
Fated To The Deranged Vampire KING ( BL)

{WARNING: R18, MATURE SCENES AHEAD ^^} In a world where supernatural creatures are out from the shadows, humans are forced to live at the bottom of the food chain. The supernatural race, led by the powerful and ancient Vampire King who rules with an iron fist. Every continent is governed by a supernatural lord, either a vampire, werewolf, or demon, but all answer to the Vampire King. Nikolas, a young man with a traumatic past, is thrown into this dangerous world when he discovers he is the fated mate of the deranged Vampire King. The King, who has lived for centuries, is becoming more deranged, due to his failure to find his fated mate. As Nikolas is drawn into the Vampire King's dark world, he must confront his own demons and become who he is destined to be With the help of unexpected allies and people from his past Nikolas must escape the King's clutches and shatter the chains of fate that bind them together or will Nikolas fall for the deranged vampire king. A little slice from the story !! (Luca leans in, his voice taking on a low tone. "I heard rumors about the Vampire King. They say he's getting more and more deranged by the day." I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of rumors?" "That he's locked himself away in his castle, surrounded by his loyal guards," Luca said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Some say he's lost his mind, while others claim he's plotting something big." I snorted. "I wouldn't put it past him. He's always been a heartless monster) *** please vote and send gifts******

saasxwrite · LGBT+
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37 Chs


Alexander sat by the fireplace, his eyes fixed on the flames as they danced around.

Nikolas was sleeping peacefully in their bed, his chest rising and falling with each gentle breath he takes but Alexander's mind was racing, his thoughts were consumed by the events of the day.

How had Nikolas healed so quickly? Alexander couldn't shake the image of Nikolas' unwounded skin, the lack of wounds or scars where there should have been brutal injuries. It was as if Nikolas' body had simply repaired itself.

Alexander's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime to understand the wonders because he had seen some remarkable things in his long life, but this was something different. This was something that defied explanation even with their mate bond Nikolas would not have healed so quickly or not having any scars.

"Nikolas," Alexander whispered, his voice barely audible over the dancing flames. "What secrets are you hiding from me?"

But Nikolas just slept on, oblivious to Alexander's turmoil. Alexander sighed, his eyes returning to the fire as he tried to make sense of it all, Doctor sooj had said it was the mate bond or Nikolas isn't human but what would he be if not human.

Xaitar knocked them entered the room, his movements quiet "Your Majesty, Doctor sooj has gotten some information about your mate ." he said softly. "He will be here by morning"

Alexander nodded, but didn't move. " You may leave " Alexander said finally, his eyes still fixed on the flames. "And I expect him here first thing in the morning."

Xaitar nodded and left, leaving Alexander to his thoughts , lost in his own private world.


Two figures approached the entrance to the king's chambers, their footsteps echoing through the quiet corridors. One, a man dressed in a crisp white doctor's uniform, his hair pulled back into a neat bun, his eyes fixed on the door ahead. The other, a figure fully dressed in mystery, covered in black from head to toe, a hood covering their face, their features hidden by the shadows.

As they reached the door, the doctor turned to the hooded figure and whispered, "You can wait outside or are you comfortable entering ."

The hooded figure nodded, "It must be done," a low voice replied, sending shiver down the doctor's spine.

The doctor hesitated, then pushed open the door and led the hooded figure into the king's chambers. Alexander looked up from his seat by the fireplace after not sleeping the whole night , his eyes narrows as he takes in the unexpected visitor.

"Doctor sooj" Alexander said, his voice neutral. "I was expecting you but who is this... person?"

Doctor sooj stepped forward, his eyes darting nervously to the hooded figure. "I brought someone to see you, Your Majesty. Someone who can help us understand what is happening to Your mate."

Alexander's eyes snapped to the hooded figure, his grip on the armrest tightening. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The hooded figure slowly pushed back its hood, revealing a face that was deathly pale but handsome with eyes that seemed to bore into Alexander's very soul . "My name is Azil ," He said

"So, what do you know?" Alexander demanded, his voice firm . "What's happening to my mate"

Azil's gaze never wavered, his eyes seeming to see right through Alexander. "May I approach him"

Alexander's instincts screamed at him to refuse, to keep this stranger away from his mate. But something about Azil's words resonated deep within him as He nodded,"Very well,"

Azil approach the bed were Nikolas was still sleeping unaware about the things going on in the room "It shows that Nikolas' body is becoming a vessel, a source to reincarnate a powerful being that is dead," Azil started his voice measured.

Alexander's eyes widened in horror. "What?" he shouted, his voice echoing off the walls as he settled Nikolas, who was still sleeping . "What are you talking about?"

Azil's expression remained serene, his eyes never leaving Alexander's face as he continued to speak. "The being I speak of is one of great power and magic, One who was thought to be lost forever, but it seems that fate has other plans."

The room fell silent, the only sound is the dancing flames in the fireplace. Alexander's eyes were fixed on Azil, his mind racing with questions but before he could ask any of them, a voice spoke up from the bed.

"So, what is going to happen to me if this so called powerful being possesses me?" Nikolas asked, his voice groggy from sleep.

All heads snapped to him, surprised that he had woken up and was now sitting up in bed, his eyes fixed on Azil. Alexander's rushes to Nikolas' side, helping him to sit up and supporting him with his arm.

"Nikolas, you shouldn't be sitting up," Alexander said, his voice full of concern. "You need to rest."

But Nikolas pushed him away, his eyes fixed on Azil. "I want to know what's going on," he said, his voice firm. "I want to know what's happening to me."

Azil's expression remained serious but a hint of a smile plays on his lips. "Ah, humans," he said. "You are indeed a curious one. Very well, I shall tell you. If the being possesses you, you will become a vessel for its power and magic."

Nikolas' eyes widened in shock as he struggled to comprehend the meaning of Azil's words. "Then what would happen to me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes fixed on Azil with a mix of fear.

Azil's smile grew wider as he leaned in, his eyes glinting with an otherworldly intensity for only a moment."You will become a being of great power and magic," he said, "But you won't be in control."

Nikolas' face paled as he felt a chill run down his spine. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.

Azil's smile grew even wider, his eyes seeming to bore into Nikolas' very soul. "The being will consume you, it will take over your body, your mind, your very essence and You will be nothing but a vessel, a shell of your former self." Azil said

Alexander's grip on Nikolas' arm tightened, his eyes fixed on Azil with a mixture of anger and confusion"That's not going to happen," he growled.

Azil's smile never wavered. "Oh, but it already is," he said. "The process has begun. He can feel it, can't you?"

Nikolas nodded, his eyes wide with fear.

Azil's smile never waver as he says "The Phoenix is rising," he said. "And soon, it will awaken but I can help you."

This chapter is dedicated to Moanana , much love <3

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