
Fear bearer

Rev's life was simple, he was going through his days without much vision for his future. He was generally ok with it, as long as he had the essentials of life, he managed. But as a tragedy happened to him, his life changed forever. Alone, without any possessions, with only his wits to rely on, he.... failed extraordinarily, and consumed something so valueble, that stirred chaos in the whole country. Now it's only a matter of time until the they find him. as Rev's life plunges into chaos, his life is about to take another turn for better or worse, as he finds secrets about his past.

DaoistC3r0bc · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Gripping fear

As he stepped out of the room, strangely his entire apartment was covered in darkness, with only small rays of blue light finding their way in.

'What the.. why is it so dark all of the sudden'

Before he could finish that thought, his eyes landed on his figure, that appeared on the mirror,he didnt noticed it earlier, but now that he did, his heart sunk.

in front of him was his usual figure, only this time there was something, something small, that most people wouldnt have noticed.

Only someone who had seen plenty of dead bodies, would have, and Rev had his share of these sights.

His eyes were exprensionless, devoid of any emotion, they were without a doubt the eyes of a dead man.

suddenly, the sounds of countless creaking tires could be heard close, very close.

The unfinished realization quickly dawned on Rev, this place of his is long compromised, they were after him.

Rev quickly got out of his apartment, he was living on the third floor, but he could already hear heavy footsteps on their way.

'ARGHHH come on, you can do it, calm down, think of something... please think of something'

He violently tapped his head, as if trying to fix an old tv.

Finally he made a move, and went downstairs, towards the approaching footsteps.

Rev was athletic and swift, so he reached the second floor long before the army of footsteps could.

3 doors, were to left, in front, and to the right of him,he quickly knocked on all of them, but he didnt waste time, but made repeated knocking laps,out of breath, panicking, and the footsteps growing louder, and more violent, Rev kept on knocking.

just when the first enemy foot could be seen on the last step, Revs panic reached its peak, but just when that happend, finally the door to his right opened, without even a second thought, Rev lunged towards the door, pushed the lady back in, and slammed the door behind him, in front of him, a woman in her 30s, with smooth brown hair, and terrified eyes stared at him.

"argh sorry about that, you know how it is with these surprise inspections"

Rev said in a carefree tone

"inspection? what inspection?"

"you know, the drug inspection"


"how long have you been living here?" Rev asked in a dumbfounded voice

"a year.."

"well every 6 months or so, a drug inspection, is... happening, its nothing serious,i just rather avoid the fine"

Akward silence set in.

"... listen..., i dont know you, and i have nothing to do with this, so i will have to ask you to leave"

Rev mentally smacked his head, 'you seriously couldnt think of a better story... not even when your life is on the line'.


'Time for plan B'

Rev lunged towards the ladys balcony, he wanted to make a jump for it, but as soon as he reached the balcony, an eerie sight spread in front of him.

countless heavy, black vehicles, with lots of people moving around.

'ARGHHH snap out of it, think, think, i have to find my escape route'

as his eyes scanned the enviorment, his stomach suddenly felt sick.

not the food poisining sick, but gut feeling, flight or fight instinct, sick.

In fact his entire body felt feverish, he felt as if he wanted to puke, out of fear.

All because of something strange, inexplicable was caught in the epipheny of his sight.

His eyes and body reacted to the sight, before his mind could proccess it.

The world seemingly stopped, everything fell quiet, everybody stopped moving, and suddenly Rev could feel the immense preasure of countless gazes.

everybody stood comepletly still, piercing Rev with their gazes, like some kind of a horror movie.

Rev had to bite his tounge to get himself out of the gripping fear.