
Chapter 106 

The faint sound of footsteps stuck to the door didn't seem like the sound of Averi's arrogant high heels. However, who else could have barged in without knocking on the door other than the two of them?

Just in case, she took a hanger from the hanger and held it in her hand.

No, this weapon doesn't seem to be strong enough. What if the one who came in is a vampire...

Remembering that Heather had put a female pistol in the jewelry cabinet for her, she quickly found it and held it in her hand.

The door of the locker room was also opened. When Kaylin raised his gun and aimed, he found a cute little head coming in. Her fashionable hair had a delicate and charming flavor in the cartoon.

"Then what about Kaylin? It's me! Don't shoot!" The slightly hoarse voice of a child immediately softened her guard.

"Caleb, you... you little wolf, are you not afraid of death? This building is full of vampires!"