
Fated to Mr. Assassin

Maradonna and Estella Cove are twins living in a relatively normal life until their foster father transforms right before their eyes into something that was not supposed to exist and reveals to them things that would forever change the course of their lives: They have to relocate to the magical world of Lorath, to spend the rest of their lives there. Lorath is a world filled with several mythical beings with several unique powers, but in her new academy, there is a vampire-demon hybrid, Haedon Conlàed, who has sworn to make Maradonna regret her existence. When it is revealed ,by the gods, Orion and Mauve that Donna is fated to fall in love with her bully and marry him to save the world, her rage boils within her and she promises to take the gods down with her, she would not marry Haedon unless the gods themselves got married on the same day. Will they heed to her request or will they let the world burn instead?

Ro_sa1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

To Disobey The Empress


I always hated the color of silver. Almost as much as I hated the silver-haired woman that had tormented my dreams for the past week. I never saw her face, but her silver curls were nearly overwhelming in their intensity. One could never forget such a sight.

And that was why I hated her so much—I could not get her out of my head. Her barely clothed body moving underneath mine was all that clouded my mind, and as an assassin, my mind was meant to be razor sharp.

When the Empress was addressing me on an important issue, I would find myself thinking about that black marking in the valley between her breasts. A black marking that eerily resembled the one that marked my face.

One vertical black line and another shorter horizontal line formed a dazzling marking across my left eye. Now when I looked at my face, I would be reminded of her. I suppressed the overwhelming urge to smash the mirror before me with my fist.

A soft knock sounded on the white quartz door.

"Mr. Haedon, the Empress will see you in 10," a strong, feminine voice said. I didn't bother to respond.

I threw on my white dress shirt and buttoned it up quickly, and pulled the sleeves up to my elbows. I buckled my black leather gun harness across my chest and I put on my black gloves.

'your touch is desire'

That was one of the first memories I had, the realization that I could make absolutely anybody mad with lust by just a single brush of my finger against their skin.

I would have to wear gloves for the rest of my life because I still couldn't control my power at nineteen. It was a dangerous power to possess. Sometimes I was scared of myself and what I could do.

I secured my black face mask in place as I walked out of the room. I needed to wear a mask because apparently, my powers had also manifested themselves in my looks, especially my facial features. Seeing only my full face was enough to make women madly obsessed and in love with me. It was a fun thing to experience at first, but it got so tiring and repetitive eventually, so I had to wear a mask.

A mask covered the lower part of my face, from the bridge of my nose to the tip of my chin. My eyes were visible. Eyes that had two different colors. My left eye was a startling silver and my right eye was a bright ruby red. Making me have a rather intense appearance overall.

I pulled open the door and stepped out of the room. The dark blue-haired woman let out a subtle gasp as her eyes landed on me. I was used to the looks I got from people, especially women. No matter how frequently they saw me, my appearance always startled them.

"Eyes up here, darling" I told her, pointing to my face, and she abruptly stopped ogling me like someone that just found water after thirsting for days in a desert.

"Right this way, Mr. Haedon" she said, sounding all professional as she turned on her heels and walked through the wide, elegantly decorated hallways.

I walked beside her without a word. It was easy to tower over her. I was already nearing seven feet. So it was easy to keep up with her short, brisk walking pace. Her hair, that was in a high ponytail, swayed from side to side at her back. I remembered grabbing into that ponytail while she pleasured me with her little pink mouth until I spent my seed down her throat. She was good, but there was still plenty of room for improvement.

"we have arrived," she said sharply as we came to a stop before a translucent door made of white quartz. "she awaits you inside" the woman added. She was looking everywhere, apart from my eyes. Was she feeling ashamed? Self conscious perhaps. Sex was rarely anything worth meaning in Lorath, especially when it came to me... Or had she begun to catch feelings already? Oh, the poor girl.

I looked at her in silence for a good minute before her eyes finally met mine. I smirked down at her as my hand went up to caress her cheek. She leaned against my touch like a cat would.

"Come to my room tonight" I said, my voice was low, nearly a whisper "I haven't had blood in a while" I added truthfully and she looked up at me, fear was evident in her eyes. She was a siren, and siren blood wasn't exactly my favorite thing in the world, but it would serve its purpose and quell my bloodlust for a short while.

I pushed a green button beside the door and it slid open to reveal the Empress's dazzling throne room. My eyes swept across the room as her majesty was in a heated discussion with her consort. I couldn't figure out what they were talking about, but I heard the word 'mate' a couple of times. Their argument died down the moment they noticed my presence. I wondered briefly if they were speaking of something that was very secretive, but then talks of mating were not uncommon. Had the Empress perhaps found another mated couple?

I walked up to the Empress, who was poised and seated on her white and golden throne. She looked like the definition of elegance and beauty. Nobody that existed was worthier than she was to be called ruler of Lorath. Her presence screamed power. It was the turn of werewolves to rule Lorath, and she had ten more years to rule before it would be turn for the sirens to rule. She was elected by the werewolf council despite being a female, with was quite a rare occurrence. It showed just how formidable she was.

Her face broke into a wide smile as I gave her a quick but firm bow. Her consort sat at her right hand with a pissed off expression in his black eyes. Perhaps they were having a lovers' quarrel.

"if it isn't my most favoured soldier," she mused in a singsong voice.

"it is my deepest honor, your majesty," I said.

"I have a mission for you Conlàed" she said. They piled her bright blonde hair on top of her head in dainty curls that brushed the pearl necklace that decorated her youthful, slender neck.

"I am ready as always, your majesty," I said. "Tell me what I need to do"

"that's my Haedon, always so eager to put a bullet in someone" the empress told her consort with humor in her voice, but he was not smiling at all, instead he was looking at me as though I was planning to steal his wife from him. I nearly scoffed at him. If I wanted to be a king consort, I would have done so easily. If I even wanted to rule over Lorath as emperor, I would have done so... My power was that great. But I had no interest in ruling. It was too demanding. Everybody would want a piece of me as their ruler and I was not ready for such commitments. I would rather leave the hard work for someone else.

"your mission today was supposed to be quite simple," The Empress said. "we have discovered a new band of rebels. They call themselves the revolutionaries," she added. Her voice sounded irritated.

She rubbed her temples, looking exhausted. "I don't know how many of them I have to disband before they realize they can't overthrow me."

"Anyway, they have formed a hideout in the Lycan forests," she said. The Lycan forests were not very far away. I did not even need a vehicle. I could simply fly there in only a couple of minutes. It felt like there was something important that I was supposed to know.

"but there is a problem," she continued. "I invited some humans to Lorath a week ago, and they just arrived in the Lycan forests."

"I don't see how that is much of a problem, your majesty," I said truthfully.

With delicate precision, the Empress spoke, her words laced with intention as she sought the ideal expression. "Within you," she confessed, "there exists a profound emotional tether, compelling you to gravitate towards the enchanting allure of humankind."

"why would that be? I have no attraction towards humans, you have nothing to worry about, your Majesty," I explained.

The Empress opened her mouth as if to say something, but she looked at her consort instead, as though reaching to him for help.

"alright then, Mr. Conlàed, I trust you with my life after all," the Empress finally said. "go, I'll be waiting for your report when you return," she said.

I nodded curtly as I turned to leave the throne room.

"do not forget to stay clear of the humans. Do not let them see you or the revolutionaries, "she warned. "Be swift and sharp as a blade as usual."

"of course, Your Majesty"

I left the room with a deep bow as I headed to the elevators leading to the outside world.

The elevator came to a stop, and I took the stairs to the rooftop. I thought about the one time I tasted human blood. It had instantly become my favorite. Other vampires viewed me as a deviant with weird tastes... But to me, human blood was simply the best one.

In Lorath, humans were extremely rare due to discrimination. They were considered weak and worthless, pushed to the lowest rung of society. The remaining few hid in secrecy, making them a rare and elusive sight.

The thought that I was going to be seeing some humans soon caused me to instinctively lick my lips in anticipation.

Perhaps today would be one of the few days when I would disobey a direct order from the Empress.