

Leah was sure she was kidding herself, but she stuttered out the question to a frowning Noah, regardless.

“A-are you…jealous?”

Saying it out loud sounded even more ridiculous than the thought in her head had sounded, but her eyes widened in fascination as the clearly annoyed werewolf turned his gaze away from her without responding.

“You’re jealous?!”

Saying it the second time around didn’t seem to make the statement sound any more plausible than it had the first time.

“I’ve always been friendly with Bevon,” Leah pointed out.

While Noah seemed unaware of the man’s presence most of the time, Leah had always been fond of the driver. Perhaps that fondness had been borne out of pity, as Bevonn was always attempting to please his boss, and was only ever ignored for his efforts.