
Chapter 114 

Pete picked up his clothes from the ground helplessly, but he was still caught off guard and was hit hard on his back by the dam. Fortunately, he supported himself against the wall of the corridor, so he did not fall.

"Remember to hand in your resignation papers tomorrow!" The auspicious bank looked at the culprit coldly. "Rosalie, don't you think you should give me an explanation?" The damned woman almost put on a green hat for him. "You are really bold. You slept next door to me, and you dare to find another man?!"

"What do you think? Don't you think I'm free to sleep next door to you? I'm a righteous woman. I can do whatever I want. Your Highness, are you too much to care about?"

"You're already my woman!" Although she didn't want to say that, it was a fact.

Rosalie was startled. What did he say? She was his? Should she be grateful? If she really was his, if he really loved her, he should have fainted on all fours!