
Father of Existence

When a man dies in a house fire with his wife in his arms, he discovers that the girl they adopted all those years ago was not as simple as she seemed. And with that the start of a great adventure in all those worlds he once thought of being mere fiction. This is a multiverse fanfic where anything from entertainment media can and will be part of, be it actors, video games, books, anime, cartoons, etc... Current world: Star Wars(in the old Republic Era) Hub World:Almagamation of Slice of Lifes/Lovekome (ToLoveRu + Black Cat+ Okasan Online+Komi San+ Nisekoi+ Shokugeki no Souma+ Medaka Box+ more.) Visited world: My Little Pony + others. League of Legends + Ori + others. The cover's not mine, I only own my OCs. Additional tags(will be added as the story goes.): Wincest, Massive Harem, No Netorare, No Yuri. Planned releases on Mon/Wed/Fri.

Foguinho_Loulko · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Prologue part 5 - Finnaly starting

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:-like this-


////////MC POV///////

I've already lost count of just how many years I have been training in this place, which is not helped by the fact that, just like a Black Hole, time passes slower the closer we are to the center, and guess where Castle du Scaith is located?

After the serious talk we had after that farewell party, Scatach has become bolder and bolder as the years passed, or should I say more spoiled. She has a great friendship with Ivy, both like fighting, but constantly butt heads with Lisa.

Not in a hate kind of way but in the "I love to annoy you" kind so both are always trying to out-annoy each other over the pettiest things. The only times they get on the same page on something it's when I'm involved, as the person who knows me best Lisa's power as the main wife it's still undefeated.

Now it's finally the time, I learned everything that Scatach has thrown at me, Runes, Spellsmithing, Weapon Combat, Enchantments, and a plethora of other things. Now we are going to fight for real.

Looking at her in her battle armor and her trusted spear I can't help but be fascinated by the sight. I'm also in armor and weapon, momentary, considering that I will be traveling different kinds of multiverses I am bound to find something better, the Land of Shadows is not exactly known for its resources.

This time I'm using a spear, much like Scatach.

///////////3RD POV///////

The two opponents are facing each other as if waiting for the start signal, in a serious moment like this not even Lisa dared to do her usual shenanigans and was just standing with the rest of the audience.

As if hearing the signal, both sides go at each other at the same time, Scatach was the first to attack, lunging her spear at full force, Cadmus deflected with his spear shaft to the side. Taking advantage of the momentum he pushed her weapon sideways while tilting his until the perfect moment.

Attacking in a sweep motion, Scatach ducked and right after stuck her spear into the ground using it as a jumping pole to gain distance from the second attack coming. Cadmus used the force of his first attack to quickly turn his body and tried to deliver a second slash.

Landing on her feet she spun her spear in her hands while advancing at Cadmus who met her attack head on deflecting with his own spear. She used her spear to direct his to the ground and tried to strike one of her palms into his chest.

He let the spear be redirected, letting go of one of his hands he pivoted himself, dodging her strike, and again went for a wide sweep, forcing Scatach to again take distance, and without missing a beat, he threw his spear at her.

She deflected the spear upwards only for a black smoke appear close to it and transformed back into Cadmus, taking it and coming with a downward slash. She used her earlier move to deflect his attack as a boost and, just like him, quickly turned to meet his attack.

Now locked in a battle of attrition, Scatach tightened her hand that was holding her spear shaft that was in the direction of his head. Activating a rune, images quickly formed at Cadmus's face that only had time to tilt his head sideways to dodge.

That was enough for Scatach to push him, taking his weapon out of the way she quickly used the other side of her spear to attack his open body. He used the push she gave to reposition his body rolling out of the way.

Now referencing their roles, he advanced towards Scatach spinning his spear in his hand and putting pressure on her.

Scatach:"I think it is time for us to turn this up a few notches, my kawaii deshi-kun~~."

Taking a little more seriously Scatach deflected his last attack, another red spear appeared in her hand, now dual wielding she launched a combo of slashes and thrust, picking up speed. He kept parrying and dodging the attacks, unfazed by her increase in speed and aggressiveness of attack.

Jumping backward to escape the wide sweep, he raised one of his hands and with a twist a few runes appeared and a barrier surged overhead where Scatach was coming full power thrusting with both spears shining bright red.

That barrier did not resist much but was enough time for him to move out of the way and right as she landed her attack he was already positioned. Runes illuminated his spear as he went for a full lunge.

She crossed her spear meeting his attack, making him come to a full stop, another ten spears appeared around her ready to make him into a kebab. He was ready for it, but before the spear could move, the runes flared and with an explosion pushed both him and Scatach along with her spears.

She used her spears to avoid getting much further he stood his ground and using the resulting force of the explosion that threw his upper body backward he used all his strength to throw his spear at Scatach.

She let go of her spears and jumped sideways, flaring runes drawn in his body he dashed forward they entered into a fistfight that went along all the battlefield. At any moment that they were throwing strikes with a simple flick of the wrist a rune activated creating a spell that would change the landscape.

Defending with his arm overhead, creating a light shield to receive the knife kick from Scatach, with the ground around him cracking, he flicked the wrist of his other hand making earth spikes surge from the land surrounding him going in her direction.

She smashed her palm, which was protected by runes, on one of the spikes somersaulting away and making the spikes explode like a volcanic eruption. Cadmus was already out of there counter attacking with an ice meteor shower.

Taking her spear in her hands, with a single slash everything was gone, taking a few seconds to react she jumped away before a hot air geyser exploded underneath with the spears going up from it, like a bizarre reverse rain.

He got out of the newly created hole only to be met with an actual spear rain, coming in his direction and in the air, in the middle of all of it was Scatach in the air with her signature sadistic smile on her face.

Not being disturbed by it he jumped in her direction, at each wave of his spear he knocked out any attacks coming in his direction. Using the spears around him as steps he met with her midair, the shockwave resulting from the impact nullified everything around them.

Still locking spears with each other, none of them breaking a sweat, Cadmus had a small smile on his face, and Scatach was still with her sadist expression.

Scatach:"Well kawaii deshi-kun~, why are you not going all out, we've been on this for hours you should have already beat me by now."

Cad:"I don't like to be too heavy-handed with my wives unless they deserve it."

Scatach made a scowl at his comment, feeling that he was not taking her seriously just because of their relationship.

Cad:"Or unless they really want me to."

He said it with a more suggestive tone making her smile while he started to push her with his strength.

Cad:"And besides, I don't really need to go all out."

Scatach raised an eyebrow from the sheer audacity of this bitc…..He quickly approached his face. She dodge thinking it was an attack only to hear.

Cad:"You're already mine either way"

She felt a bite in her ear that made her shudder.

Scatach:" Wha.."

That was all that she managed to voice before being swept off her feet, she tried to move away only to be kissed midair and a solid male body hugging her, depriving her of movement. He fell first quickly, turning around and covering her while deep kissing.

Letting her go he stood on one knee while she just stood there looking at his eyes he flicked her forehead.

Cad:"It seems I have managed to beat you shisho."

Scatach:"......Just shut up and take me to bed already."

Lisa:"Oh she thirsty."

Ivy:"You had to spoil didn't you?"

Lisa:"It's part of my charm."

///////MC POV///////

After a few days in bed with the ladies, I am now sitting in my kitchen in Castle du Scaith, that name did stick, even though it was a play of the name Witch of Dun Scaith and 'of' in french(du)

Serving lunch to Stella as she is explaining to me that it is time to start my journey.

Stella:"So we are all set, mother Lisa has prepared the perfect world for you to begin."

Cad:"What kind of world?"

Stella:"Well, I will let you see for yourself."

Cad:"And what about my epicenter?"

Stella:"Oh that, even though it will take way less time than what your former Earth took, it will still take some time, it finished cooling and it is now getting bigger, in a few years it will start to develop the most basic forms of plants."

Stella:"When that finishes and it becomes like a garden, that's when you will be able to use those reality bubbles."

Cad:"I see, well, let's wait for the others then."

She smiles at me while eating a slice of the pie I just baked that is being served by Valeria, the strongest of the Shadow dwellers, created by me and Scatach our "children". From a combination of runes, my shadow control, Scatach control over this dimension, and my authority of Origin race we created them.

We have to spend plenty of our energies creating each and every one of them with light purple skin, almost blue and yellow shining eyes, I just don't understand why we can only make girls.

Although nowhere near Scati's strength, they are still more than enough to protect the Land of The Shadows, which now is considered my territory since I tied the knot with Scatach. And with that, she will be able to join us on our trip.

I am able to use the aspect of omnipresence as an alarm of sorts, so if any major things start happening I can start monitoring in case I need to get hands-on. While enjoying my time with Stella, three new figures approach, coming from the bedroom.


Lisa:"Don't morning me you monster, how much more is your stamina going to upgrade, at this point I will need a wheelchair."

Cad:"Are you complaining?"

Lisa:"Hell's no, I'm bragging."

Lisa says while looking smugly at Stella who is biting her nails in frustration. I'm not comfortable with the idea of getting it on with my daughter…..yet. She is being really patient with me but she gets really envious of the more intimate time I have with my wives.

Lisa and Ivy, already used, just sat in their chairs calmly to not stir some unwanted residual pain front the few nights and days of couple activity. Scatach on the other hand wasn't so grateful.

For what is worth she is taking it really well if it was only about physical pain or psychological torture she would have taken it with no problem but this. With a light wobbly walk and a face that didn't leave the bed, she threw herself on my lap, lazily cuddling.


Cad:"So Lisa, what about the world that we will be going to?"

Lisa:"Oh, it will be fun and made it as a bridge universe, with our planeswalker ability we can see pathways for other worlds, the catch is, the world will always have something alike the place it connects to, so I made a world with various different things so you can go from there."

Lisa:"Think of it as your forward base."

Cad:"You said 'me' again shouldn't it be 'us'?"

Lisa:"Oh don't worry, I and Fate planned something really fun, we will all go together but not into the same world, aside from Ivy, just like Nick Fury in Secret Invasion, we will send the right people to the right place but don't worry it will all be helpful in the end.

Cad:"*sigh* Somehow I already expected something like that."

Already used to Lisa's penchant for planning things, this time I was prepared. I take Scatach of off me and put her on my seat and go to our room, going in front of the wall close to the nightstand I touch it, opening a secret passage to my workshop.

Getting in, I take a box in a secret compartment in my workbench and get back to the kitchen. standing in front of Lisa I make her stand, she is genuinely confused.

Cad:"You are a real pain in the ass you know that? One that I will be having for the rest of eternity and I wouldn't be having it in any other way. you were the first wife, partner, best friend, and the first woman I ever had, and I'm happy to go on this wild adventure with you"

I open the box and take a chocolate-colored ring, taking her hand I put the ring on her ring thinger.

Cad:"Elisa Hamilton Dawson, I love you."

She cries and hugs me after kissing me. She keeps staring at her new ring. I go to Ivy take a white ring with blue lining and do the same thing.

Cad:"Ivalyn Valentine Tepes Draculea, one of the noblest people I ever met…literally, our relationship may have started in a really crazy way but it doesn't change the fact that you are one of the most important people I have in my life, I love you."

With her eyes filled with tears, she looks into my eyes and kisses me.

Ivy:"And it is my honor to be saved by you, I thank you for the life you have given me."

I now go to Scatach who is looking at me like a kid on Christmas eve.

Cad:"Scatach Skadi, the most stubborn warrior I ever met. I look forward to you having my back in battle as I will have yours in everything else. I couldn't think of anyone else better to fight shoulder to shoulder, and also these juicy legs, gotta love them."

Scatach:"*snort* Damn right they are, at least you have good taste and you wouldn't dare to go without me if you know what's good for you."

She declares while trying to hide her tears from me.

Cad:"These rings do more than announce that you are taken, they have a space for you to carry items, are soul bonded, you can make them appear and disappear at will, and most important of all."

Cad:-We will always be able to be in touch.-

Hearing my voice inside their head, their eyes lit up, I looked at Stella who had a sad look on her face. taking a more simple ring, a golden one.

Cad:"Here little star, for now, this is an engagement ring, I'm still not used to this idea so give me more time."

She nodded her head so fast that I thought it would come out, she had strings of tears coming out of her eyes and she gives me a big bear hug.

Cad:"There are also a few other features that I will let you guys discover for yourselves. So let's go? Now is as good a time as any."

Everybody nods in agreement and Stella waves her hand over us and as we start to get consumed by light, my vision starts fading.

Stella:"Well everyone, even if you are going to start your work don't forget to enjoy, at least for the first few years take it as a preparation phase, don't need to rush so enjoy the ride."

All goes dark.


As I get back to a continuous state, I try to get any information about where I am. My vision is blurry, more than it should be, my body is cold, and I have difficulty moving. I was still trying to get my body to obey when I felt that I was being raised in the air.

???:"Oh my, what a poor baby, come, come, let's get out of this cold."

Hearing a jumbled voice but I can still understand what it was trying to say, and then everything clicks, what happened to me, the weak body that I can not move well, the blurry vision, the bad hearing, I was reincarnated.

Cad:-Lisa, I will not forget that you planned this and I swear you won't like what I will do to you.-


Ivy:-Not that it bothers me that I'm back to being a baby but a little heads up would have been nice, so you totally deserve to be punished this time.-

Scatach:-HAHAHAHAHAHA I was really pissed off by this but just knowing that dear husband will give you your just deserts it's all worth it.-

And with a groan from Lisa, our new life in this omniverse begins.
