
Fatum Scriptum

The system that was ruling the ninja world was supposed to be fair. Or so she thought. Who supported, worked, lived in this ruling system was living in the right path. However, those who denied this system, those who left their villages to live on their own, those were traitors, and the path they took would only lead to perdition. Reality is far more complex, and she would learn it at her expenses. It took few minutes for the world to crumble under her feet, and for her to do what she never thought she would. It all began with that meeting. The day she met the legendary "monster" of the village of Takigakure. A story about Fuu of Takigakure and Kakuzu, how their pasts are actually intermingled, and what impact it will have on the shinobi world. It starts with Fuu meeting Kakuzu the first time after the chunin exam we see in the anime(cf. Naruto Shippuden Episode 413).

NiloofarAliskandar · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Her mind was so confused when she entered home that she let the door she slammed wide open and throw herself on the old foam mattress on the floor she used for a bed. She grasped the pillow that was half-emptied of its content and buried her face in it to suffocate the feeling of anger and sadness that was overwhelming her. She then let the tears stream down. Everything inside her head became blurry, and for a time that seemed never ending, she just cried. As the pain lessened and the thoughts started getting clearer, her spirit finally reached the place she longed for and in front of her Chomei's shape took form.

What had happened to Fuu only reminded him that, no matter how close they were, being sealed inside her a curse. He saw three generations of Jinchuuriki pass away. At first, having his freedom snatched away had been something he thought he would have never recovered from. But it had also been the first time he shared every single moment with another creature. The way she moved around, the sound of her laugh when she was happy and all that gobbledygook when she was upset, the rhythm of her breathing when she slept, it was only natural for him to grow fond of her, then of every single one them. He had enjoyed the time he had spend with them, but he had also loathed it. Humans life was too short, their lives were even shorter and sadder. All because of him. And Fuu was about to know the same fate.

He knew that Shibuki didn't truly mean those words. He was the Head of the village and when it came to deal with its people, a leader needed their sustain in order to ensure peace within its walls. He couldn't allow himself to express his thoughts freely in front of them if he wanted to keep matters under control. Chomei knew Shibuki cared for Fuu, but what he heard that night only confirmed his fears. He didn't know how long the young leader would be able to keep the balance between Fuu's safety and his responsibilities as a Leader. Chomei had dreaded the day Shibuki would have to choose between the village and Fuu, and it seemed that that day was about to dawn. Fuu became their scapegoat. At the slight mistake, they could throw all the responsibility upon her.

It was better if Fuu left the village without anyone knowing. But other threats would expect her outside. Today only proved it. He didn't know why Eren's brother showed up after so long. He never met him before but he knew who he used to be from his sister telling. Seventy-seven years after he left Takigakure, and Chomei didn't know whether to trust him or not. For some reason, the man's eyes unsettled him. 'Two deep wells', that had been the image that emerged when he had crossed his eyes. A wave of sadness washed over him as the image of Eren reappeared in front of him. She whose eyes used to be like 'two deep wells'.

He wouldn't let the same fate strike again, he desperately wanted to make things right. He remembered over-hearing when Fuu was still a baby that some decendants of the Uzumaki clan had settled in Amegakure when their village had been destroyed. they were the only ones as far as he knew, that were capable of undoing the strong seal taht bonded a jinchuuriki with a Bijuu without causing its death. After all, their ancestors were the ones that invented the techniques to seal the Tailed-Beasts inside human receptacles. If Fuu could make it there safely and meet one of the member, she could have a chance to finally live a normal life, but that also meant that they were about to shake the whole Shinobi world they knew so far. If it can give her the slightest chance of a better life, then may it be...

Of course, Chomei expected her to sternly refuse. Although she was now rather upset from what she heard earlier, she was still very attached to the village. Leaving Takigakure would mean giving up the only home she ever knew, but he had to convince her for she had a chance of a better life if they succeeded in their quest. But they needed to hurry up. Shibuki would soon realize Fuu is no longer near the hut and he would send shinobis to check if she went back home. Then it would be almost impossible to leave without making a fuss, something Chomei wanted to avoid. Fuu needed to be prepared. As Eren used to say: "If you are prepared, there won't be any sorrow".

Fuu was kneeled in front of his cage, rubbing her eyes and trying her best to sucking in the running nose.

"Fuu, dear, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts so much. But it's okay. I'm a jinchuuriki after all, protecting the village should be the reason of my life. l don't even know why I got upset about ... Anyway, as long as you're with me I'm good" she said with an attempted smile, her expression betrayed by the puffy eyes and the trembling lips. She's a young woman now but she still looks like the little girl of ten years ago, Chomei thought, tenderly amused by the sight in front of him.

"Listen Fuu, I thought a lot about something."

"Mmhm", a glimpse of hope appeared in her eyes and straightened her posture more than ever eager to listen what Chomei was going to say.

"I think it is time for us to leave the village."

Utter shock erased any feature of composure on her face was wearing. "WHAT?! WAIT. WHY?". Fuu immediately stood up and ran towards the enormous cage, then she laid her hands on two bars that were preventing her from getting too close to him and instead, she put her head in the space between.

"Fuu, listen carefully to what I am going to say. You are not safe here anymore. Shibuki will not always be able to keep you safe. I'm afraid he will soon have to make a hard choice and you will have to suffer the consequences of it. But... Please Fuu listen to me"

Her eyes widened. She was furious. It's going to be harder than I thought, he said to himself, "there is probably a way to extract me without causing your death. If we are successful, you'll be able to live a normal life..."

"I don't want a normal life! Why, out of nowhere, you start... Wait, is it because of what happened earlier?! But it has always been like this, Chomei!!! Shibuki and his stupid leader's manners are unnerving but he would never do us something like that! we are bound to the village just like I am bound with you: it' a lifelong bond, so I'll never leave you or the village." She let her hands slide down and started walking backwards. "I think we're too tired. We... should get some rest before they call us again..." Green smoke sneaked out of the cage and wrapped around her body to gently pull her forward.

"No Fuu, we need to talk now. We need to be quick."

"WHY do you suddenly want to leave me?! Why do want to leave me alone, uh?! you've always been part of me..."

"Fuu, I am NOT part of you. I am a parasite, I should have never been here in the first first place.

"Liar! you're talking none-sense because you're angry with me too!"

"Fuu, please..."

"No. No, no, no..." Fuu frenetically shook her head, refusing to hear anything more.. She didn't want to hear more. "Chomei, you've been with me since before my birth. You are PART of me. You have always been and you'll always be" her voice was shaking. She felt the blood throbbing in her arteries as a strong heat was making her way up to her cheeks. Chomei couldn't leave her alone, that was out of question.

"I can't Fuu. It's for your own good... We won't have much time so you have to..." his deep voice became a vague sound resonating in the giant hall of her consciousness. She couldn't hear the rest of the sentence as she already alienated herself. Her head was pounding, the hall started shaking. It was getting gradually stronger until the hall was crumbling into pieces that disappeared in the deep black. Chomei's voice was still there but his words never reached her ears as everything around here was gradually eaten by a famished darkness. The void that was separating her from the cage was widening until everything went dark, and the last thing she heard before going blank was her name.

When she opened her eyes, she was on her bed once more.

This was my first fanfiction written three years ago. Three years later, the story evolved into a world in its own as my imagination expanded and reached the limitation of Kishimoto's world.

If you like this story, then please check Toumen Chronicles, my original webnovel publish on this plateform.

Thank you! ___〆(´•‿‿•`)

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