
Chapter 11

Once they were out, they all took a deep breath and calmed down. Then the witch saw the campers, Carter and Marcia, outside the front gates. The witch said, "Give me the book, and I'll be merciful." Cody snuck up from behind the witch with the book and held it up to her. They all remained calm once they saw Cody sneaking up from behind the witch. Gwen said, "Sorry, we don't have it." All 10 of them held their hands and showed her they didn't have the book. The witch said, "Well then, who does?" Cody tapped the witch's shoulder, and she turned around. Cody said, "Looking for this?" Cody opened the book, and the witch started to glow green, and then she got sucked into the book. Once she was inside, Cody shut the book and trapped the witch inside it. Lindsay said, "Let me see that." Lindsay took the book, skimmed through it, and tried to find a key. Lindsay looked through the book and told the others what was inside. Lindsay said, "Nothing here but an unfinished story that relates to what's happening right now." Susan snapped her fingers because she figured it out. Susan said, "And that's why the monsters get sucked in. The story gets written out once we hold the book up to them and trap them inside. So, to stop the hauntings and eliminate the ghosts, we need an ending to the story and ensure nobody but us gets their hands on that book."

Susan put the book in her backpack, and they all hiked back to camp. They walked for hours until Carter got everyone lost, and they were about to give up on him. Susan said, "I'm tired." Sally said, "I'm exhausted." Lindsay said, "Carter, we're lost. Maybe we should start following someone else." Carter said, "We're not lost; we're just having trouble getting back to camp." Gwen said, "In other words, we got lost." Carter said, "Fine, then let Marcia lead and get us back to camp." Marcia said, "OK, I will. I'll get us back to camp in no time." Marcia stopped the group from hiking, and they all started heading north. Once they did, they found the river and the headless horseman guarding it. The headless horseman said, "You're going nowhere." Tina said, "We're not, but you are." Tina held the book from Susan's backpack up to the headless horseman. The headless horseman said, "You're trying to put me in?" Tina slowly walked up to the headless horseman while holding the book. Tina said, "Of course not." The headless horseman said, "Then give me the book." Tina said, "Never." The headless horseman said, "Then suffer the consequences." Timmy said, "Marcia, I'll keep him busy. You get everyone back to camp." Marcia said, "But Timmy." Timmy said, "No buts. Go, I'll be right behind you."

Timmy stepped ahead of the headless horseman and clenched his fists as if he would fight him. Once he got the headless horseman's attention, his horse got ready to ride, and Marcia got everyone across the river without the headless horseman noticing. Then the headless horseman rode up to Timmy, and Timmy ran up to the headless horseman. Once Timmy got close enough, he hit the deck, slid in the mud and underneath the headless horseman's horse, and made it to the river. Then he jumped over the river, ditched the headless horseman, and joined the others. Timmy said, "Tina, do you still have the book? Tina showed them she had done so and returned the book to her backpack. Marcia said, "Good work, Timmy." Timmy said, "Thanks, but I need a shower."

Once they returned to camp, Timmy returned to their cabin and took a shower to wash off all the mud he had slid in. While he was showering, the water stopped, and he needed clarification. Then, a bunch of green gunk started to pour out of the shower and onto Timmy. Then Timmy ran out of the shower screaming and used his towel to get the green gunk off them. Once the others heard Timmy screaming, they ran into the boys' cabin, and Lindsay started to pound on the bathroom door. Lindsay said, "Timmy, are you in there?" Timmy dressed and ran out of the bathroom screaming, but Tina grabbed his arm and stopped him. Tina said, "What's wrong?" Timmy said, "There's gunk in the pipes." Tina walked into the bathroom, turned on the sink, and poured a bunch of green gunk out. Tina said, "We can't drink this. What happened to our water?" Gwen said, "And with that stuff in the pipes, we can't shower either." Then Cody slipped and fell in a bunch of the gunk on the ground. After he did, Cody stood back up and got the goo out of his eyes. Cody said, "What is this stuff?" Then the campers all looked at the cabin wall and saw where one of the ghosts wrote the word "Beware" on the wall and saw it was starting to ooze out green gunk. Once they saw the green gunk, the campers ran out of the boys' cabin screaming, and the power went out all over camp. Tina said, "We probably just popped a breaker. We can get flashlights from our cabin to find the breaker and restart the power."

The campers walked to the girls' cabin, and when they got there, they got their flashlights from their bags. Once they got their flashlights, tentacles wrapped around Lindsay's legs, mouth, and stomach and pulled her into the shadows. Gwen shouted. "Lindsay!" Gwen ran into the shadows after Lindsay and looked around with her flashlight but couldn't find her anywhere. Gwen whispered, "Lindsay?" Gwen left the girls' cabin with Lindsay's flashlight and told the others she was gone. Gwen said, "Now seven campers are missing. Lindsay just got taken." Carter said, "Well, at least we still have the book."

Then, a bandage wrapped around Carter and pulled him away. Carter grabbed onto a log, cast his flashlight behind him, and saw a mummy trying to get the book from him. Carter said, "Guys, a mummy has me. HELP!" The others ran over to where Carter was and threw him the book. Carter let go of the log, dropped the book, and the mummy pulled him away. After Carter got pulled away, Tina walked up to the book and picked it up. Once she did, the mummy wrapped his bandages around the book and tried to take it from Tina, but Tina pulled it away from him, opened it, and sucked the mummy inside. Then she slammed the book shut and got rid of the mummy. Susan said, "OK, we got the mummy, but Carter is still gone." Cody said, "I'm sure he's fine. We'll find him and everyone else. But for now, let's concentrate on finding the breaker."