
Fated to the cursed prince

Heidi's voice barely whispered, "I don't know who that is." Viktor's lips twitched, and he stepped closer, his eyes glinting with a malicious light. Heidi felt like prey, trapped by his towering figure. She instinctively retreated, but Viktor closed the distance again. His eyes narrowed at her movement. "Tell me, Heidi," he said, his voice smooth and calm. "Who do you fear most?" Heidi's back hit the wall, leaving her no escape. "Y-you, milord." she stammered. Viktor's wicked smile grew. "Then why do you lie to me, Heidi?" He leaned in, his breath dancing across her ear. "Making me want to do...bad things to you." Heidi swallowed hard. "B-bad things?" ------- It's a world where class and power had woven itself into the fabric of life. Heidi is a young and rather rebellious slave who seems to have an addiction to getting into trouble. She disguises herself as a noble lady in order to save the one person who was family to her. Her life takes a new turn when the cold eyes of Viktor crane, the first prince of Bloodstone falls on her. A pair of eyes that soon refuses to leave her out of sight. Note: This is a slow burn fantasy romance book. Do not expect kissing or bed scenes in the first 40 chapters....at least. This is also a fantasy book, so if you see birds flying without wings or fishes walking on land, don't be surprised. it's all part of the plot.

giftedhands17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


Markus grunted, his eyes widening as viktor's sword sliced through his defenses, grazing his side. He attempted to retaliate, but viktor was too quick, dodging and weaving around Markus's attack with ease.

"You...how are you doing this?" Markus stammered, his breathing ragged. He was sure he had won the tournament with his strong essence. He couldn't imagine the embarrassment of losing to Viktor, his mother would definitely be disappointed in him.

Viktor chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Doing what, little brother?"

With a swift kick, Viktor sent Markus crashing to the ground. As Markus struggled to get back on his feet, viktor stood over him, sword raised for the final blow. The crowd gasped, in anticipation for what would happen next.

With a swift motion, Viktor raised his sword, bringing it down with a loud bang. Markus sighed in relief as viktor's sword hit the ground beside his leg.

Viktor tilted his head to the side, his piercing gaze fixed on Markus. "It might interest you to know that I never miss my target, little brother, I'll let you off for today."

Markus scowled in frustration and anger. "You flatter yourself, brother."

A chuckle escaped viktor's lips as he pulled his sword from the ground. "You can keep your seat in the court, Markus. I don't intend to get things through such means." He spared him one last glance before sheathing his sword.

Markus scoffed, pulling himself to stand on his feet. "Surely, you do not expect me to be grateful to you."

Viktor clicked his tongue at Markus's words, a sly smile playing on his lips. "A little thank you would suffice Markus, I'm sure your governess taught you that."

Markus gritted his teeth, as he sheathed his sword. Viktor offered him a sweet smile as they both offered each other a bow signalling the end of the tournament.

The crowd began to clap and cheer, although most of them were unhappy with the results. They had spent most of their gold coins betting on prince Markus, and Viktor had turned out to be the winner.

Lady Vivian who had been watching the tournament with interest, finally spoke as it came to an end. "I'm amazed at viktor's skills, what do you think mother?" She asked, turning to Queen mother Emilia.

Queen mother Emilia smiled, visibly pleased with the result of the tournament. "My grandsons are both impressive and strong," she said, her gaze falling on Genevieve's sour face.

"You should smile, Genevieve," she said, a bright smile on her face. "People would think we are mourning instead. This is a celebration after all."

Genevieve laughed nervously, putting an awkward smile on her face. "Of course I'm happy, mother. The princes have both fought well."

"If you would excuse me, I'll take a quick break and be back." Genevieve said, standing from her seat.

The Queen mother's gaze subtly narrowed at her before she nodded her head. Genevieve offered them a bow, before walking away from them.

Genevieve lowered her gaze as she walked out of the tournament ground. She had been so sure of her plans, yet somehow the tables had turned on her. She walked faster, trying to get rid of the embarrassment. Her footsteps halted when she heard the one voice she loathed call on her.

"You seem to be in a hurry, stepmother." Viktor said, a smile etched on his face.

Genevieve turned to face him, a scowl on her face. "Don't think for a second that you've won, viktor."

Viktor chuckled, placing his helmet at his side, "you worry yourself excessively, lady Genevieve. You'll age faster if this continues."

Genevieve's grip on her gown tightened, her gaze locking with viktor's. "Luck was on your side, but don't forget your place here..." She drawled stepping closer to him, before she whispered, "son of a slave."

Viktor raised an eyebrow at Genevieve's words, his voice laced with Subtle mockery. "I see. You're an expert in humble beginnings, aren't you, Lady Genevieve? After all, one doesn't forget the smell of hops and smoke so easily."

Genevieve's eyes shot up in anger, she wasn't expecting those words from Viktor. He was clearly trying to point out a part of her life she had long forgotten. The part before she became a queen. "How dare you speak to me in such manner?" She asked, her voice filled with annoyance.

Viktor offered her a sweet smile, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I believe we were both pointing out each other's flaws although I hardly consider mine as one."

Genevieve gritted her teeth, visibly annoyed and irritated. "Ten years on the battle field have only made you cruder."

Viktor clicked his tongue, his expression unrepentant. "Experience brings out the best in us, doesn't it? I'd love to rebond with you stepmother, but I have other matters to attend to." With a bow, he turned and walked away, leaving Genevieve seething.

Meanwhile, queen mother Emilia sat on her seat with a smile on her face. She had been worried about Viktor a while ago, but it seemed her first grandson was more than capable. Her gaze fell on her son, king Maximilian who sat two seats away from her.

"What did you think of the tournament, Maxi?" She asked, her voice low and calm.

King Maximilian hesitated a little before he said, "the princes are both well skilled."

The queen mother regarded him for a while before she said. "You and your brother were my only children, Maximilian. Until I lost him and the pain still lives in me even after all these years."

King Maximilian faced his mother, his brows slightly raising in question. "What are you getting at, mother?"

Queen mother Emilia sighed softly, "you should fix your relationship with your sons, Maximilian. You should try to fix the brooding rift before it's too late to do that."

King Maximilian's gaze hardened at her words. "Viktor would have nothing to do with me, not after what happened with his mother."

The Queen mother released a deep breath, "you should have given Irene a befitting burial, Maxi. But then, that is in the past and I do hope you try to amend whatever is left of your relationship with Viktor."

King Maximilian's gaze softened at the mention of viktor's mother before it hardened once again. "She committed treason against Bloodstone and no slave deserves a befitting burial."

The Queen mother shot him a glare before bringing down her gaze. "You should have considered the fact that she was a slave before bedding her. You never took responsibility for any of your actions, did you?"

King Maximilian's fists clenched before he said, "I have no intentions of raising past issues, mother. We should all focus on the future and what it has to offer."

The queen mother chuckled at his words, although her eyes conveyed another message. "Unresolved past always finds a way back to us, Maximilian, never forget that. But then, let's look towards the future after all this is a happy occasion.

King Maximilian offered his mother a gentle smile, but his eyes betrayed a hint of tension. He rose from his seat, his voice booming across the courtyard. "Good people of Bloodstone, I trust you all enjoyed the tournament?"

He paused, surveying the crowd before continuing. "It is my pleasure to announce a masquerade party, to be held this evening. I hope you all join us for a night of revelry and entertainment."

The guests clapped and cheered, the excitement for the masquerade party replacing their earlier disappointment.

"I'll check if the arrangements are in place." King Maximilian said, offering his mother a bow.

Queen mother Emilia's eyes followed her son until he walked out of the tournament ground. She sighed softly, knowing that no matter how much she spoke, her son would never change. She only hoped he would realize his mistakes before it would be too late.

"I am back, milady." The vizier's voice came, drawing Queen mother Emilia out of her thoughts.

Her eyes brightened on seeing the vizier, "did you find out about her?" She asked in anticipation.

The vizier's face furrowed as he said, "the problem is that I couldn't find anything about the lady."

Queen mother Emilia's eyebrows raised in question. "What do you mean, vizier?" She asked, her brows knitting in worry. "Are you saying she is an imposter?"

The vizier paused a little, calculating his words before he finally said. "Yes milady, she is missing from the guest list."