
Chapter 61

Brian didn’t know what to do. As though reading his mind, Dad said, “If they handcuff you, don’t say a word until I get us an attorney. We are victims and I won’t have us turned into suspects. They have no justification to arrest us, but never fight the police. Most of them are decent.”

* * * *

They weren’t arrested or cuffed. Dad drove them to the police department after securing his gun at home.

Three detectives got involved. They put Dad and Brian in separate rooms and interviewed them, making them tell their stories several times. Brian worried that he didn’t say it word for word each time and they’d think he was lying. He needed to use the bathroom twice due to stress. It would have been worse if not for the deep breaths.

When Dad and Brian left, they found Jim waiting in the lobby.

Jim threw himself into Brian’s arms. “Jeez, I’ve been so worried.”

A short time later, Dad treated them to ice cream downtown and they sat in a corner booth, discussing the day’s events.