night? But cemeteries are haunted at night. And since they haunt the camp, there's bound to be a ghost here tonight." Chris said, "We'll risk it."

On their way back to camp, the sky filled with storm clouds, and it started to get dark out. Gwen said, "Man, these rainclouds make it so dark out." Then, a light flashed on the campers, and Gwen said, "Oh, thanks." Then the kids turned around and saw the camp bus behind them. Then its headlights turned green, horror movie music played on the radio, and it tried to run the campers over without anyone driving it. It chased them through the woods and to the docks, where they got cornered. Lindsay said, "We're safe here. A bus can't drive on wooden docks." The kids then took a canoe onto the lake and rowed away from the bus and back to camp.

Once they returned to camp, they docked their boat and took shelter in the girls' cabin. Then they all played cards until the rain stopped. Lina knocked on the door, and Lindsay said, "Come in." Lina opened the door and brought the campers sandwiches and juice for lunch. Lina said, "Does anyone want lunch?" All the campers raised their hands, and Lina gave them each a sandwich and a glass of juice while they continued to play cards. Luke said, "Read them and weep, guys. 3 Jacks." Chris said, "I fold." Cody said, "I fold." Duncan said, "I fold." Gwen said, "I fold too." Lindsay said, "I fold." Sally said, "I fold." Susan said, "I fold." Timmy said, "I fold." Tina said, "I also fold." All the players looked at Ben and wondered why he was still looking at his hand. Ben said, "Oh, me. Full House. 2 Queens and 3 Kings. I win." Then Ben grabbed the pile and pulled it towards him.

After the storm ended, the campers visited the barn to see all the animals. Once they opened the barn's doors, they saw the headless horseman inside and ran for their lives. While they were running, the camp bus drove in front of them, and they all stopped running. Chris said, "Ah! Haunted Bus!" Then the driver opened the bus's door and said, "Get in." Then, all the campers ran onto the bus and sat on their seats, and the driver drove them away from the headless horseman. After they lost the headless horseman, the driver stopped the bus and told the campers they were safe. Susan said, "OK, now that we're safe, who are you?"

The driver said, "My name is Cleo. I'm one of the counselors back at the camp." Duncan said, "Then how come we haven't seen you yet." Cleo said, "You were today. I keep the barn clean and care for all the animals, but the heedless horseman scared me out of the barn before you arrived." Duncan said, "And the headless horseman scared us away from the barn before we could meet you." Lindsay said, "But you drove this bus back to save us because you knew we were coming, and we didn't know about the headless horseman." Cleo said, "Correct." Tina said, "Well, thanks for saving us. Now, can you drive us back to camp?" Cleo said, "Sure." Cleo drove the campers back to camp, and once they got back, all the campers and counselors sat down for dinner.

Once they got served their dinner, the chef, wearing a cloak and hiding his face, took the platter's top off and showed them what they were having. The chef said, "Who wants spiderweb spaghetti with eyeballs?" The campers and counselors all screamed in terror once they saw the food winking at them and the chef laughing evilly. The chef set another platter down and took the top off. The chef said, "And don't forget the side. A severed arm." Then the arm moved, and the chef laughed evilly while the campers and counselors screamed in terror. The chef said, "Are you sure you don't want any?" The chef took a fork, grabbed an eyeball, and ate it. The chef said, "They're juicy and delicious." Once the campers and counselors saw what the chef did, they started to get sick. Then the chef took a large knife, sliced the arm down the middle, and put three eyeballs in it. The chef said, "If you don't like this stuff, maybe you would like an eyeball sandwich with arm bread." Then the chef ate the arm with the eyeballs in it, and the campers and the counselors screamed in terror. Then they saw the chef's monster shadow on the wall, and they saw it eating the arm. Then the chef laughed evilly and ate another eyeball and more spiderwebs. Then he licked his fingers right in front of the campers and counselors' faces while they were screaming. Justin said, "That's it; we're out of here." Then, all the campers and counselors ran out of the mess hall screaming and back to their cabins.