
Fated To Love Spirit Mountain

"After long time, there is no way i'm just letting you go." "Just try to leave, you will end up got found by me." -Nara- This story tells of a girl who loved by a half-human jinn. Taking inspiration from the historical story between Prince Surya Kencana and Dewi Arum Sari. But of course this story will be a little different from that. Taken from a woman's point of view. Putri, a girl 25-year-old who has been single for that time from her born, finds herself got one sided love with Panji, her old co-worker. Unfortunately Panji loves Melissa. One time they traveled to Gede mountain, they were hiking. However, there are many mystical things that Putri experiences that cause her to meet a half-jinn human who claims to be the son of the Surya Kencana's so.. He intended to save her from various things and then one thing he realized. If it turns out that Putri is...

putrimaharani12 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Man in white

Putri tried to ignore it and kept running to her friends.  Feeling that there are many good spots to take pictures, Melissa, Aisyah, Doni and Panji have fun taking pictures with each other there, whether self photo or together.

Leaving one woman busy picking up trash scattered around her. Putri.

Panji sometimes feels uncomfortable when Putri intentionally disturb him, when he wants to take pictures alone. 

Just like an ad.

In the end, Panji not taking the pictures because Putri was too often back and forth in front of him.

"Putri! Can you not go back and forth rubbing like that? Do I need to give you a sign not to swim here?"  asked Panji nonchalantly, Doni laughed and even Aisyah.

"Why it turned out to swim? You are so stupid." Aisyah laughed, Doni also said.

Melissa now asks Panji to take a photo of her, they took a photo together at that time.  Behind the mountains and high ravines.  It feels like the world belongs to both of them.

"Putri, let's take a photo. What are you doing keep picking up trash. It's people's garbage."  said Aisha.

"You know Putri, I really hope you to be given your award here. Do you want to be an ambassador of anything?" 

Putri then replied.  "No thanks, i get much award in my home."

"Why don't you just let it be, people are doing the right thing instead they are blamed. Really, if the mountain is clean, who will feel comfortable? It's you too, right?"  defend Doni.

Panji clapped.  "Wow, Doni is now Putri's lawyer, how much do you get paid?"  he asked.

"My salary is only love from her."  Doni said and then throw up because his own words. Putri shake her head.

"Eh, what if we stay here late? Come on, hurry up."  said Putri asked them to leave from there.

"Haha, just say that you're afraid, what that old man told you earlier."  said Panji.

Putri challenged.  "Who's afraid?! Why am I afraid of that!"  said the Princess.

"Just calm, don't be so loud. The baby is sleeping now."  said Panji grinning.

"Dont joke! Are you even pregnant?!"

"Yes, Putri is right, I am also afraid that we will be late but we haven't reached the top yet. We have also missed the people in front."  Melissa said.

They were united again to continue the journey.  Passing a lot of bushes, it turns out that there are some mud puddles from yesterday's rain.

Panji found that his feet had leeches after crossing the puddle.  "Hey, be careful guys, there are a lot of leeches in this puddle. Mel, be careful, avoid it."  said Panji.

Melissa who was walking behind him immediately obeyed his words.  Avoid puddles.

Doni said to Putri and Aisyah.  "Feelings for Melissa are just words. Shouldn't we be taken into account?"  said Don.

"We're trees."  said Putri, suddenly her eyes turned to a kitten who was having trouble walking, his legs looked limp at that time.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry for this cat."  he said.

Panji looked back, he again saw Putri left at the end there.

"Put! What are you doing?! If you lose track of us, you will cry blood! You will get lost!"  Panji shouted.

Putri who was busy feeding the cat immediately rushed away from the cat, said goodbye to him and then ran back to them, with hasty steps.

Suddenly the kitten was silent and slowly disappeared.  A handsome man dressed all in white reappeared there.  Staring at the back of Putri and her friends who are disappearing.


Suddenly Putri looked back behind her.  She felt very clear heard someone say her name.  But there's no one there.

Putri was surprised, even now she felt shiver. "Is there a ghost at this day time? No, no, I can't think weird things. What if we're going to be late tonight and I can't sleep?! I'm dead."  Putri thought shuddered.

She remember when old man earlier told her the story who make her feel afraid, now she turned away from it.  Because she felt that what she thought was just a 'myth' but its not!

Putri was accelerating her footsteps at that time, following her friends.  Until she was so excited to go upstairs, Putri left her friends and first came to a meadow.

This meadow is called Surya Kencana.  All her eyes were presented with a view of many edelweiss flowers.

Plus the flowers are blooming now, adding to Putri's admiration at that time.  Putri immediately took a photo of herself between the flower beds with a cheerful expression.

There is also very crowded, many tourists and visitors from outside the area set up tents there or just take pictures like her.

Putri who was originally filled with fear, was now the opposite of that.

Putri faced herself to the camera with various poses, but strangely in the camera, Putri saw a man in white looking at her behind.

Putri immediately looked behind her.  She scared when she saw that there was no one behind her

Putri's fear came back again.  "Who's that... Please.. Why is it there is someone on the camera but when I look behind me it's not anyone!" said her scared.

But she tries not to be consumed by her fantasy, she tries to ignore this.

Putri took the initiative to move away from the place, she turned the front camera of the cellphone back at her.  And yes!  There was not that man anymore!

Putri felt so safe, she even thought it was just an illusion!

She is now back in various poses in front of her camera, until her friends come, making one of them just shake his head to see Putri is already there and taking photo.

"You selfie queen!"  said Panji. 

"If you asked Putri to run a race, she must be won."  said Don.

They took pictures of each other there.

Putri was busy reviewing the photos earlier.  However, something was strange.  She sees all the photos are blurry!  Putri was upset about it.

"Why is this all blurry? Even though it wasn't blurry when it was photographed!"  complained Putri.

She also tried to take a photo of herself again, she put the front camera of the cellphone as her face.

She was shocked beyond measure, she saw the figure of a young man dressed in white reappear behind her, even this time his face looks very clear!  Pale!

Putri tried to look back behind, she turned her body and shuddered badly when she saw behind her there was no one, again!  Then who is he!

Putri immediately went limp, she immediately dropped herself onto the grass.  Her legs weren't even strong enough to support her.  She was so frightened, she sat the face down and her head on her heels.

The four friends who saw this were immediately confused and worried.  They approached Putri as soon as possible.  Especially when they heard Putri crying loud at that time.

"Putri, what's wrong?!"  asked Panji anxiously.  Putri just kept crying.

"Eh, could it be that the Putri is in trance?"  Doni asked.

  "I'm aware, stupid."

"Yes, then why are you being like this?"  asked Panji still worried.