
Chapter 13

Once they got down, the power came back on, and they all started to calm down. Then Marcia mopped up all the leftover water on the floor while Chef Scott cooked dinner. Emma also forbade anyone from leaving the mess hall and going outside because it's safer inside than outside. Sally sat down in a chair covered with a sheet, but then the sheet floated off the chair, and Sally turned around. Then the sheet grew a ghoulish face and showed Sally its arms. The ghost said, "Boo." Once Sally saw the ghost, she screamed in terror, ran for her life, and hid under one of the tables. Cody looked under the table and found Sally. Cody said, "Sally, what is it?" Sally pointed at the chair she sat on and said, "A ghost took over that sheet." Cody looked at the sheet Sally told Cody about and saw it was back on the chair. Cody said, "I don't see anything." Sally took another look at the chair and saw the ghost was gone. Sally said, "Thank god, he's gone."

Once dinner was ready, all the campers and counselors went to the counter to get their food. Chef Scott served them barbecue ribs, and when they got their food, they went to their tables to eat it. While eating, they started to hear the moaning sound they had heard at the campfire a few nights ago. Gwen said, "What was that?" Sally said, "Sounded like a miserable ghost." Then they heard the moaning again, and Duncan followed it to the kitchen. Once he got there, the moaning ghost showed its hand and grabbed Duncan's shirt. Then Duncan screamed, and the ghost's hand pulled him out the window. Once the campers heard Duncan shout, they ran into the kitchen and saw Duncan getting pulled out the window. Duncan yelled, "Help!" Tina grabbed Duncan's leg and tried to pull him back into the kitchen, but the ghost hand pulled Duncan out the window, and Tina fell to the floor. Cody said, "Another camper, gone." Then, a bunch of hands came out of the ground and started to grab Tina. Then Tina screamed because the hands kept holding her and trying to pull her underground. Cody and Sally helped Tina by grabbing her arms and pulling her up. Then, a bunch of zombies started coming out of the floor, but the kids ran out of the kitchen and barricaded the door so the zombies couldn't escape. The zombies tried breaking the door down, but the kids kept the barricade in place so the zombies couldn't get out.

Cleo said, "Ok, kids, now what?" Ben said, "Zombies have invested in the kitchen." Carter said. "I see. And where's Duncan?" Tina said, "A ghost hand took him away." Alex said, "I see." The zombies kept trying to break down the door, but the campers kept keeping their barricade in place. Cody said, "Keep holding the door." Timmy said, "It's no use. There's too many of them." Sally said, "They're breaking in." Then the zombies broke the door, passed the kids' barricade, and walked into the mess hall. Justin shouted, "Unless you want to become one with these zombies, everybody out!" Then, all the campers and counselors ran out of the mess hall, slammed the doors, and barricaded them so the zombies couldn't escape. A strong wind blew after they trapped the zombies, and fog started rolling in. Once the mist passed by the campers and counselors, Cody and Chef Scott vanished into thin air. Tina said, "What happened to Cody?" Lina said, "And Scott?" Emma said, "Gone, vanished."

After Cody and Chef Scott vanished, the green clouds with purple lightning returned. Then, the purple lightning hit the ground and made many monsters appear. Zombies came out of the land and the mess hall and chased after Alex and Ben. Then, the toy robots came back and chased after Carter and Cleo. Then, the living skeletons came to camp and chased after Emma and Gwen. Then, a couple of bats came to camp and turned into Luke and the vampire, and once they saw it was them, Justin and Lina ran for it. However, Luke and the vampire turned back into bats and chased after them. Susan and the werewolf also came back and chased after Marcia and Sally. Then the haunted camp bus came to camp and chased after Timmy and Tina.

Alex and Ben ran across the camp and into the woods while the zombies chased them. Alex and Ben then pulled a branch back, waited for the zombies to come, and let go of the tree branch, which hit their top halves off, but their legs still walked up to them. Ben then kicked a fallen branch at their legs and knocked them down. Once they saw the zombies putting themselves back together and more zombies coming, Alex and Ben ran for their lives. Carter and Cleo ran across camp while the toy robots chased them and tried to shoot them with lasers. While being shot at, Carter wrecked some of them with a baseball bat. Then, one of the toy robots destroyed Carter's baseball bat with one of his lasers. Then the robots shot at them again, and Carter and Cleo ran for their lives. Emma and Gwen outran the living skeletons, but then the giant spiders showed up and came after them.

Once Luke and the vampire caught up with Justin and Lina, they turned back into themselves, ran after them, and jumped over their heads. When they landed, they landed on their feet and in front of Justin and Lina. Justin and Lina quivered in fear when they saw Luke and his vampire master. The vampire said, "We want blood." Justin pointed to his left and said, "Ooh, look a blood drive." Luke and the vampire got excited when they heard that and looked to their left. Luke and the vampire both said, "Where? Where?" While they were distracted, Justin and Lina ran for it, but Luke and the vampire turned into bats and chased after them when they saw them running away. Marcia and Sally were hiding from Susan and the werewolf and trying to remain calm so they couldn't hunt them down. Susan and the werewolf sniffed all around camp for Marcia and Sally and could smell their scent, but Marcia and Sally hid in Marcia's cabin so they couldn't get to them. Marcia covered Sally's mouth, and Sally started to sweat because she was nervous. While they were being quiet, Susan and the werewolf tried to sniff out their scent. Marcia whispered, "Remain calm and don't make a sound. If they can't find us, maybe they'll go away." While hiding out, Timmy and Tina tried to outrun the camp bus, chasing them. The haunted bus chased them out of camp and into the woods. Once they got into the woods, Timmy and Tina ran for a tree and climbed up it. Timmy said, "Quick, get to the top." Tina said, "What do you think I'm trying to do." Once Timmy and Tina made it to the top of the tree, the haunted bus stopped because it couldn't drive up the tree after them. Tina said, "Thank god, we're safe up here." Then, the giant mosquitoes flew by, and both Timmy and Tina screamed in terror and fell out of the tree. Then, a green light flashed, and they heard scary music playing. Then they saw the haunted bus in front of them and the giant mosquitoes behind them. Tina said, "What do we do now?" Timmy said, "Don't you still have the book?" Tina put her backpack on the ground, opened it, and brought out the book from inside it. Tina said, "Yes, I do." Timmy took the book from Tina and said, "Give me that." Timmy held the text to the giant mosquitoes and waited for them to fly closer. Once they were close enough, Timmy opened the book, and all the giant mosquitoes started to glow green and get sucked into it. Once inside, Timmy shut the book and got rid of them. Timmy said, "That takes care of them. Now, run." Timmy and Tina ran for their lives while the haunted bus chased them.

Before sunrise, Luke and the vampire flew away and left Justin and Lina alone before the sun destroyed them. Once morning came, all the campers hid in the boys' cabin while all the counselors hid in Lina's place. Ben looked out the window and saw the zombies, skeletons, Susan, and the haunted bus passing them. Ben whispered, "Here come the ghouls that were chasing us." Gwen whispered, "Everyone quiet. If they can't hear us, they won't find us." The counselors hid in Lina's cabin while the campers hid in the boys'. Emma looked out the window and saw the zombies, toy robots, living skeletons, and werewolves looking for them. Emma whispered, "Here come the creeps looking for us." Carter whispered, "What are they doing now?" Emma looked out the window again and saw the creeps looking for them leaving. Emma said, "They're leaving. I think we're safe for now." The psycho killer heard them and used his chainsaw to break the door down. Then, all the counselors screamed in terror when they saw the psycho killer breaking the door open with his chainsaw. Once they heard the counselors shout, the campers all looked out the window of their cabin and saw the psycho killer cutting open the door to Lina's cabin, and they started to get worried since that's where the counselors were hiding.

Once they saw the psycho killer, Timmy took the book and ran outside. Tina said, "Timmy, where are you going?" Timmy left the cabin and said, "To get rid of that psycho killer." Once Timmy left, the other campers watched him from outside the window. Timmy quietly tip-toed up to the psycho killer, held the book up to him, and tried to remain calm while he watched him break the door down. Once the psycho killer got in, the counselors all screamed, but then the psycho killer started to glow green, and the counselors stopped screaming. Then the psycho killer got sucked into the book, and once he was in, Timmy shut the book and trapped him in it. Timmy then walked into Lina's cabin and saw the counselors terrified. Timmy said, "Relax, guys, it's safe." Carter said, "OK, what do you say to some breakfast?" Timmy said, "But with Chef Scott gone, who will cook?" Carter raised his hand and said, "I will."