
Chapter 2 Good Morning, Mister

The room facing east was the first to welcome the dawn. Light from the morning sun filtered through the light blue striped curtains and shone on the bed.

Her alarm clock was ringing, and Kaylin reached over to turn it off. Normally, she could've easily located her alarm and pressed the button, but her hands found a smooth and warm surface instead. It appeared to be a man's chest.

Kaylin opened her eyes immediately and was met with a pair of green eyes that looked like gems. It was strange. Those bright green eyes reminded her of the dog's eyes. What a coincidence!

"Hi!" said the man. He had taken the initiative to greet her. His low and hoarse voice was like the sea breeze that swept across the beach.

As a veterinarian, Kaylin was trained to keep her composure in face of sudden changes. "Hey there!" she greeted. Kaylin was sure she didn't bring a man home the night before. Who was he? Why was he in her bed? Even for a joke, this was too much!

His skin was taut, and a layer of oil appeared to be smeared over it under the glow of the morning sun. Each muscle was defined perfectly. Perhaps only carefully selected underwear models possessed such a perfect figure.

He had dark brown hair in lazy curls, and his eyebrows reached his temples. He had an exquisite nose bridge and perfectly sexy lips. What a handsome and charming man he was, resembling a god. Kaylin was sure that nobody surpassed him in beauty. The light stubble on his face made her heart race. God, he was really handsome!

Immediately, she cleared her thoughts about dashing male celebrities.

"Where did you come from?" Kaylin asked. He wasn't wearing any clothes! However, he had a calm look in his eyes and a noble temperament. He hadn't done anything rude, so he shouldn't be a bad person. "You... You couldn't possibly have lost your clothes and wandered into my house in search of something to wear, could you?" Kaylin asked.

He raised an eyebrow and stared at her beautiful face playfully. Her porcelain-like skin was smooth and fragile. He was more interested in the smell of her blood instead of her almond-shaped eyes. It was sweet and fragrant like a fresh fruit cake, intoxicating him. He didn't feel like exerting his strength in thinking.

"You saved me last night," he answered lazily.

"No, I saved a cute dog last night!"

"A cute dog?" he thought. His eyes were full of displeasure as he said, "No, you saved a wolf last night!"

"A wolf? No, it looked very docile. It should be a dog," Kaylin said. Would a wolf roam the streets of London in this era?

"It's a wolf!" he retorted. It was an insult for her to call him a dog. He didn't want to argue with her.

Kaylin also didn't want to quarrel. She continued, "Alright, alright. Perhaps it was a wolf. It must've escaped from the zoo and gotten shot by the zookeeper. Though they should've used an anaesthetic dart instead of a silver one if they were proper zookeepers."

"Your speculations make sense," he said.

Indeed, the zookeeper didn't shoot him. He had been shot in a fight with his species.

If he had met another woman, she would've screamed when she saw him, then she would've pounced on him like a fangirl. Perhaps she would then scream for help after being bitten by him.

What a special woman Kaylin was! Moreover, her quiet and gentle temperament calmed him. He wasn't in a hurry to do anything. He could lie down all day and chat with her comfortably.