
Fated To The Billionaire Prince

"To onlookers I was a perfect girl, so full of life and worth emulating. But deep down I was broken. I needed fixing but each time I would try to fix myself, I fall in too deep. Everything I ever valued in my life kept disappointing me. The men I loved had turned out to be animals. Beer failed me cause I only managed to be drunk for some hours and the next day I would be sober and still face my mess. Most of my friends are wolves in sheep clothing and I would cry myself to sleep hoping to find peace from this depression. I tried to find something that would make me feel complete, that will fill up my life and make me feel a sense of belonging. I was trapped in a closet that no one knew, drowning and no one seems to be helping me out. And just when I was about to give up, I met HIM. My Royal Prince Charming. My name is Katherine Williams, only daughter of divorced parents and this is my story.

DaoistygFAN0 · Urban
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11 Chs

Episode 6

"Well then I'm grateful for that problem" he speaks up after we've been quiet for a while.

"Excuse me?" I ask with furrowed brows

"I wouldn't have known that such a beauty was here in California if you didn't have a problem."

I roll my eyes ", thank you I guess"

He smiles and we resumed eating. When we finished having our dinner, he walks me out of the restaurant to my car.

"Do you want me to drive you back home?" He inquires

"I can handle myself. Thanks for dinner anyway"

He opens up the door to my car and closes it when I'm settled in. I immediately drive off constantly praying in my hearts of hearts that I don't come across him again. I'm not ready for any friendship involving a man in my life right now.

I get home and find the girls sprawled out on the floor or my living room. They both have a spare key to my apartment just like I do with theirs. Should I be worried?

"So you went out on a date" Gina stated completely amused and I don't know why they're happy about it.

"Come on. Get over it. This is good news" Mia exclaims when she noticed the slight change in my facial expression.

I sigh and remove my shoes completely ignoring their remark as I made my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Mia hovered over me "I hear that he's handsome" she pressed. I take a huge gulp and place the glass where I initially take it.

I turn to face them "I don't know him?"

"Right. We probably don't know the handsome stranger that took you out on a date in my restaurant. Let's go with that" Mia taunts and Gina looked on trying to stifle her laughter.

"Trevor is not my..."

"Oh this stranger has a name now. That's coming as a shock for someone you don't know"

"What is your problem?" I rasped feeling agitated.

"Tell us who he is?"

"I don't even know him that well. I was drunk at the club and somehow he says that I gave him my number. He's been stalking and pestering me so I decided to go out with him for dinner so that he'll get off my back and out of my business" I explained but I'm not sure they're buying any of it.

"I don't need to explain myself to you anyways. I'm tired and sleepy" I breathed out and made my way to my room.

After having my bath, I step out of the shower only to see my friends lying down on my bed.

"Is this a joke?"

"We're sleeping here tonight. I have a morning shift so I'll just go from here" Gina tells me and I hold my towel and stare suspiciously at them.

I quickly put on my clothes and join them on bed.

"So does Trevor have a last name?" Mia asks and I bury my face in my pillow. I know that the only reason they agreed to sleep here tonight was to taunt me further so I know I won't hear the end of it tonight.




One week. That's exactly how much Time has gone. I am slowly learning to forget about my broken heart with the help of my friends as well as Trevor.

Yes, we both found a common ground to walk on and so far, it has been a blissful experience. He's an amazing friend and always tries to stand by me and help me out with whatever I'd need and whenever I need it.

So far, we don't have any complains and we hang out a lot more than usual. I am even planning on a dinner date so that I can introduce him to the girls. I am very sure that they would like him as well.

"So you're telling me you got you a sledgehammer for Christmas from your uncle when you were nine?" I asked with a high pitch laugh.

"Maybe he saw it in a horror movie and thought that it'll make a great present. It didn't actually"

'who gives a nine year old a sledgehammer?" I asked in disbelief with my phone etched on my ears and my hands trying to ruin my feet in my flimsy attempt to get a pedicure. Wasn't feeling enough vibes to visit the Spa so I thought I'd do it myself but it isn't going well.

"My uncle. Apparently."

"And I thought my dad was worse when it comes to giving presents." I say with a low chuckle.

"My dad was great at giving presents. Especially during Thanksgiving. He'd gather us around a large table with lots of food and drinks. It was always very good until we lost him and i moved in to stay with my uncle" He said that last part feeling sad and I could practically hear the emotions from his voice.

"Hey, but you turned out alright didn't you?" I tried to light up the mood after the sad conversation.

"Yeah I did"

My phone vibrates and I pull it to stare at the screen.

"Oh shoot" I say out loud forgetting that I was still on call with Trevor.

"What's wrong?"

"Um I just forgot that I had dinner plans with my dad at his house" I say as I stare at the time.

"You better get dolled up then"

I don't know why but I asked instead "Do you want to join me. You can be my pet for the night, that is if you're less busy" I add the last part quickly Incase he doesn't want to or changes his mind.

"Let's do it" he replies instead leaving me surprised.

I blink twice, no thrice.

"Um okay"

"Do you have specific rules that I should follow or what I should wear?"

"Dress very decent. My father believes that first impression matters" I Stand up from my bed and open my closet to rummage through different dresses and chose the suitable one for tonight.

"Thanks for the heads-up. I'll pick you up in thirty minutes. Just send me your location through GPS and I'll be there" he tells me and I reply 'okay' before hanging up the phone. Trevor has never been to my place and I intend to keep it that way but there's a first time for everything I guess.

I send him my location and call Dad to tell him that I'll be bringing a plus one to dinner which he agrees to.

I settle for a black bodycon dress and heels with minimal makeup.

I am about to style my hair when Trevor calls to tell me that he just entered my building.

I tell him to come inside and sit down that I'll be with him shortly.

I finish with my hair and grab my purse then spritz my perfume before stepping out of my bedroom to meet him.

The minute he sees me, his eyes rakes through my body making me feel self conscious.

"Is something wrong" I ask but he shifts his gaze and I watch him swallow, then clear his voice before he stretches his hands towards me.

I take it and he places a gentle kiss on it.

"You look stunning Katherine" The way he says my full name does something to my inside and I don't know why I'm this excited.

"Thank you"

His clothes wasn't bad either. He wore a black blazers suit that compliments his body. This man knows his stuff, that's for sure.

We walk outside and I catch a glimpse of his car. It is a Mercedes Benz E350 4Matic. What kind of job does this guy do? Where does he work?

He opens the door for me and I settle in while he turns around to take the wheel.

After giving him direction and allowing him taunt me through the ride to dad's place, we finally pull up in his driveway.

"Don't fidget. My dad is pretty cool" I try to get him calm after seeing how nervous he was becoming. I don't know he's acting nervous though. It's not like he's my boyfriend. He's only my friend.

"Katherine" Dad calls out as soon as we enter. Almost like he was expecting us. He pulls me into a tight hug "am I glad to see you daughter of mine"

Then he turns to face Trevor with extended hands.

"Good evening Sir" he greets taking dad's hands for a brief handshake.

"Evening my boy." He replies with a smile. I can tell that he's already impressed.

"So far he's better than your son" he whispers to me but I chuckle. I don't know why I'm not even offended.

We all walk to the dining area and soon after, Ava appears from the kitchen with a tray of different meals and sets them on the table.

Dad offers her a hand and before long, we are all seated on the dinner table ready to eat. She smiles at me but I return it with a forced one.

I don't know why dad invited her and if I knew that she would be here then I wouldn't even bother to show up but then again it's dad's decision and it's not like he'd listen to me if I told him otherwise.