
few hours with the mate

Episode 9

Location:Red blood werewolf pack

Damien's POV

Feeling the sun's hot but beautiful ray's zone over my face through my window,I slowly stir both eye's open, blinking rapidly the blurriness within my eyes.

Moaning loudly,I diverge my gaze towards Kara, napping peacefully and beautifully within my warm and comfortable cuddling grasp.

Impossible to believe she napped within my cuddle all through the long and beautiful night.

Tossing fallen hair strand's behind her ear,I lean frozen, admiring her pretty and hypotonic sleepy face,her perfectly curved pointed nose likewise her lips sends powerful claiming urges down my nerves,her long bcurly lashes, bestowing her the puppy like sleeping appearance, admiring her hypnotizing face all day long seems essential compared to other tasks.

"You done admiring my face?" She suddenly questions, eyes continually shut.

"Huh?" I blurt,taken aback in shock.