

Pov Somewhere in Eastwood ville I really couldn't believe my eyes,I thought I was still dreaming or rather still this was a dream. How the f**k did I end up in the same room with this unknown man??. I could really feel his warm breath on my skin,the scent that filled the room was Amazing, but who is this person?!. All I could recall from last night was leaving my house to work and now I end up in another man's bedroom??!!! I wouldn't lie this is my first time being with someone this close and to think more of it I really loved it. But wait, am I naked??. The tingling feeling down there was really painful but it was just then I began recalling what happened last night………" But before I could stand up from the bed,warm hands with cold breath squeezed me from behind and didn't want to let me go. Looking at the figure right beside he was really handsome. Wait, am I already drooling at someone I don't even know?!This must be a joke. I surveyed my surroundings and I knew that definitely this is a hotel but where and who am I with?. I just couldn't take it anymore. I needed help. How could he still have the guts to hold me firmly even when I am still in pain. I knew I needed to do something and it should be very fast. The only reasonable thought that came to my head was to shout for help and make a run for it. "Someone ……"but before I could utter another word the strong firm figure behind me held my mouth shut and that was my last time seeing the light in the room again. There and then I knew that This was just the beginning of my Doom.

Munachiso_Oluoma · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter eight

Waking up in the morning to this beautiful sunset was all I needed for a fresh start because indeed today would really be one of the worst and unforgettable days in my life. My parents' burial was today. The speed at which the seven (7) days came and went was really worth questioning. By now I had fully recovered from the accident as my injuries were thoroughly attended to. Nurse Theresa was at her very best in helping me recover quickly and thanks to her I made it through. I woke up, said my prayers, took my bath, dressed up in my white and black gown that was customized only for me as a daughter,family member and only child of the deceased and I ate in preparation for this big yet sorrowful day. The Burial wasn't really expected to be a big gathering mainly because my family members were not invited at all except Aunt Stella because she was to come and pick me up today after the burial. That's even if she'd come. It was organized by the management of Kingsway hospital and it was solely to be attended by its staff. Nurse Theresa was all by my side during the burial ceremony. The ceremony was a bit brief and short. It started with the singing of the hymns from the crowd which was headed by a staff of the hospital whom I haven't really seen around then the invited pastor took his stand and gave us some words of exaltation and encouragement but what I mainly picked from his sermon was when he said that "this world is too short so you should make every minute, second and hour count because in a twinkling of an eye everything would disappear and vanish away because everything in this world is Vanity '' and indeed everything single word of exaltation he gave were nothing more than the Gospel truth and I really recommended him for his truthfulness and not vain saying as other fake so called prophets of God would otherwise counter such truths. He spoke with so much authority, belief and conviction that one would have thought that he had come into this world before and also died only for him to be born again or rather still he reincarnated back into this world. After he was through with the sermon he then told us to stand up and pray, pray against any sudden and uncalled death for our lives, families and loved ones, I prayed seriously against death because he had in no means done any good to me but rather brought so much pain and sorrow to a poor little twelve (12) year old but nothing could be reversed as the deed was already done. And now it was time for the hardest part of the ceremony, This was when the officiating minister finished his sermon and he spoke some words of prayers to us only for him to direct the casket guys to come and bring in the Bodies of my parents forward to the main stage and any relative or family member should come out now and say his or her last Goodbyes because they would soon be lowered inside the already dug 4 ft ground. Nurse Theresa quickly gave me a heads up and gave me reassurance that everything would be okay.

I stepped forward towards the pulpit and saw the opened coffins that contained the bodies of my both parents. At this point in time,I didn't even know what to say as tears started pouring down my cheeks in an uncontrollable manner. I had earlier prepared a solemn documented speech that I would say lastly to my parents in the presence of the crowd but at the sight of their Dead bodies lying still and lifelessly in the coffin and also the remembering that no more late night storytelling nor mom's delicious preparation of my best food; chicken soup and boiled sweet yams and we eating together as a good loving family as it always has been in the past times topped with the fact that they could no longer be found in the face of the earth, I literally knelt down and started crying,I still couldn't believe that the both died, the only words that I could mutter out was "Mom, dad why did you leave me so soon" as nurse Theresa quickly came to my rescue and was indebtedly consoling me. I instantly made a promise to myself that I was going to be all that they ever wished for, Both academically, physically and socially. I would go into society and bring light unto men , I would be their Savior. I would do all these things and definitely make them proud to have begotten me as their only child before living this sinful and cruel world. Thereafter Mom and dad were lowered into the already dug grave and covered up fully as we stood around the grave to give our last gifts to the deceased and I said some of our last words to them before I turned my back to the congregation and soon after the burial ceremony came to an end.

I sat down all alone still looking at the newly filled grave of my parents and different thoughts ran down my mind. How was I going to survive for the rest of my life as I had no family whatsoever and that was when I got a gentle tap on the shoulder and I turned to see who it was only for me to see Aunt Stella standing right in front of me and I hugged her so badly that I believed she was shocked to be getting such welcome as we have even spoken or related well before now. She then told me that she was called up by the head doctor of this hospital and was told about the terrible news that happened. She spoke with so much pity that I almost wanted to start crying but it was as if she knew what I was about doing and she then spoke out and said "he also told me to come and take you home,so my dear niece you have nothing to be afraid of as I would promise to give and share with you the little that I have, I hope this would be ok by you?". I nodded in affirmation of what she said and then she carried me closer to herself and started consoling me as tears were dropping down my cheeks so heavily even as I tried stopping it. After she was sure that no tears were dropping from my eyelids, she then scooped my face in her palms and said "Dear Catherina let's go in and meet with the doctor so that you could be cleared out and we could go home and freshen up Abit you look really pale and tired". So she took me in her hands as we walked down to the senior doctors office. We got there and knocked and he answered that we should come in,we came in and sat down as he addressed us. He started as praising me and telling my aunt how responsive I had been throughout out my recovery stay in the hospital and he would really recommend me for it unlike some other past patients but then surely the time has finally come for them to change and hand over to the appropriate authority in charge of me and that would be my aunt here sitting beside me. He prayed and wished me all the best in life as I had many milestones to Achieve in the near future. He was sending me out not for bad reasons but to become a better person to myself and the society. And finally he turned to my aunt and told her to be a good if not the best aunt I could ever have wished for, he commended that I be given the best educational and home training because without the both there won't be any better future for me. My aunt promised that she would give in her best if that is what it could take for me to become happy and effective to myself and my society at large.

Doctor Patrick then instructed me to now go in and pack the few things I had in the ward as it was now time for me to leave the hospital. I looked towards aunt Stella and she gave me the head start that I could go and pack up so that we could start going immediately. I stood up with thoughts filled up my head from different dimensions as I walked slowly but gracefully out of the doctors office and I could tell that they were still discussing matters that I didn't even know about. As I walked in the hospital room where I have long been staying,I saw from afar that nurse Theresa was sitting on the bed by the corner and immediately she heard the sound of footsteps she turned back and when she saw that it was me she took a fast move towards me and hugged me very tightly as never before. She then scooped my face and said to me "don't worry dear, everything would be alright, it would only take some matter of time for you to heal as time heals open sores". I took these words with so much meaning and belief that everything would be alright. She then continued "I believe you came here to get your stuff as you would be leaving anytime soon?". I nodded in assertion and she replied to me "oh dear don't bother yourself as I have already helped you in packing up for your trip ". I didn't even know when drops of tears which could be described as 'tears of joy' started flowing down my cheeks and I hugged her so tightly letting her know that I would dearly and honestly miss her.

She then looked me right in my face and told me that this was the least best she could do for me as a departure gift and that she was wishing me all the best to come. I turned around to the room and saw the already packed bags lying on top of the middle table and I gracefully walked up to the bag and carried it down and before I could move again she made an attempt to stop me from carrying the bags that she would help me but nurse Theresa was too stubborn as she flinged the bags right out of my hands and started walking towards the entrance door. I then stopped her and told her that I really appreciated the great love she showed towards me throughout my stay in the hospital. She replied to me as saying that this was her job and she took delight and joy in doing it that I shouldn't bother with the unnecessary praise as I should come so that we could start going to the head doctors office as she believes that my aunt would patiently be waiting for me. She picked up my bags and started walking towards the front door and I just stood at the spot she left me and muttered some words of prayers for her that 'God would answer all her secret prayers and bless her abundantly in everything she does. I also prayed earnestly for her to meet the love of her life and that the next time I'd be coming back here or I would see her in the future, that it would be good news that I would receive. I later ran up to her and walked with her till we reached the doctor's office and I knocked and was instructed to come in as I saw my aunt shaking hands with the doctor as though they had just signed an agreement and I knew it could only be because of me. My aunt then walked out of the room followed suit by the doctor then after I and nurse Theresa.

They escorted us to my aunt's car and I put my luggages into the car booth of my aunt with the help from my favorite nurse. My aunt then entered into the driver's seat as she motioned me to enter also which I did and she started the motor vehicle. I quickly winded down to get a close view of the doctor and nurse. She slowly drove out the gate as it was opened for her and I waved towards nurse Theresa and doctor Patrick as we drove out of the compound and that was the last time I saw any of them.