
Fateful Redemption: From Betrayal to Love's Revenge

"Don't go, please," Hazel's voice trembled as her fingers clung desperately to his. Tears welled in her eyes as she held his gaze. "I've forgiven you already. I love you too much to let you go. You could love her, but please, let me remain by your side… please." "Hazel, I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings," Max's tone was icy, unyielding. "My heart belongs to someone else." Hazel's pleas grew more desperate, her tears falling freely. "No, don't you see? My heart aches for you alone. I can't imagine living without you." "Hazel, I implore you not to push me," Max's voice was firm, a wall between them. "You need to let me go. It's time to move on. I never felt the same way for you..." ..................................................................... "I refuse to burden others with my emotions. I won't be at the mercy of my feelings. Instead, I'll harness and enjoy them, using them to my advantage. The blood that flows from my heart is precious, and I won't let it be spilled in pain..."

Goldenheart001 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 43: Intrusions and Confessions

"Should we relocate to another room?" Yunus was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of a flashlight, casting an eerie glow over both of them. Its owner, a man with heavy steps and a palpable air of suspicion, approached.

"Who is there?" Yunus demanded.

"Apologies, sir. I'm conducting a security sweep to ensure safety," the man explained, providing Hazel with the chance to discreetly exit. "Shit. Forget it," Yunus cursed as the man departed.

In an attempt to shift the mood, Hazel redirected the conversation, studying family photographs. "Is this your home?" Yunus's silence momentarily clouded the atmosphere, but he eventually responded with a captivating smile.

"Yes, this is my home—my biological parents' residence. I'm also an orphan, adopted from the Wisdom Orphanage. My birth name is Sebastian, altered due to the tragedy that befell my parents," he disclosed, the haunting image of their demise lingering. "Yunus, everyone harbors their own pain. We must support each other in the process of healing. I'm here now, a part of your family, a friend you can lean on. Let's face this journey together," Hazel conveyed, her hand on his shoulder.

"A friend," Yunus echoed, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Yes, if you're not ready to discuss your parents, I can wait. But whenever you're ready, I'm here to help," she assured, locking eyes with him. His smile was disarming, yet she consciously redirected her focus. 

"Is this your father's library?" she inquired, observing the dusty tomes.

"Yes. By the way, you mentioned remembering your ex-fiancé. You spoke his name," Yunus reminded her.

"Indeed. I'll retrieve my laptop," she excused herself briefly, returning promptly. Researching Maximus led to revelations about Nyxgaard, a prominent family in the upper echelons of society. They both attended the same secondary school.

"You attended this high school?" Yunus sought confirmation.

"Yes," she affirmed.

"Your family is far from ordinary," he remarked.

"But there's no trace of me in the school records—past or present," she noted.

"The person may have meticulously erased your name. I apprehended a man claiming responsibility for purging all information about you to ensure your safety," Yunus disclosed. Abruptly, the ambiance of the house shifted into suspense, signaling an unforeseen event. Hazel, apprehensive, awaited Yunus's response.

"Lucas must have resolved the electrical issue," Yunus surmised, observing her reaction. "You're frightened," he observed.

"This house seems haunted. Why are you getting closer?" she accused, and he responded with a teasing smile, further captivating her attention.