
Favorite Flavour

"This is where Mistakes Feel so Right and Sins Will be The Favorite"

Ayaka_Choi · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter Three

"Hyung, Atleast be a little bit open to your surroundings" Beomgyu tried to convinced his brother not be so jolly everyday and childish.

"But that's who i am! oh- wait what's this?" Chanhee squat down to get the pink paper with red hearts on it as a lock.

He opened his locker and that paper fell off.

"I always gaze at the location of my heart whenever I miss you. It is because it's the only place I could find you permanently fixed. - Your admirer" Changee read it out loudly enough for Beomgyu to hear it.

"Wow! This is so cute who would even gave this to me?" Chanhee squeled and started jumping off not minding some students looking at him

"You definitely just transferred here Yesterday" Beomgyu said that made the older pout.

"You ready have admirer in your second day, Don't just be happy there, i'll kick some asses later" Beomgyu being the most protective brother in history aggressively slam his locker.

"Hey gyu stop that, its cu-"

"Save your shits i'll definitely kick his ass once i got to know his name" Chanhee just pouted and opened his arms. Students are looking at him weirdly but their Question got answered when Beomgyu  squat down waiting for Chanhee.

Chanhee happily enveloped his hands around Beomgyu's neck and Beomgyu hold on Chanhee's Knee.

Its easy for Beomgyu to Piggyback his brother because of his light weight.

'Why are they so cute?'

'They're brothers after all'


'Yeah, Soobin,Beomgyu and Yeonjun are in one table yesterday including Beomgyu's brother'

'WHAT?! i missed an important event?!'

'We're so lucky yesterday i swear. 4 Choi's in One table'

"Are they talking about us?" Chanhee whisper asked his brother.Beomgyu nodded

"Why? Are you that famous?"

"Maybe? Or not, Cause they called me names like Sunshine boys" Chanhee giggled and tried to blow air on Beomgyu's ears

"Yah! Hyung!" Chanhee chuckled and rest his head on his brother's shoulder.

"That admirer sounds so fake" Beomgyu mumbled only enough for Chanhee to hear.

"I know" Beomgyu stopped for a second because of his brother's serious tone. its new for him to hear him being so natural and serious.

"But its cute you know? Letters from admirers will always be cute, Sadly i didn't receive any from my past school" Beomgyu can literally imaginr his brother pouting.

Soobin can't set his eyes off the pink hairef male on Choi Beomgyu's Back.

"Choi Chanhee, You're mine since i first laid my eyes on you

No one can change that, I will never gets tired of making you smile, I will never"

"And i will start today"

Soobin whispered to the thin air and started to make his way to Beomgyu and Chanhee.

"Hi" He greeted both of them with a lovely tone, Chanhee smiled and waved his hands while Beomgyu look at him with eyes confused.

Of course he will be.

"Uh- I just thought of it that having a lunch with the both of you is good, just like yesterday?" Soobin managed to complete his sentence witjout stuttering.

Chanhee quickly remove his hands around Beomgyu's Shoulder and clapped multiple times.

'He looks cute' Soobin thoight as he see how adorable Chanhee is.

"Good! I was about to ask Bamgyu to Find you and that Good looking guy yesterday and guess what?! You're already here! Come come! Let's go to the cafeteria once we found him!" Beomgyu tried to move his head due to his brother's noisy mouth.

Gosh, he's still not used to his brother even if everyday he's always like that.

"Sure" Soobin smiled as if it never affect him.

He felt a slight pang of jealousy knowing that Chanhee remembered Yeonjun.

"What was his name again? Wait, Wow, You're soobin Right?! Why are you so tall? Can you carry me on your back?" The jealousy he felt seconds ago vanished when he heard his name coming out of Chanhee's Mouth

'He remembered my name but not Yeonjun's' He smiled theqqq thoughts of him back carrying the older made him feel like heaven.

"Yah! Hyung we already talk about this!"

"What do you mean? Im just light even a girl can carry me!" Chanhee shouted that catches some students attention.

Do i care?


"Nah, Its fine Beomgyu, i can carry him" i smiled, Chanhee Clapped his hands and Jumped off his brother and opened his hands to me. if you didn't see him did this earlier

You might think tthat he wants a hug but no,

He wants you to back carry him.

"Uh? Hello? Chanhee, Beomgyu and Soobin right?"


➪Next Post, Chapter Four